Sunday, November 29, 2009

SYTYCD Week 5, results.

Woot, the results show!
The group dance is Alice in Wonderland themed, interesting. Or at least that’s what it looks like. What’s this? Wade again? Sonya? No way it’s Tabitha and Napoleon, right? Holy crap it is! That’s so… unlike them. I thought it was deliciously weird.

First two couples up are Karen and Victor and Ashleigh and Jakob. Victor is wearing a ripped shirt, Lord... Didn’t I dub him rainbow fairy princess? Him and Jakob I think, how fitting.
First couple in danger tonight is Karen and Victor (yeah, did not see that coming at allll). I love how people pretend that the two people cut tonight will for sure not be in the tour, they probably will be, last year they were acting like a bunch of idiots about it, nobody liked Caitlin anyways, me and my sytycd opposite agree on this.

Anyways, the two next couples, Kathryn and Legacy and Mollee and Nathan (coughpleasecutMolleeandNathancough).
The second couple in danger is Mollee and Nathan, thank goodness, now, lets cut Mollee, at least, yeah? Nigel… Nigel….You have another blonde, Ashleigh (not that she’s as cute with her demon tongue and all, but she’s a great dancer.)

Noelle and Russell and Ellenore and Fern are up next. I think it’ll be Russell and Noelle, not that they were really bad, just because Ashleigh and Jakob and Kathryn and Legacy were SO GOOD and everybody loves Fern and Ellenore (or just Ellenore). That and Noelle and Russell’s Samba was super awkward.
Dude Fern has sideburns, ew.
Yikes, I was wrong. Damn (I guess I’m not the only one out there that hates Broadway). On the upside I get to see Ellenore do her solo again.

We get to see some professional ballet! Damn just seeing her En Pointe makes my toes hurt.

Karen is up first with her solo, it’s much better than the last one, but her against Mollee and Ellenore, I’m not sure.
Victor, he is just all over the place with his movement.
Mollee now. She’s floppy with her spins and is, also, all over the place (but with a few cute tricks thrown in). Wow, ok that last move she did just kept her in the competition, I’m sure.
Nathan, err I didn’t get it. His partner just owned him.
Ellenore! Love this girl!
Now Fern. Samba? Think so, very nice, much better than that weird Jivey thing he tried to do last time. I always feel bad for the male ballroom dancers.

Shakira came on and did a bit of singing and dancing as I went to the toilet and got myself a snack.

The judges are unanimous with the girls, which means Karen is going.
Told ya so.

Now, on with the boys. They are not unanimous. Which means…? I don’t know. Nigel is talking about and comparing him to Kelly Osbourne on Dancing with the Stars… He just got compared to a foul mouthed rocker princess, seeing that this is Victor; he is probably pleased hearing this.
Yet he is leaving... Nigel wanted Nathan gone; I don’t really like any of them, but… I liked Victor more than I liked Nathan as Nathan is a little brat.
Man, 90% of the red squiggly lines I see are names of the contestants and the other 10% are just words I made up.


Finally got down to watching SYTYCD, I can’t believe there are only 12 (really 10) left!
The introducing solo things are pretty lame this year; they used to be so much cooler. And now they’re all up in each others business as well.
Dude, Paula friggin Abdul is either never going to come OR she’s going to come at the season finale, yawn.

Ellenore and Fern are doing the Lindy Hop, intriguing. We have a new choreographer again. First lift didn’t end exactly how it was supposed to end.
I’m not digging this music too much for the Lindy Hop, it’s a bit unexciting for such an exciting dance. Overall they did really well!
Adam thought they looked cute and found them amazing. Mary loves them both and says that Ellenore hasn’t taken a wrong step. Nigel is cracking unfunny jokes but overall he thought it was terrific.

I can’t wait until the next show when people get to vote for the individual dancers.

A Cancan, isn’t that just one move?! Haha!

Legacy and Kathryn are doing Jazz with Sonya!
Damn, nice opening! This… is kind of hot in a weird way. I loved this! Rawr.
Adam loved it as well and is sad that they won’t be a couple anymore. Mary found them amazing. Nigel calls it one of his favourite routines of the season. Haha, Sonya is jumping up and down.
I’m also going to be sad to see this couple go, they’re my favourite couple, I think.

Karen and Victor are doing the Tango. HOT (I hope)!
Oh man, Victor is doing that thing where with strong turns your mouth does this snappy thing, hot. This is really good. But man, you can’t make these people wear black and then dim the lights! How am I supposed to see them?
Adam says that this new partnership really worked out and says that they had hot chemistry.
Mary says that Victor was a real surprise to her and that Karen looked tremendous and she’s still on the hot tamale train (Victor’s not yet, though). Nigel loved the outfits and the chemistry. And says Victor needs to ‘tuck it (his butt) undah.’ He also says that they were magical.
Dude, Victor’s last name is Smalley? (*SNORT*)

Mollee and Nathan are doing hiphop.
I find them both very annoying now. Man there was one pervy move in this dance, did the choreographer forget, not only that they’re both barely legal, they also both look about 15, that was gross. And I don’t get the theme; this choreographer has been watching too many Tabitha and Napoleon routines. Adam thought that they were selling it but Mollee wasn’t hitting it quite as hard. Mary says it picked up steam as it went along and some things could have been hit a bit harder. Nigel found that they danced it a bit young. All the judges agree that it would be a good thing that these two split up next week. Mollee and Nathan both seem pissed about this.

Noelle and Russell. Tony and Melanie are doing a Samba (why do they always get Tony and Melanie!?)
Lots of hip shaking going on but they’re not getting the moves as they should be. The editing done to this song is awful. The ending was horribly awkward. Wow, that just… my mouth dropped open.
Adam says that it was too nice/sweet and they should be dancing from their ‘southern regions’. He enjoyed it though. Mary says there wasn’t enough bounce but their performance was phenomenal. Nigel says that their Samba Roll wasn’t brilliant and some other things but I zoned out and didn’t start paying attention again until he said ‘Samba Roll.’

