Friday, March 19, 2010

I'd like to thank the Academy...

...for nothin'

As many know there was a lot of uproar lately because the Acedemy left off Farrah Fawcett in their in memoriam segment of the show, but did honor Michael Jackson, who, is not an actor by trade but a singer (duh, we all know that).
They released a 'statement' a week or two so ago. Bruce Davis, the executive director, said:

Fawcett was best known for her 'remarkable television work' and would be more appropriately honored by the television academy at the Emmy Awards. The Academy Awards recognizes achievement in movies.

Talk about backstabbing bastards, Farrah's been one of few Academy members for a decade or FOUR, made a gazillion movies and still got screwed over by what she probably thought were her peers.
And then we all think 'why the hell did Michael Jackson get in?' Well folks, we have an answer for that, too!

When asked why Michael Jackson was included when actors were left out, Davis explained that Jackson had appeared in a popular theatrical film recently ('This is It').

That wasn't even meant to be a movie in the first place, it was just for the dancers and singers to be able to look back and see what they did so they could improve.
And heck, Farrah Fawcett made a documentary just before she died. Just because it wasn't all famewhorily advertised doesn't mean it's not basically the same thing as Michael Jackson's 'movie'. Heck, Farrah’s was even more as it was meant to be a documentary when she filmed it.

"Think of all the blogging we would have gotten if we had left him out!" he said.

Well he asked for it! Well as Michael Jackson was a singer and not an actor (not really) I doubt a lot of bloggers would have been outraged because they would realize that the Oscars is not a place for singers (disclaimer: I have nothing again MJ and would never have minded if both were in the memoriam).
The Academy has since then apologized to the family, friends and fans of Farrah, but Bruce Davis still stands by what he said.


We'll have our own little in memoriam for the lady.

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