Friday, March 19, 2010

I'd like to thank the Academy...

...for nothin'

As many know there was a lot of uproar lately because the Acedemy left off Farrah Fawcett in their in memoriam segment of the show, but did honor Michael Jackson, who, is not an actor by trade but a singer (duh, we all know that).
They released a 'statement' a week or two so ago. Bruce Davis, the executive director, said:

Fawcett was best known for her 'remarkable television work' and would be more appropriately honored by the television academy at the Emmy Awards. The Academy Awards recognizes achievement in movies.

Talk about backstabbing bastards, Farrah's been one of few Academy members for a decade or FOUR, made a gazillion movies and still got screwed over by what she probably thought were her peers.
And then we all think 'why the hell did Michael Jackson get in?' Well folks, we have an answer for that, too!

When asked why Michael Jackson was included when actors were left out, Davis explained that Jackson had appeared in a popular theatrical film recently ('This is It').

That wasn't even meant to be a movie in the first place, it was just for the dancers and singers to be able to look back and see what they did so they could improve.
And heck, Farrah Fawcett made a documentary just before she died. Just because it wasn't all famewhorily advertised doesn't mean it's not basically the same thing as Michael Jackson's 'movie'. Heck, Farrah’s was even more as it was meant to be a documentary when she filmed it.

"Think of all the blogging we would have gotten if we had left him out!" he said.

Well he asked for it! Well as Michael Jackson was a singer and not an actor (not really) I doubt a lot of bloggers would have been outraged because they would realize that the Oscars is not a place for singers (disclaimer: I have nothing again MJ and would never have minded if both were in the memoriam).
The Academy has since then apologized to the family, friends and fans of Farrah, but Bruce Davis still stands by what he said.


We'll have our own little in memoriam for the lady.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Top ten disturbed/crazy but badass women

Since the crazy ladies are always my favorite on tv, I thought I'd make a little list of my current favorites.

10. Winifred "Fred" Burkle- Angel
"You know what they say about payback? Well, I'm the bitch."

Fred! She's not so much crazy as she is traumatized. Stuck in a hell dimension for five years where the habitants call you a cow, put a collar on you and make you work until you drop dead. Oh and did I mention that the collar would make your head explode if you disobey? And the occasional feeding on a human. Enough to make a girl mad (both meanings). She can surprise you though, sometimes it's just too much and she pops, just ask her old professor, oh wait, you can't because he's dead (ok fine, she didn't really kill him but she would have!)! She is utterly adorable though, with a love for tacos and a Texan accent you just want to take her home.

9. Bernadette - the Magdalene sisters
"You can shove your friendly face up your not so friendly arse."

Also not so much a natural crazy as it is one created by the people around her. Just a normal girl trying to lead a normal life, flirted with the boys a bit too much in the nuns' opinions. So off she was shipped, to a laundry house where she had to work until she broke down and beaten when she didn't. Her story really is quite sad, but I still think she's awesome and badass. She does what she has to do to keep herself safe. Don't cross her.

8. Cameron Phillips- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
"Goodbye, bird. There's a fifty-one percent chance I wouldn't have killed you."

Ok, in her defense, she really didn't mean to be a bird killer. It was a weird hand spasm. Hand spasm, you say? How does that kill birds, you may ask. Well, she's a robot. One from the future no less, sent back to protect this big savior, John. She has no emotions (or at least, not supposed to have them), has been programmed for her mission and her mission only, so basically a super strong robot with a one track mind. If John (or his mom) does not stop her in time and you're in her way, you're in big trouble. She has little social skills and that's always a big hit. But hey, she'll protect you and will follow you wherever you go, except for water, she doesn't swim.

7. Velma Kelly- Chicago
"Oh no, Mama, not you, too."

Now she, is special. She'll do just about anything for her fame and fortune, but be damned if you cross her, she'll kill you. No really, she will. So don't even dare doing the number 17 with her sister. She'll kill you so fast that she won't even remember it.... until she washes your blood off her hands. But to be fair, you had it coming. As I said, she'll do anything for the spotlight, that's why, at the end of the movie, she joins forces with the person she's been competing against for all of the previous 108 minutes. All for a bit of fame, I guess it feels good.