Ashleigh and Jakob, seriously, how does my spell check hate Jakob but not Ashleigh?! HOW?!
They’re doing Lyrical Jazz by Sonya.
They have a lot of gorgeous lifts in there, but I don’t find it too exciting other than the lifts.
Adam is dissing Jakob’s pants (like HE has the right to say ANYTHING!), he’s almost in tears. Mary says that it’s obvious that they enjoy dancing together. Ashleigh is crying. Now Nigel says that this is his favourite routine of the night. He said that he loves Sonya’s work. Sonya is about to cry.

Ellenore and Fern are dancing Broadway. I don’t know who the hell their choreographer is but he’s pretty damn hot. Oh Yay a song from Chicago!
It was interesting but… whatttt (I still hate Broadway)?
Adam tells the choreographer that he did great and said that Ellenore and Fern nailed it. He says Fern was great but Ellenore was awesome! Mary says that Fern really dug in and got into that character. Nigel basically says that they did great.

Kathryn and Legacy will be doing the Viennese Waltz by Jean-Marc Généreux. (sytycd spelled his name wrong, btw, after all of these years, they still spell it wrong? Idiots.).
This is a very fast Viennese waltz, I like it, but they were in hold for about two second this entire dance, Len Goodman (DWTS) would NOT approve.
Adam is calling out Legacy for crying ‘are you crying again?!’ I want Kathryn to cry, remember that?! *snort* too funny!
Adam has a few comments but says he did really well, he also says that Kathryn did great.
Mary says that it wasn’t the best; Legacy needs to work on his feet. Nigel says that Kathryn stole the evening.

Karen and Victor and going to do a hip hop routine by Laurie Ann Gibson.
The beginning wasn’t that good, they weren’t synchronised. The middle part was good but the ending was just ‘meh’ again. Adam says that there was a lot of intensity but he didn’t think that the choreography matched the song (tune into Laurie Ann giving him the stank eye). Adam says that they did really well. Mary said it was alright but they’re not going to be memorable. Nigel didn’t feel their chemistry.

Mollee and Nathan are doing the CanCan, will this be a repetition of Phillip and Jeanine’s Russian Folkdance?? If so then at least Nigel has another style to bash next season. Oh Lord it’s a Tasty Oreo routine. Well it’s similar to the Russian Folkdance right now because it has the over obvious Cancan song (the ONLY Cancan song most people know, like how Phillip and Jeanine danced to one of the ONLY Russian folk songs most people know of.). Where the hell did Tasty Oreo get his Cancanchoregraphy license anyways?! This….. was stupid.
Adam says that they were the best couple for this dance. Mary found it very fun. Nigel made a comment with a lot of innuendo.

Noelle and Russell are up next, it looks like they’re doing some airy contemporary. And I’m right!! By Tasty Oreo, no less (my spell check doesn’t understand that sentence at all).
Nice beginning and it keeps going well! Gorgeous! Adam thought that they were just gorgeous. Mary says that it was very special for her and a really clever routine. This number was, for her, out of this world. Nigel loved it.

Ashleigh and Jakob will do the cha cha cha, well this should be promising with Ashleigh knowing it and all.
Jean-Marc Généreux and France have choreographed it.
Nice! Very very good!
Adam says that it is Ashleigh’s world and says that they both did great. Adam didn’t like the ballroom faces though (I LOVE the ballroom faces!!!), he called them ‘hungry Jazz looks’ great term! The judges had a nice little conversation about ballroom quirks. Mary says that Ashleigh’s legs are amazing. Nigel says that Jakob rocked it and just faked the WORST French accent ever. He may never mock Mia Michaels for her faux Brit accent ever again (not that he can, since she LEFT.)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

DWTS Finale Results Show!

The final results!
I am excited! After last night’s dances I had decided that based on last night alone, Donny should win it, after the entire season though, it’s definitely Mýa’s to take home. I wouldn’t really mind seeing either of them win.
Wow, introduction time and Kelly got the loudest screams from the audience.
And we get to see al of our stars! Aww Natalie Coughlin, she was so robbed.
I think if there will be an encore dance it will be either the Megamix or Mýa’s Paso Doble. I liked Kelly’s argentine tango though.
Errr, something just happened, I see Miss Piggy’s back. Bahhaa, whoopsie. Quick! Commercial breakkk! Haha, gotta love live shows.

Whitney Houston is singing! Awesome.
Haha, they’re doing something on the ‘loser’s club’ again, stoopit.
Jeffrey Ross is …dancing? No he’s talking. He’s accepting Ashley Hamilton into the loser’s club. Ashley got a nice jacket. Oh Ashley is dancing with Edyta again. LMAO Ashley dropped Edyta to go dance with Jeffrey. I should have seen that coming. Now they…. Opened their shirts… Ew. And Ashley is hugging Len and Bruno (dangerous territory). It is determined that Jeffrey Ross could use some spray tan.

Yay the former celebrities are dancing
Kathy Ireland and Tony, Macy Gray and Jonathan, and Debbie Mazar and Maks. Macy got better. Debbi was never really a bad dancer in the first place.
Tom Delay is dancing the Texas two step.
LMAO, Miss Piggy and Maks as her masseuse, him with no shirt, mmmm.

Tom and Cheryl with their Texas Two Step! Man, this was bad haha.

Ugh, Natalie Coughlin, she was great.
Chuck and Anna and Mark and Lacey are doing a dance battle (Paso style, of course).
Haha, this was so cute.

Ok the most surprising elimination of this season (Aaron? I found Natalie more surprising, really) and Adam Carolla.
Lmao, Adam Carola is coaching Donny Osmond, *sigh*

Natalie and Alecccc! Alec, nom. They’re doing their sexy Rumba (sexy minus the beginning that looks like the birth of an alien).
Awwww, she’s such a sweet pea, I have an immense weak spot for her.

