Sunday, August 23, 2009

Out of the mouths of the little ones

Little Sam(5) was on a roll today,first, before dinner, he got hurt by an unfortunate string of events and came to me and his mother crying. We were trying to comfort him and he suddenly started screaming in the most dramatic voice 'I CAN'T TAKE THE PAIN ANYMORE, I CAN'T TAKE IT!' (it wasn't that bad, at all, he stopped crying right after that, probably because we started cracking up.)

Also when his brother Richie(6) was crying over a fight with older sis Naomi, Sam looked at him and said 'Awww, look at Richie, he looks so cute when he cries, when he cries his little nose is all flat and it's adorable!'

Where does he get this stuff from?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Like we're not shoving enough crap on the Muslims these days

We're going to blame them for this too?

That's just not cool dudes, not cool at all.

I'm so evil

I gave Emanuela (2 years old in four days) some grapefruit last night. I didn't know people could pull their faces the way that she did.In my defense she asked for it and was about 2 seconds away from a tantrum (heehee).

Don’t you just love the title of my blog?

It pretty much tells you what I am and what I like to do on a daily basis.

Ask anybody I chat with daily, or weekly, whatever. They’ll tell you ‘man, that Dannii is mean, but in a fun way.’ ;) Right? Righttttt? Fine be that way.

So, basically this will be filled up with very classy rants (as I am a classy lady) and random musings. This is my first blog ever so bear with me.

I hope I can keep this up, if not, you’ll probably won’t see me again until someone mentions the existence of this and I’ll have a little blogging fit.

Hey, at least I’m honest.