Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have my accents back! I got this wonderful laptop from my father which only had one flaw, no accents. For a while I was ok, I googled whatever word I needed and copy pasted to go on my way. But the other day I figured I would have to find out how to make it work USA style. Let me tell you, doing it USA style? SUCKS. When I finally got a list of what you have to do for each letter I wanted to DIE. When I typed in the numbers to get a simple 'É', I felt like I was putting in a secret code for the government (ok, maybe not quite as dramatic).
So I went hunting, and found out that it’s hilariously easy to change your laptop to a European.
So, my dear laptop finally got its green card for my country, so to speak and can now type accents with ease.
Let me reflect on how great life is with accents.
I can now type:
And that's just a fraction, just wait 'till I start blogging in French! (I most certainly will not)

ok fine, I use approximately one of these ‘words’ regularly but that’s not my point.
Yay for accents! (or what google tells me I should be calling them, 'diacritical marks', doesn't really have the same ring to it does it?)

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