6. River Tam - Firefly
"I swallowed a bug"

First of all, allow me a moment to giggle at the quote/photo combination that was completely unintentional.
Ok, lets move on to miss River Tam. Evil scientists cut up her brain and pulled out a few pieces here and there, making her feel every emotion as it comes. So you have that, which should be enough crazy, but no, Joss wanted more, she had to be a mind reader as well. Me thinks being able to read other people's whacked up minds while yours is missing a few crucial parts, not a good idea.
She also has ninja skills, y'all. Which makes her not only crazy, but dangerous. As Cameron (who is conveniently played by the same actress, if you hadn't noticed) she has next to zero social skills at times.

5. Whiskey/Dr. Claire Saunders- Dollhouse
"I like my scars. They bring out my eyes."
The quote alone should answer your question of 'why is she on this list?'. Well she used to be a doll, programmed for whatever you can imagine, she was the best, until some doll gone bad mucked up her face and she got downgraded to the house's physician. Eventually she caught on to what she was and that did not help her sanity at all. And the scar quote was from before that all happened! So eventually she made up her own little agenda and decided to kill one of the good guys. Why? We shall never know because the evil that is Fox canceled the show. Joss, really now? Learn from this please, us fans are dying over here.

4. Bennet Halverson -Dollhouse
"I'd love to get a look at your amygdala"
Well, miss Summer Glau sure has a face for playing the Sci Fi 'weirdos'. Lets talk Bennett, super smart, shy, sweet, but that's only one of her sides. Sometimes her other side comes out to play and it not nice. See, her left arm is dead, it got trapped under something heavy yada yada. When this happened she was trying to bring down the company she worked with with her over achiever of a best friend. There were explosions, pieces of the building fell down, one piece landed on her arm. Best friend fled never to be seen again. But then she finds this friend, but not really, she's a doll now, so really, just her friend's body. She decides to torture her for a long time and even sends other dolls to kill her. Bitter? Definitely, especially since, you know, this is just the shell of your friend. And hell yes she did understand that and she still wanted to torture her. For fun? (heck I'd like to give that doll one or two shocks) Maybe. That's what makes her even scarier.

Now we are nearing the top three, keep your guesses ready, my friends, lets get ready to rumble with three of the most crazy women I've seen on tv.

3. Lisa Rowe- Girl, interrupted
"We are very rare and we are mostly men."
Hell yes. You really thought I'd leave this lady out? This is one of my all time favorite movies ever. Lisa is crazy! Literally, she's in a mental hospital. Every knows her and pretty much either follows her lead or stays away from her. She is the boss. She will manipulate the others so that they'll be dependent on her and will, without noticing it, stop trying to get better. This way Lisa can have her friends with her forever. Brilliant.

2. Bellatrix Lestrange- Harry Potter
"I killed Sirius Black!"

HELLO. Anyone that has seen the last few movies and/or has read the book knows that this woman has left quite a few strings unattached way up there. She will kill and destroy just because she feels like it and then she'll probably dance around out of utter glee. She's got the crazy eyes down, as well as the "I've been running through the woods in my underwear' hair (I have no idea where I got that from).
She has killed her cousin (that would be this Sirius Black dude) and she is very very proud of it. She likes to whisper it, yell it, chant it, sing it, as long as is contains those words.

Now, finally...

1. Drusilla - Buffy/Angel
"Run and Catch. Run and Catch. The Lamb is caught in the blackberry patch."

Drusilla, affectionately called Dru (doesn't happen often) INVENTED crazy, thus she is the winner. She is deliciously brilliant and it helps that she has an awesome English accent to go with. (I'd say it adds to the crazy but I have British friends, yaknow).
She's a vampire and a very dangerous one at that. She's been around for a long time and therefor has acquired a lot more special powers, this probably also made her even crazier. She likes to talk to... anything. She seems to have a better relationship to stars than any other object that doesn't talk back (usually). She affectionately calls Angel 'Daddy' and Darla would be 'Grandmummy' and also her daughter, as she got to turn Darla into a vampire after a freak event or seven. She's into torture and just general pain (that isn't hers). In a way she's like a child, and not much is scarier than someone with the mentality of a child with a taste for blood.