We’re starting! For some reason I’m irrationally excited to see this episode. I really have no reason for this but I am. So lets savor the moment.
Ha, the video doesn’t agree with me because it just stopped right in the middle of the intros. Or maybe my video is a perv because it also stopped right in the middle of Lauren hoisting her leg up in the air. I guess we’ll never know.
Wait a second…. Where the hell is Billy! WTF is going on here?! Who the heck is sabotaging the damn stage?
Kenny Ortega is joining the judges today.
Man SYTYCD must have some damn voodoo up in its business because this injury business is getting ridiculous.
Lauren and Twitch are dancing hip hop.
Some kind of western theme.
Lauren really is too cute to be gangster, haha, but she did a good job.
Jose will be dancing with Allison.
A Sonya routine, yay!
I loved that! It was very different (though with obvious Sonya moments) but really nice and cute.
Robert and Lauren are dancing some Tasty Oreo Jazz.
Man Lauren is really getting to all of the boys isn’t she.
Oh a sexy sexy piece this is. Aaaaand Robert just licked her leg. That was just, wow, just wow.
I liked it aside from the leg licking which was just weird.
Robert still kind of reminds me of Mark, only better.
Adechike’s solo is up, I hate the song he’s dancing to, it will forever be the ‘Cancer Dance’ song.
Kent and Kathryn are dancing Jazz by Sonya. Two jazz routines right on top of each other? Who picked this lineup?
This is very different from Robert and Lauren’s routine so I guess it’s all right.
It’s funny because usually you can see the little moves Sonya always uses (shaking, type of lifts, etc.) but I think she left them out this time, either that or I just missed them. If anything it has more of a Mandy Moore vibe to it if I had to guess.
Robert’s solo is up, it was nice.
Now Lauren, very nice, I liked it!
Adechike’s turn to dance with an all star. He’s dancing hip hop with Comfort.
This was wonderful. Go Adechike, he’s rocking it!
Oh they’re feeling it, Adechike’s crying and right now Comfort’s hiding her face so I’m guessing tears on that end as well. Amazing that hip hop can give people such a reaction.
Jose’s turn to dance!
Oh I quite liked this actually, the best solo he’s done if you ask me.
Anddddd Kenttttt! His mom kind of reminds me of Sarah Palin? (sorry Kent’s mom)
Kent wins epic points for dancing to Boyz II Men, I loved it.
Lauren and Robert are dancing together now.
A Samba, woo, can’t wait.
It’s nicely done but I can see them having some troubles at some parts.
Adechike and Jose are dancing, but what? A Paso Doble. Erm. Excuse you? *cries*
I mean, I know it’ll probably be all right but I like my Paso Dobles with one of each gender.
Again with the bloody Trojan war music. Does sytycd have patent on them or something? That and Libertango.
Errr, I’m not a fan, though the ‘no shirt’ part is nice…
The Paso Doble high pants kill me.
Kent and Billy(or not) will be Stepping(OR NOT). Ha, Billy and Kent stepping together is like, no, just no. They are the totally wrong types for this dance, haha. Twitch is stepping in, interesting, haha.
Twitch knows his business. Kent wasn’t super strong but he worked it.
Ok my guess for the bottom three? Err, well Billy…. And… I guess maybe Jose, though I LOVED his contemporary. My guess is that Robert is safe this week and Adechike as well. So either Kent or Lauren? That doesn’t sound right though… Can’t we just have a bottom two?