Friday, February 12, 2010

Obsessions: December

I thought this would be a great place to talk about all of my obsessions. I usually have one or two obsessions a month, then slowly move on to a (possibly related) subject to obsess about.
Lets talk last year, December, not too far back.
I had two obsessions. One was at least taking me places (places around youtube, that is) the other.... was just making me drool for a minute or so a few times a day.

Lets start with the drooling and then move on to something more sophisticated, shall we? The object of my droolation was (still is actually) the Jillz commercial.
Some of you might ask 'what the hell is Jillz?' well, you wouldn't know watching the commercial, let me tell you!
It's a sparkling apple cider by Heineken, whatever.
It contains 4 hot men singing in a sexy way while they work with their apples (real apples, you dirty dirty people).
They dance in their local bar and take a nice refreshing swim after they finish working. See where I'm heading here?
Lets just show you the famous commercial.
I know right? Four men, dancing on top of a bar, in suits, dressed to the nines (nothing suits me like a suit!)... anyways, back on track, that just ruined some of their sex appeal but totally upped their 'funny'.
Right, dancing on top of a bar, looking pretty damn sharp, then revealing their naked chests to me while all shiny and wet. HELLO. Be still my heart.

Jillz's website informs me that their names are:
Johnny: Nomnom with dark hair.
Hunter: curly haired beauty.
Silver: dark nomnom (really now, Silver?)
Game: blonde piece of nom
Yeah, right, liars. Well I can't find their real names anywhere right now but I'll get there. Lets just focus on everything but their names now shall we.

Now people, cool down, have a Jillz and breathe.

Now on to my other obsession of December: Celtic Woman.

I happened to stumble upon their version of Somewhere over the rainbow and was in love. Gorgeous voices.
Celtic Woman has many forms, their set up changes very often, I have two favorite set ups, and only one of the girls in them is left, the blonde one with the long straight hair (good moment to notice that there are three blondes in this video.)

I'd become especially obsessed with their Christmas songs which they did a few years ago. Who would have thought their type of singing would fit well with old Christian Christmas songs, right? Right.

Well the most important part of this of course, are the names. There are some nice ones in there!
As they are in the Dutch wikipedia page:

Chloë Alexandra Adele Emily
Órla (pretty sure she changed it from Orlagh)
Lisa Olivia Mary Sinéad (really a Laoise)
Máiréad Anna Kathleen

Not bad, no?

Well those were my December obsessions, my January obsessions are of course, ready. and February is in progress. I shall report back to you soonish (but possibly never).