Melissa Joan Hart and Mark are doing their knockout dance, which they didn’t get to do.
An adorable Samba! Loved it!!! Oh it’s sad that they didn’t get to do that while in the show, she would have been picked to stay for sure!

Chloris Leachman, Jerry Springer and Steve Wozniak! WIN. (Not yet, though)
First the judges discuss the stars.

The finalists are once again introduced.
Kelly and Louis are doing their Viennese Waltz from week one, gorgeous! Len says that out of all the celebrities he’ll miss Kelly the most. Bruno says that she earned her place as a ballroom princess. Carrie Ann, is crying.

Mýa and Dmitry are dancing their Jive! I loved it the last time so I’m sure I’ll love it now!

I did, I did! Bruno called Mýa ‘Mýa the magnificent’. Len says that he never doubted her dance talent.

Donny and Kym are doing (please let it be the Charlestonnnnn, please please!).
Oh they’re doing their Argentine Tango. Ok, I can definitely live with that, too.
Donny looked so worried at the end, maybe their hands slipped or something and he thought he was going to drop her?
Carrie Ann was glad they picked this dance. Bruno said that he went to the dark side and used it well.

Scores: Kelly and Louis: 26, Donny and Kym: 30, Mýa and Dmitry: 28.

Louie and Chelsie are dancing while Donny Osmond sings ‘Puppy love’ they did a Waltz/Jive mix.

Now there’s a dance off, Michael Irvin vs Jerry Rice. They both have their Anna’s, Michael has Demidova and Jerry has Treybunskaya.
They’re doing the Paso Doble.
Whoops, something went wrong with Michael sliding Anna D. across the stage there. I preferred Michael’s stage attitude though.
Len says that they discussed it and they declared Michael the winner, however the battle of the bodies went to Jerry (battle of the bodies???).
Muhahah, Miss Piggy knocked Samantha out (go Miss Piggy! *ahem*)

Aaron Carter is dancing the Quickstep. Awesome.
Now he’s talking, blablablablablaaa shuddup.
Miss Piggy is interviewing Joanna, Chloris, Jerry and Steve.

Oh they’re doing a competition Mambo.
Lmao, Chloris is standing still and now shaking, Steve is wearing Karina’s feather boa.
Chloris and Corky are out first. *booo*
Jerry and Edyta out next.
Steve is doing the worm!! They’re switching partners for some unknown reason (Derek just ran off to go dance with Steve). Steve is out.
LMAO That gross move Derek did to Joanna last time, she did it now.

Whitney Houston is singing again. Damn this finale is packedddd.
‘I wanna dance with somebody’. Her dress is a bit odd.
Yay pro dancers! Maks and Cheryl, Chelsie and Mark, Edyta and Alec and Dmitry and Lacey and Anna and Jonathan.

And now we’ll find out who’s the official winner, if it’s Kelly I’ll pee myself.

Third place: Kelly and Louis, awwww, but they were great!

Well Donny and Mýa left; at least Donny beat Marie now.

Decision time, who will win this? *drum roll* Donny and Kym! During the actual drum roll I was actually having trouble deciding who I wanted to win, haha! Love Mýa and Dmitry, but I also loved Donny and Kym! Donny is pulling out his entire family to come celebrate. And more importantly, Kym FINALLY won a (American) season of this show, twas about damn time. Dmitry is new; he can wait a year or two for his trophy.

Well it's over now, awww.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

DWTS Week 10!

Yay Dancing with the stars is up!
I can’t believe it’s almost over.
Ohh Mýa looks like she’s doing the Paso Doble, great ‘first last dance’ to have, when done right.
Louis and Kelly are up first. The Argentine Tango. Wow, she’s doing really really well!
Look at her go!
Len says that Kelly is all what this competition is all about. Bruno says that Kelly has been the revelation of this season. But at times her free hand was a bit loose and he wanted to see more sensuality. Carrie Ann thought it was a very sophisticated routine.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 8.

Next up, Mýa and Dmitry. They got ‘We Will Rock You’ as their song.
I liked it!
Bruno loved it, Carrie Ann dubbed Mýa the queen of the Paso Doble. Len says that this Paso Doble is tied for his favourite Paso Doble on the show ever.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 10, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Donny and Kym! They’re dancing the cha-cha-cha.
Oh they’re having so much fun and they’re fun to watch. And Donny Osmond is shaking his hipzzz. Haha.
Carrie Ann is amazed by Donny’s hips; it’s all she can talk about. Len thought it was very good. Bruno says that Donny is a credit to his profession.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

The megamix is up. The Samba, Viennese Waltz and the Jive, I think.
The Waltz was really beautiful.
Uh oh, Louis didn’t get Kelly’s skirt off when the dance changed. They’re not that together during the Samba. The Jive is much better, oh no, now Kelly and Louis are behind. Not anymore, but I think she kicked the wrong way…. Or Donny, one of them.
Ranking scores. Mýa and Dmitry: 30, Kelly and Louis: 26, Donny and Kym: 28
Well nobody saw that coming, oh WAIT, I DID!

The freestyle round is up!
Kelly and Louis! Oh she fell a bit during a lift, but that’s ok, it’s so much fun to watch!
The judges loved it despite the little mistakes! And Kelly is cracking up over something; I think she’s high on adrenaline. Kelly says that she’s cracking up because ‘I think one of the lifts looked more like Louis pooped me out than a lift’. Yikes.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

Now Mýa and Dmitry!
They’re doing a Broadway-ey dance. Oh this is cute! But I happen to really love this song so that will help.
Carrie Ann, she says that it’s not outstanding. Len agrees with Carrie Ann. Bruno liked it but he did agree with the others.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9. (comments like that yet still all 9s? Nice!)

And *drum roll* Donny and Kym!
They’re wearing robes. Donny and Kym are going for Broadway as well, apparently.
This was great! Bruno lovedddd it, he stood up and yelled for the first time tonight (I think, he’s starting to get like Mary Murphy for me, I’m starting to just block him out).
Carrie Ann just put them in the freestyle hall of fame.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 10, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Well this will be interesting; I wouldn’t mind Donny or Mýa winning. Kelly is awesome but not as good as the other two.

