Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It all started with a panda...

So, today I had to go outside and do some grownup stuff (my spell check didn’t like the way I phrased things so offered to change it to ‘do some grownups’ no thanks), you know, like an adult!
And then when I came home I got the lovely message that a package had been delivered to our house while I was gone! (My friend from Northern Ireland told me she'd sent me a little gift last week).
I hopped up and down like a bunny on acid and ripped open the envelope like a kid on Christmas morning (or in my family, the second Christmas day after dinner).
In, there was, the greatest gift of all. A stuffed animal, but not just ANY stuffed animal, a RED PANDA.
If you don’t know what a red panda is, it’s only the cutest little buggar out there. It’s like a fox, or a cat, only not because it’s a panda, only not! He’s got the cutest little face too. I mean just look at that!

Come on man, it has EYEBROWS doesn’t get much cuter than that.

So here I am, with my panda, happy as happy can be.

But wait! There’s more! (ha!) Something heavy in the envelope! But what?!
I slide my hand in and pull out….

OH NO! The horror! The agony! The pain! The illiteracy!
Now that I got it as a (gag)gift, I have to read it right?
I guess I have no choice but to get out them dusty glasses out and read up.

I’m sure I will read many shocking things

And some serious things

I am sure I will read and read and read

And then realize WHAT I just read

And, it is clear that I will be amused.

And, last but not least, I will probably remain unimpressed.

Thank you for the red panda Maggie! <3

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