Week 3 of season 7 and I am ready to start watching!
Holy dramatic intro thing.
We get to hear who the dancers’ inspiration to dance was, I don’t really care but maybe I’ll get into it.
Ashley now seems even more foreign than Robert, even though she was FEATURED in the auditions. Forgettable? I do think so.
Cat you can stop telling people that they’re live. We know, the word is right there at the top, they know, they probably had it written all over their tickets.
Bahahahhaa, Alex doesn’t get a pretty girl to dance with!
Adechike is dancing with Lauren.
Wow check out Lauren releasing the ladies (she just exposed her bra and gave her @@ some airtime).
I liked it I guess. Adechike finally danced with a bit of a personality so that’s good.
Lauren outdanced him though.
What brought this out of him? A combination of dancing hiphop, seeing Lauren shake her butt and her @@, methinks.
Ashley and Ade are doing a Contemporary piece.
Ashley needs to stop talking, please. Whenever she opens her mouth all I hear is this whiney 'waaaaaah' noise.
This sounds like an interesting dance.
What started out as sounding interesting (can’t stand without you holding me up) is not done as I'd liked to have seen that concept.
I don’t know exactly what I was expecting but it didn’t look like this and my idea was much better in my head.
In the end pose Ashley looks…. possessed or something.
Billy’s solo. Billy is beyond epic. His solo was amazing. That is all.
Robert and Courtney will be dancing a Sonya Tayeh Jazz routine.
I love Courtney’s pants, how bad is that. It’s so bad it goes back to awesome.
This dance was forgettable to me, it had some good points but overall it was boring.
Robert reminded me of Mark a bit in this routine only Mark knows how to dance Sonya routines.
Mia and choking, do I spot a fetish? She said the same thing for Kayla and Jasons hiphop with the choking.
Jose is doing his solo.
Oh this boy’s smile. The dance didn’t interest me much though, I prefer to watch Dominic.
Melinda and Pasha are dancing a Salsa this week.
Oh noes, bad start, her dress got stuck, but she got it out quickly.
Her footwork is good, but then again she’s a tapper.
her hips are stiff and the lifts are awkward.
I mean, wha?
Melinda was not sexy in this dance, which is hard since she was dancing with Pasha.
She was a bit stiff all over.
The judges were complete asses to say that to her though, they made their decision last week and need to get over it. No need to make Melinda feel like crap about them making a ‘mistake’. I can only Imagine how that poor girl felt.
Kent has his solo now.
I wasn’t really impressed. I’ll take Billy Bell over him when it comes to solos.
Alex’s solo.
A bit all over the place with the song but it certainly kept my attention.
Especially that jump split thing he did.
Lauren and Neil dance together. Broadway.
This was very cute! Sexy, catchy, fun, I liked it.
Nigel is such a perv. This is an 18 (or so) year old girl, Nigel, stop perving all over her.
Ashley’s solo.
The beginning was a waste of time if you ask me. But after that it’s all pretty good.
Billy and Kathryn are dancing contemporary. This will probably be pretty good, Billy is a phenomenal dancer and Kathryn is also very good (though lacking in the personality section of it all).
The lighting is annoying in the beginning.
But other than that, I loved it. No other words.
Robert is also dancing a solo. I keep forgetting what it is that he does so this is good.
But alas, that didn’t interest me at all. I’ll just step aside while Mia loves on him.
Jose and Anya are dancing the Samba.
Jose seems to be wearing one of Dmitry’s shirts (ha, the judges said that too, but then again, anybody that knows Dmitry would say that).
Awesomeness. That is all. Jose sucked, he really did. But he is so cute!
Melinda’s solo.
Interesting song to tap on. I quite like it though!
I thought it wouldn’t work but she made it work.
Kent and Allison.
I kind of liked it. But, this wasn’t really great.
There were some technical beauties but other than that, meh.
Allison is looking pretty this season, just something I noticed in their rehearsal video.
Adechike’s solo’s coming up.
Nice solo, Adechike!
Lauren’s solo now.
That alone ruined it.
I was blissfully unaware that this song ever happened like that and was very happy that way.
Alex and Twitch are up now.
Alex is friggin pop locking, HELLO.
Nappytabs, yes yes yes! You WIN at dance.
Nigel, F off, stop being a brat about you stupid idea. There may be awesome routines thrown in, but we have good reasons to dislike this.
And I doubt that this would get an Emmy.
The Allison and Alex routine certainly will be up for one though.
WHY is NappyTabs’ response to Adam’s ‘you are awesome’ gyrating? Did I miss something here? Why is Nigel gyrating back? This is awkwarddddd.
My guess for the bottom three, Melinda (duh), maybe Jose and Robert and if so maybe instead of Melinda they’ll kick Robert off so that they won’t be left with all boys (how well is your idea working now, Nigel?!)