SYTYCD Week 4, results.

Well, the results, there we go.

Kevin and Karen out for realz this time? We shall know in about 40 minutes.
The opening dance is to an Imogen Heap song. I love the song and am really digging the dance. They’re like mannequins coming to life or something. I don’t know. Lets take a guess on who’s this is, Travis? Nope, Wade! It was my second guess, I swear. Cat used the word reprobate again. I wonder if anyone in the audience took their pocket sized dictionary with them.
The first two couples, Ashleigh and Jakob are safe.
Karen and Kevin are up next *sigh* Yup, bottom three. Adam says he’s not surprised and they need to ‘slaughter’ their solos.
Ellenore and Fern are safe (of course).
Noelle and Russell are up next. Are they in or out?
First we talk to Channing and Victor and watch their weird ass bird routine. All these little clips just showed Victor kicking Channing’s ass in the synchronized movements. Channing and Victor are in the bottom three. Well it’s really not their fault because that was ONE WEIRD ASS routine.
Mollee and Nathan and Kathryn and Legacy are last to go. Which one of them? If it’s Kathryn and Legacy then I totally predicted the Paso Doble as the second to last kiss of death dance. Oh yeah, Nathan and Mollee had that Laurie Ann Gibson Sonya inspired dance, now I remember. Dude Kathryn and Legacy did really well on the paso though. We should start a facebook group against that crappy music though. Also, Kathryn is wearing something really cuteeeee.
Mollee and Nathan are in the bottom three. Can we now please cut Mollee, Nigel? Please? PLEASE? Meh, Nigel will just save his cute little blonde. Nigel thinks that Mollee and Nathans solos will be brilliant….Mollee’s solos brilliant? I don’t remember that.
Oh we get to see Nakul (the Bollywood choreographer) dance. Bollywood makes me so happy. Loved it!
Ha! They filmed all of the bottom six dancers practicing their solo moves right next to each other. It looks so staged it’s not even funny anymore. Just make them stand there like last week.

Karen is up first, oh yeah, she’s out with what she’s doing, too bad. There goes a bit of diversity

Now Kevin, Probably out as well.

Channing is up. She’s doing contemporary.

Victor, now. While he spins he sticks his butt out really far. I can’t concentrate on anything else…. Cat is also commenting on the turns. Yeah, Cat, I know, I know.

Now Mollee is going to dance. Can we just cut her because she has a crappy name? Please? Or because she’s wearing pleather. Her solo isn’t very exciting either. Hmm much lacking in the female solo department.

Nathan. I think, for a 30 second solo, he wasted too much time being artsy. Like Kupono’s ‘over the rainbow’ solo, would be great if 1:30, but lacking a bit for 30 seconds.

Oh Nigel just praised Mollee, well guess she’s not going, but I knew that.

We have some random singer Ariadne? Arianthe? Cat’s accent just messed me up big time.
Well since this gave me the urge to sneeze for some reason, I skipped it (also because I just.wasn’t.interested.)

The girls are up first. They are unanimous, Karen is outttt. Oh… they’re keeping Karen… that means they’re ditching Kevin? Cat needs to stop using the word Reprobates. Channing is out btw. I guess one girl with a bad name out is something. She was good though, so I can’t say I was really pleased by this, not her fault that she got a stupid bird routine.

Now the boys. Ahhh, Kevin is gone…
Ew Victor and Karen…. I am not digging this coupling right now. Maybe my mind will be changed but right now, yuck.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Now so you think you can dance!! We’re down to 14 already, sheesh.
I love how they ‘introduce’ the dancers but pan out when they’re actually dancing. I hate this stage; the horrid camera work is even more obvious now. Cat just did an evil giggle that was just epic in the worst way.
Mary Murphy is looking classy today.

Ashleigh and Jakob are rocking (or going to try) a Tabitha and Napoleon routine.
This….was, made of win! Nigel liked it a lot. Mary is raising her voice *turns volume down*. Adam is sure Jakob will make it into the top ten. He says that he didn’t believe in Ashleigh at first but now thinks that she’s a contender for the top ten.

Oh man, Cat said something about a Paso Doble, this show has the.worst.pasos.ever.

Karen and Kevin are dancing Broadway. Spencer Liff? Who IS this person? Where’s my Tasty Oreo?
Ah this was cute. Nigel says that he didn’t enjoy Karen’s performance as much because she wasn’t miss sex kitten in this routine. He and didn’t like Kevin at all, really. Mary agrees with him but says that it’s just a bump in the road. Adam… I have no idea what Adam is saying.

Noelle and Russell will Foxtrot. To Michael Bublé, yum. I’m not digging this choreography per se. Nigel says that Russell improved a lot. Mary loved it, I wasn’t really listening but her voice just got louder and louder which means that she likes it. Adam says that it was obvious that they enjoyed themselves. He just called the Foxtrot the second most deadly dance (after the Quickstep) hmmm, I’ll need to ponder that for a bit to see if I agree with that.

Channing and Victor have my Tasty Oreo, there he is! They’re doing a jazz routine. They’re birds… They’re in a cage. Wait…what? What just happened? Tasty Oreo has gone batshitcrazy, he needs to stop getting his inspiration from the animal kingdom. Nigel says that this is the first routine where Channing looked like she enjoyed herself. Mary’s volume stayed the same the entire time she talked so she was kind of ‘meh’ about it all.

Kathryn and Legacy are doing a paso. Oh and I’d say on this show the Paso Doble is way more deadly than the Foxtrot.
They did quite well! They had the aggression down and the general feel. But why do they insist on putting this kind of crappy ‘I’m going to war in Rome!!!’ ‘This.Is.Sparta!!!’ type of music with it. What the hell? It’s just asking for it to overpower/ distract from the dancers.
And then dancing with the stars put in crap like ‘American Woman’ as paso music. Can’t any of you get it right?!
Nigel says that Kathryn danced with a lot of maturity. Mary said ‘Holy smokes!’ and she yelled. She loved it. Adam said that Kathryn killed it.

