Sunday, August 16, 2009

Like we're not shoving enough crap on the Muslims these days

We're going to blame them for this too?

That's just not cool dudes, not cool at all.


  1. So why is Neveah's rating No Rating? Is it too divine for anybody to judge it or is it an eleven out of ten which was not an available option?

    Heaven, peace and angels!

    I think I still prefer "Gaelic for rainbow" though.

  2. It must have been an eleven out of ten, maybe a twelve even. Damn I should have rated that thing before putting it here but you would have known it was me since I would have rated it 'excellent'

    Gaelic for rainbow is quite yooneek. I also like Slavic for butterfly, which I thought was one of those urban myths until not long ago. My poor soul.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bwahaha.Because Heaven backwards is a Muslim word.
