Saturday, November 3, 2012

Movember in Shanghai

Well hi everyone, it's been a gazillion trillion months since my last post and I hope that the month that we like to call Movember will change that at least a little bit. For the slower ones amongst us, I'll inform you that tomorrow night I will be leaving for Shanghai, China for a month, a MONTH! Too late to turn back now, the plane is ready to take off pretty much! I, after a few tries *think* I figured out how to set this thing to post to facebook automatically (guess we'll see in a bit) so my English friends might have a little something to look forward to as well depending on how motivated I am.
Hopefully this thing will also work in China, if not, sucks!

For those unaware, this is going to be an educational trip, organised by our trusty school, we'll be learning about our Chinese colleagues and all kinds of other fun stuff that belongs to the regular touristy things one does when in China.

My loyal companion, other than my 9 follow students, will be Mini George.

You all know George from my Twilight Disaster post a.k.a. It all started with a panda... 

But this is his tinier counterpart, suitably named: Mini George. thus his introduction. He's small enough to travel along easily so he shall be joining me and George will be staying at the homebase to keep the grandfolk company. Solid plan, no?

Anyhooooo, cheers!