Ellenore and Fern are up next. With a Travis Wall routine, Travis!
Nice routine but…Fern ruins ittttt *whines*
Nigel says that they did great. I zoned out when the other ones talked, sorry.

Mollee and Nathan got Laurie-Ann Gibson, abahhahahaa! They are going to cry.
What in the world did Laurie Ann Gibson do to her hair? Hanging out with Sonya a bit too much, methinks.
Mollee’s dress is hideous. They’re a bit out of sync. Why does this dance look like Sonya choreographed it?
Nigel says that Nathan has the potential to be awesome but he needs to grow. Mary called them the dream team again.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

DWTS Week 9! Results show!

The results! Exciting exciting!
The encore dance goes to Mýa and Dmitry’s Salsa. They did great again!
Guest dancers, always wonderful. Yay, Alicia Keys is singing, I was just thinking about her earlier today. She was brilliant.
Oh Man, the celebs are lip syncing 'Under Pressure'. Special..Whoever came up with that brilliant idea ought to be fired...or worse.
First two into the finals are, ooh they’re doing Myá vs Joanna, this is… creeping me out, haha.
Mýa and Dmitry are in!
Before they’re telling Joanna and Derek what’s going on Leona Lewis is going to sing. The first two notes sound just like her first song, just saying.
Now it’s Donny and Kym vs Kelly and Louis. Donny and Kym made it! *is happy*
Melissa Rycroft is dancing…why? And why is she so…..her? Ugh.
On a good note, she’s dancing to the Bee Gees. Dude I just saw Artem, Cheryl, Chelsie and Tony dance together, no Melissa and Tony is going to beat that.
Ok the final results. The person leaving is.... LMAO Joanna and Derek. Well this just Made. My. Week. Hilarious.
The only thing better than that was Aaron Carter getting cut over Kelly.

They’re making Joanna and Derek do their Viennese Waltz instead of the usual ‘last dance’. Probably to keep her too occupied to cry.
Next week will be interesting. To me, Mýa is the obvious winner but she better watch her back.

DWTS Week 9!

Dancing with the stars again, I’m only eons late watching this but have kept myself away from spoilers in the most amazing way.

The semi finals, Donny, Kelly, Joanna and Mýa are left.
This will be interesting, glad Aaron is gone though, now how to get rid of Joanna?

First up is Donny, what is he dancing you ask? Well I don’t know yet. Ahhh, the Tango.
They got an extremely stupid song. This is meh, they made a couple of mistakes. The ending was really nice. Donny and Kym did not look too happy at the end. The judges aren’t happy, Donny is moaning through the critique (and they’re not happy moans). He is blaming his sister for him messing up (ouch). Oh watching it again I see part of the problem, Kym had a dress malfunction which threw them off a lot. That’s too bad, this does not look good.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 7, Len: 7, Bruno: 7.

Joanna and Derek will do the Viennese Waltz (one of the more interesting waltzes).
Oh the wind machine is on. It’s all very flow-y and nice. Very pretty and princessy.
Bruno loved it BUT she had a bit of hesitation. They took Carrie Ann’s breath away but Joanna needs to understand why she is reaching when she is. Len liked it a lot and thought it was beautiful; he had some issues with something that I’m not interested in typing.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Kelly is dancing the…? Well we still don’t know but a puppy died and she’s upset.
They’re doing the Rumba… interestinggggg. Kelly seems confident.
She looks a bit scared though. She’s doing really well though. She’s doing a solo! And they did a crazy hard move at the end!
Carrie Ann is in tears or so she says. Len says that Kelly has turned into a very competent dancer. Bruno is making awkward conversation about eroticism.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

Mýa and Dmitry are left. Ah they’re doing the Waltz.
Very beautiful, but I think that her foot left the ground at the end, I’m sure Carrie Ann saw it too, but will she let it go?
Len loved it! It had romance elegance, beautiful movement, an absolute joy to watch. Len called it defying gravity. Carrie Ann had some critique but thought it was very beautiful.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 10.

Next round!
Donny and Kym are doing the Samba.
Nice energetic start. Donny’s solo is a lot of fun. Ah they did great!
Bruno loved it. Carrie Ann didn’t love it too much; she thought it was a bit sloppy and ‘small’. Len agrees with Bruno.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Joanna is doing the cha-cha-cha.
She’s wearing Karina’s pants. Not that sharp as I’d like it to be. This was…. odd, Joanna wasn’t moving much and it looked stiff.
Carrie Ann called her the ‘wild child’ eh? Bruno just called her natural sex….(ooookay). Was I watching the same dance?
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Kelly and Louis, they are dancing the quickstep, HA, stupid dance (not so much stupid as terrifyingly hard and not very exciting to the general public).
Oh they’re not completely together during one of the jumps, but they’re doing really well other than that.
Len loved it, so did Bruno. Carrie Ann is jizzing her pants about this dance.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Mýa and Dmitry are up next with the Salsa.
Woah this is fast! Her solo is fabulous. Loved it. Uh oh, Bruno’s face…He’s standing up and screaming things at her (in a good way). Carrie Ann loved it! Len commented on her butt (oh dear).
Scores: Carrie Ann: 10, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Donny and Kym have the Jitterbug for their knock out dance. They look like a couple of sparkuleigh Christmas trees. Carrie Ann says that Donny got his mojo back. Len said that this dance was a winner. Bruno made a St. Patrick’s day joke.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Joanna and Derek are doing the salsa. Nice and fast but Joanna still lets him pull her around like a rag doll. Though I think that I’m the only one that actually sees it. Apparently Joanna revealed some boobage. Carrie Ann can’t breathe about some comment Len made that had some interesting innuendo.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Ha! Mýa and Dmitry and Kelly and Louis have the same knock out dance.

