Sunday, March 27, 2011


So, working at a nursing home. Did it affect me? Hell yes.

As I come to the end of my placement at a local nursing home I’m starting to think about how things will be after I leave. I’m also trying to reflect on my experiences throughout the weeks.

Well, honestly, I’m still wondering how to put all of my thoughts in order. It’s really not the work that gets to you but the people that you work with and the people that you care for.

I know that in my first week or two I was so in shock by the fact that I could just walk into these people’s homes and after just a short introduction that they were likely to forget by the time I’d see them again, I was allowed to watch as they were cared for.

I’m sure I’m not alone in this to think that while it was all a great learning experience for me, how sad it is for the people that they have gotten to the state that they don’t even seem flustered by the fact that this stranger who they just met five minutes ago is watching them get undressed, washed, fed, and all that goes with the daily care. I can imagine some of these people starting out their lives like me, with the thought of someone other than yourself caring for you being heartbreaking.
Actually a lot of them have told me that they did start out thinking like that. But when you’re unable to do these things for yourself someone needs to. And when you’re in a home, that someone can change every day.

And then the interns, those damn interns who just come in without a proper warning and demand to watch because they do need to learn these things and who knows, in a few years they might be back to care for you all over again. Does that make it any more pleasant? Nope, pretty sure it doesn’t.

I keep thinking about my grandparents and parents and even myself. What if at one point we’d end up in a place like that? As great as some of the people are cared for, I wouldn’t wish it on my biggest enemy.

Oy, settled in for 8 weeks already and it took me this long to get to this point.
I was there weeks ago, really, but very willing to ignore it all, now it’s getting harder to ignore it. Why? Because I’m leaving and unless I come back I won’t have any idea how these people are doing or living their lives. Do they know person A. likes to get dressed sitting on the bed? No. Do they know person B. likes to go for walks when you have the time? No. And you can’t help but wonder how the hell this place will run without you. You know it will; but man, will it go as smoothly? The answer, of course is yes. These people may love you and confide in you but it’s oh so likely that the people that have worked there for YEARS as opposed to WEEKS know these things as well, but you still wonder. Can’t help it, right?
Either way, it was a great experience to have, I do like it there, I love most of the people I got to work with, they have been a great help and great teachers to me and I’ll make sure that every single one of them knows that by the time I have to leave.

So alas, not so much witty, a tiny bit ranty, but all of it is true and it’s a part of me and my experience. It shall shortly be joined by a funny as well. Because we all know that between grabby old men and crazy people that try to smack you, nursing homes can be fucking hilarious on a good day.

Oh wait, here's a tiny funny for the grammar geeks amongst us. I googled to see if 'affect' was indeed the correct word to use here. Please tell me I didn't just make an ass out of myself. If I did, my excuse is that daylight savings has me jet lagged. :)