Monday, October 3, 2011

What on earth are you people doing?

Yup, yup, I’ve been slacking massively posting here, I’ve been busy, or at least that’s what my excuse is going to be, haha! Started a new period of placement, this time not in a nursing home but in a hospital! I know rightttt fancy business up in here.

But despite my lack of posting, I have been looking, I’m quite obsessed with that cute little feed thing at the side of my blog that keeps track of where y’all readers come from and how the heck you find me.

This is usually pretty informative and/or funny to me except for that one time back in April where about half of England visited my blog at an ungodly hour (for both them an me!) and not just anywhere, on a blog post I made over a year ago, that was just scary… Actually I’m still a little bit afraid of the UK in general now. Anyway, the things that this things says you guys look up to find me are so strange and hilarious sometimes that I highly doubt it’s real. Is this thing just making it all up? I sure as hell hope so. If not, what the heck is up with you people?!

One of the best searched terms I get is
“Zooey Deschanel eyes” which leads to my post about big eyes found here I’m really not too surprised, I’m sure Zooey’s eyes get a bunch of hits, she has big flashy ones after all. Though I know for a fact that my blog is not on page one of this search, or page five, so how many pages are you people flipping through to get to my blog? Same goes for “Emily Watson, Nora-Jane Noone, Zooey Deschanel brown eyes(they’re really not, you guys), Amanda Seyfried big eyes and other variations.

Another one that caught my eye is
“Emily Watson pees” which leads to the same post as the first one. First of all. WHAT? Does Emily Watson have a scene in a movie somewhere where she displays her proper use of a toilet? Why would you even search that? Why? And aside from that, I didn’t even mention peeing in that blog post, why is my blog being linked to that search term?

Also “Crazy eyes woman” this one is getting the same as the first two, I can only imagine how many pages this one gets you and then I don’t even want to think what page my blog would be on. Sheesh…

“Nora Jane Noone looks like Angelina Jolie” uhm, no she doesn’t. That’s actually all I wanted to say about that.

And then
“BULL TERRIER SMILE” - leads to this post nothing weird about that, I used all of those words in that post. But why the hell are you yelling this at me? Why? Are you so excited about the idea of a smiling bull terrier that you have to shout it into google?

“hyperboleandahalf baby penis” Which leads to this. What the hell is wrong with you people? Seriously? People search this? I hope that this is a mistake because this is a disturbing combination on words, I surely hope the author of Hyperbole and a Half doesn't think I'm weird now, haha!

“drawing of man with head up the ass.” WHAT? What? What? First of all, no drawings of heads going up anything in my blog, at least not until I get more skilled at this whole paint thing. ;) It worries me what you people search or what the feed pretends that you’re searching.

“a surprised Pygmy Marmoset” it’s not such a surprise that this came up, I’m sure I used both terms in this blog post, I want to know what kind of pictures show up with this term though because it sounds hilarious!

“johnnynomnom” now this is one I REALLY cannot believe. It leads to this lovely post I made back in Feb of 2010. The term Johnny: Nomnom really does exist in the post, but who searches this? Nobody’s that nuts, right? I can only imagine what a person that would search this would expect to come out of this search.

Everybody, thank you so much for the laughs, I hope that the feed is messing with my head at least a little bit because some of these things are insane.