Kelly and Louis are first. Ah this was fun! The judges are all very complimentary about her hands and performance in general.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Last but definitely not least, Mýa and Dmitry.
This was too awesome!
Carrie Ann missed something. Len wanted it to go on longer, Bruno loved it.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Monday, November 16, 2009

SYTYCD Week 3, results.

Oh they’re doing some cool African themed hiphop for the opening.
Now we’re revealing the bottom three. Ellenore and Fern (Ryan) are first up, they are in the bottom three. Channing and Victor and Kathryn and Legacy are next. Channing and Victor are safe, so are Kathryn and Legacy.

Dudes, it is Dominic! Oh man this boy is such a ham.

It’s Ashleigh and Jakob’s turn now. (I love how Ashleigh doesn’t even get the red squiggly line anymore; my spell check has accepted the failspelling)
They’re safe.
Pauline and Peter and Noelle and Russell are next. The second couple in danger is Pauline and Peter (

The Alvn Ailey dancers were awesome! A lovely dance done by professional dancers totally beats some kind of lip-synched crappy song by some random singer.

Next in the bottom are either Karen and Kevin or Mollee and Nathan. Man, this might suck hard for me if America screws me over (again). So Karen and Kevin rocked and Mollee and Nathan sucked, but Mollee and Nathan are ‘ZOMG CUTE HAWT I LUFFS DEM’ so… yeah, we never know.

Well screw you America.

Nigel gave a nice little speech that (for once) I totally agree with. Ellenore, Karen and Pauline are all in the bottom three, As for the guys, I hope that Fern goes, but then I’d have nobody to mock.

First up to dance is Ellenore.
And now Fern, he’s doing some Jive-like dance on a Jitterbug-like song.
Pauline, hmm, I’m thinking she’ll be out.
Peter, they won’t cut another tapper this soon after cutting two last week.
Karen was hot!

Well Nigel is pissed; he didn’t like any of the solos enough... Something crawled up his ass, died, came back to life and is trying to get the hell out of there but can't because Nigel is being more uptight than.... ok I already took this bad joke seven steps too far.

Yup, Pauline is out, she’s crying, poor girly. She’s so cute, this makes me sad.
Nigel keeps comparing these people to season 5 people, comparing Fern to Ade is not fair though, compare him to Pasha, Dmitry, ballroom dancers.

Oh wow, Peter, too, did not expect that, or well, maybe I did. Because the only reason that three tappers, three (four, Brandon too but he wasn’t in the opening) hiphoppers and three ballroom dancers made it into the show is so that they could have that cool opening, not because they want the show to be 'versatile'. And now they need to get rid of them.
They seem to like Kevin though, Legacy, we’ll see how that goes when the judges get passed the ‘ZOMG I’m SO surprised!!!’ phase. Russell, he may not get too far without the audience.
And this all means I’ll have to look at Ferns ugly mug for another week. Can’t say I’m too pleased.


We are introducing the dancers. Ashleigh is wearing a hideous pair of pants.
*sigh* and we’re STILL waiting for Paula friggin Abdul to show up.
Dominic (Season 3) did something hideous with his hair.

Karen and Kevin are first with the Hustle! This will be interesting. O wow, Karen just revealed that she and her husband are getting a divorce, that’s sad.
Oh they’re doing really well; they had some nice lifts in there, too.
Adam liked it a lot and says that he finally noticed Kevin as well. Karen gave it a lot of ‘quiet fire’. Mary thought Karen was amazing and says that Kevin is still on the train but needs to work on his footwork.
Some random chick in the audience is wearing a Homer Simpson sweatshirt, you get to go to a live show and this is your outfit of choice?

Ashleigh and Jakob are doing a Mandy Moore Jazz routine; let’s see if the 80s stayed away.
They’re doing the dance with a cane. Errr, I’m not digging the choreography.
Mary thinks it was wonderful and says that Ashleigh keeps getting better every week.

Pauline and Peter are doing the quickstep, Lord have mercy. I hope they rock it!
Oh I think they did well! They look so cute! Adam thinks the routine is adorable. Now Mary is up, she says that she never expects much with the quickstep but they pulled it off. It wasn’t great but they had a great performance. They weren’t connected and Mary said that if they get this dance again (God forbid) they need to work on that. Nigel said that technically wasn’t good at all but he loved it.

Kathryn and Legacy are dancing Broadway next. Hmmm, I hate Broadway most days so I hope this is good. Oh this is not a Tyce one… *sad*
Oh I love this song! Oh this was kind of cute. Adam loved it. Mary said it was missing a little bit of chemistry. Nigel says that she was a bit childish in this routine.

Channing and Victor are doing a contemporary routine next.
Errr, it was a beautiful routine and danced well but I didn’t really feel it. I think the judges will disagree though.
Adam loved it (told ya). Mary thinks this is a great new partnership. Nigel knows what I mean, but thinks that Stacey Tookey gave them a hard routine.

Ellenore and Fern (Ryan) are doing hiphop by Lil C.
Oh Fern and Ellenore are doing different moves on places where they weren’t supposed to be… I’m blaming Fern since he seemed to have a hard time in rehearsals. This wasn’t really that good…
Adam is mocking them because they’re so happy and Lil C likes to get down and dirrrrrty. But he said he didn’t do that well. Mary says that it’s a crime that Ellenore was that covered up since she’s hot… hmmm. She’s kind of meh about it. Nigel didn’t like it at alllllll.

Mollee and Nathan are Salsa dancing next.
Nathan has SUCH ROSY CHEEKS. Why?! Nathan has enough hair gel in his hair to style up the entire country that is Brazil, people. Nathan is overpowering Mollee in this dance, big time. Ohh and they had a really awkward ending. Adam was silent when his name got called. He didn’t like it. Mary hated it, she sounds all sad that she didn’t like it, too. Meh they’ll be fine, America loves them, I guess.

Noelle and Russell are doing an African Jazz routine. We have so many new choreographers this season.
This is interesting. Oh wow, they just did a really difficult move and it went brilliantly! Really smooth. Adam loved it. Mary lovedddd it. Nigel liked it a lot, as well. Nigel cracked some stupid joke about Russian Folk Jazz or whatever it was he said. Yet another dig at a dance done last season, GET OVER IT.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

DWTS Week 8! Results show!

Well the start is just a bunch of blablabla and lots of Len talking, Joanna and Derek are doing their Paso again.
At least they don’t look as stupid as they did the first time… well Derek does, he has a faux hawk, a black one. They did really well, again.
Joanna and Derek the first to come into the semi finals, whoop-tee-doo.
Another random 'Dance Center' commercial is shown.

Michael Bublé is singinggggg. Love this guy! I hope the pros are dancing.
There we go, Maks and Jonathan with Anna and Cheryl. This is an epic cute foursome, with Anna and Jonathan being married and Cheryl and Maks being best friends. Awwww, and Maks kissed Cheryl on the cheek at the end *melts*.

Tom dissed Derek’s hair after Samantha talked to them, haha.
Mýa and Dmitry have also made it to the semi-finals *not surprised*
Oh man, now I remember what Dance Center is and it's hilarious, HEE-LAR-EE-US.
Sabrina Bryan is going to danceeee and she’s dancing with Mark *nice attempt to surprise us, America* This woman is brilliant. DUDE. DUDE! I don’t even have words for this dance. Lets just say that this is going on my iPod asap. Oh man, Michael Bublé is singing 'Feeling good', love this song. But I have to pause for a second to let that dance sink in.

*Phew* There we go. Ohhh there is dancing. I don’t know who they are but damn, they are AWESOME.
Now they’re revealing another couple. YAY Donny and Kym!
It’s going to be either Aaron and Karina or Kelly and Louis for the semi-finals.
This will be interesting, Aaron is the better dancer but nobody really likes him.

Susan Boyle is singing… don’t care (over-exposure made me dislike her before I ever heard her) *skips* Shit, while skipping I’m seeing that there is dancing so I'll have to endure this.
Tony just lifted Chelsie with one hand. Yikes! Is Chelsie the new lift blond of this show now that Julianne is gone?

Yay, more Dance Center.

Oooh decision time. Bahahhaha they waited until after the commercials to reveal who’s going. Poor dudes.
Aaron and Karina are going, about damn time they(he) left. I just can’t like him. His voice, his attitude, this face, his tears, his voice. Len seriously has some hidden love for Aaron, but why???
You know, Karina likes to cry a lot, too... Just saying.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

DWTS Week 8!

And so another week of Dancing with the stars begins. Does it feel like last week took forever or what? It actually feels as if I skipped a week. But I didn’t so whatever?

The first week where the stars do two dances. This will be interesting.
Kym has this dress on that makes her waist look tiny and her boobs look huge! At least, from the side it looks like that. Ohh Joanna just rolled her eyes at something during the line up; I wonder what that was all about.

The judges are now going to tell us what they expect from the stars in their dances. Donny needs to fix his posture. Joanna needs to watch her technique. Kelly needs to step it up. Mýa has to do more technique and less show. Aaron needs to concentrate. Oh man, that was it… we’ve lost a LOT of people in the past two weeks.

Mýa and Dmitry are doing the quickstep. Totally what I wanted her to get, being a tapper and all. So this will be interesting. They’re wearing ‘Team D-Mya’ shirts, haha. Mýa looks pretty. I thnk she stumbled at one point, or missed a step, but she’s doing really well! Like I thought she would do, hehe. Len liked it, Bruno says that it’s quality. Carrie Ann loved it. I love how they zoom in on random celebrities that nobody knows in the audience (and no, I’m not talking about Sabrina Bryan, of course we all know her).
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Aaron and Karina are up next. Hehe, they got the highest score last week and still had to save themselves. I guess all of the weird screaming he did after his dance scared the fans off.
Why does Karina always insist on wearing long pant thingies? Always. Why must you wear pants during a Foxtrot? I think the rise and fall is a bit choppy but it’s good. Ooooh I saw a semi lift, I wonder if Carrie Ann is going to call that. This isn’t great, but it’s good. Bruno said that it looked tense and not as smooth as it could have been. Carrie Ann caught the lift. Len again makes one of his ‘son’ comments…Aaron is not your kid, dude.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 7 (oh he’s gonna cry), Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

Joanna and Derek are dancing the quickstep.
They’re watching clips of Mya and Dmitry dancing to steal her skillz. That…is kind of creepy. Ok not really, but, yeah I’d be creeped out.
Errr yeah she’s stiff. But she’s remembering all of her steps which is hard in the quickstep. See I don’t get the quickstep move where you just randomly run into one direction. This dance had more gimmicks than Mýa’s I wonder what Len has to say about that.
Carrie Ann says that sometimes they were out of sync. And her feet were an eye sore. Len did not like it. Bruno said it looked like Joanna was running away from a crime scene.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 7, Bruno: 8.

Kelly and Louis will Foxtrot next.
They have the worst song ever, but, it works, kind of. She’s doing well. And she’s being sassy! I like it! Carrie Ann says she needs to work on her extensions.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 9.
They just got a higher score than Aaron and Karina, burn!

Donny and Kym are doing the Viennese Waltz. Love that dance. Oh I love it, gorgeous spins and they’re being very graceful. Bruno liked it a lot. Carrie Ann found it mesmerizing and Len said he had better posture but the dance was too ‘arty farty’.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 8, Bruno: 9.

The Latin round is up next.

The most random clip is shown with some dude slapping papers out of some other dude’s hands… I don’t know, I’m not really paying attention.

Yay, the pro’s are showing us some dances.
Tony and Mark and apparently some other random people that we don’t know and shall not be named.

Mýa is doing a 70’s themed Samba. Well… Dmitry is wearing a moustache, fug.’
Mýa is wearing one of Karina’s pantsuits, LEARN FROM THIS KARINA.
Oh cute, they did the Samba roll! And the ‘punch in the face, punch in the groin’ move that was taught to us by Jean-Marc Généreux from sytycd.
Carrie Ann loved it. Len, loved Mýa’s hips, heehee. Bruno is being really creepy while telling them he loved the dance.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 10, Len: 10, Bruno: 10. (Nice)

Aaron and Karina will do a Samba from the 90’s. I was raised in the 90’s. That is not a good era to be copying anything from.
This is really cute! Though Aaron made them do awkward hiphop moves at the end. Props for Karina for putting them on the end though because it would have been awkward in the middle. At least she didn’t give in with the horrid rodeo move.
Len loved it! Bruno compliments him on going between moves. Carrie Ann says that he is now a great performer.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Joanna and Derek are doing a futuristic Paso Doble. *sigh*
Derek just said ‘that was sick’ let me sigh again. *sigh* There it is.
Joanna’s rocking it. Oh as I said this it looked like she was tripping but it might have just been the choreography. I hate their costumes, hadn’t mentioned that before.
Bruno loved it and called Derek a genius. Carrie Ann agreed and HA she saw it too with the weird trip/stumble thing. Len loved it.
Now that I see Joanna in the light, she kind of has an Elektra thing going on. Tom agrees with me on them looking stupid, good, I’m not alone.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Kelly and Louis are doing a Jive from the 60’s. Ohh, Kelly is not that good. They have a doll as a prop which is not helping at all. Ok, now that they’re in hold it’s much better. They did a nice trick too, her jumping into his arms backwards. Len liked it. Bruno..errr..awkward way of saying he liked it. Carrie Ann says that it was one of her best performances. And the doll gave her the heebie-jeebies (I agree, that doll was creepy).
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Donny and Kym are doing a Paso Doble with an 80’s theme. Well they look interesting, that’s for sure. They kind of look like horny pirates. Oh man, I love this already. They had a wind machine! Dude... I don’t know if that’s awesome or lame but I’m going for ‘so lame that it’s awesome’
The ending was a bit awkward. The judges are cracking up. Len liked it but was very much freaked out by it. Bruno … is Bruno. Carrie Ann thought it was hysterical and good but a little bit too much of the crayzee. I could do without the mullet next time, to be honest.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

So in the results show I can expect Michael Bublé! *is happy* and Susan Boyle, whatever.

Would it be too much to ask to put Aaron in the bottom again? Perhaps, you should put him in just for trying to get Karina to do the rodeo. But if I’m going to be like that, Mýa and Dmitry should be kicked off for the thing underneath Dmitry’s nose and Donny and Kym should get the axe for Donny’s mullet. Honestly though, I think Kelly and Louis and Joanna and Derek might be in danger. Maybe Donny too. But I’m hoping for Aaron *is evil*

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Now it is sytycd’s turn, thank the skies next week will be normal again, the judges cutting people is NOT making me happy AT ALL. They will be keeping their little prodigy’s that nobody else cares about and cutting all of the interesting people that the audience actually likes (remember Caitlyn? Yeah, exactly)

The intro is starting.
Why is Mollee wearing Melissers head scarf from the Cancer dance. The little tapping parts sound soooo awkward. Channing *heart bleeds*
WOW Bianca (Beeanker) is like 7 feet taller than the other girls. And Russell has a Twitch thing going on.
Stupid World Series is giving the SYTYCD judges too much power; it needs to be over yesterday.
We’re STILL friggin waiting for Paula Abdul to show up? Keep waiting. Btw. I’m sick of Adam on the judges panel already. If this means none of the other choreographers get to be on. Ugh. I want others. More specifically, I want Miaaaa! *whines*
Noelle is back…. I said MIA, that doesn’t sound like NOELLE at all!

Noelle and Russell are doing a tennis dance? I’m assuming this is hiphop? Jazz? Who is this choreographer? Why are they not telling me what dance this will be?
What is this? I’m not liking this dance at all. Now that they’ve put the props down the choreography isn’t much better. They’re hitting it hard though.
Adam wasn’t too pleased, Mary liked it and Nigel thought it was too fast and he is a little disappointed. I blame the crap choreography.

Cat just called the judges reprobates, nobody laughed; I’ve decided that nobody in the audience knew what a reprobate is. *snort* Cat got them with her smarts.

Ashleigh and Jakob are next (these spellings are killing me, can’t they just have normal names?)
Tony and Melanieee. They’re getting married in the dance… or it is their first wedding dance. With her husband not only in the ROOM, but in the competition, ha! They’re dancing to AT LAST. And they just kissed, but that’s ok, Jakob has teh gay.
I love how they tell me what the dance is supposed to be before they dance it. I don’t like guessing and then checking wiki. Nevertheless, I know that this is a Waltz (what kind of Waltz? Beats me!) And it’s pretty gorgeous.
Wow, Adam scolded Melanie and Tony for putting too many lifts in it and letting Jakob do his little Contemporary jump thing. Mary is stirring the pot, again (oooh you kissed, whatever). Nigel is talking but I’m kind of zoning him out, got distracted by something shiny..

Victor and Beeanker (Bianca) are next.
Oh wait Victor was the gay one? Who did I baptise as the gay last week? I’m confused.
They’re doing a Tasty Oreo routine!
Did Benji and Heidi not dance to this song? (Just checked, guess not, but there has been a God church Broadway routine before)
Hmmm, I’m not sure but I think Beeanker failed to point her toes at this one part.
I hate Broadway. What is this even supposed to be?
The judges didn’t like it that much. You know Beeanker kind of looks like a duck…her face, not her movement.

Mollee and Nathan are up next. Nathan looks like has make up on. He’s so cute though, not in an ‘I want to nom him’ kind of way though, he seems like a baby (coughjailbaitcough) to me but I’m not even that much older!
They are doing Bollywood, I am interested.
Nathan has a sword.
DAMNNN Nathan spun like 30 million times without stopping on one foot.
Nathan owned this dance, Mollee? Who is this? Was she dancing?
(ok maybe Nathan is a tiny bit nomable)
Nigel is whining about ‘new styles brought into the western world’ yeah yeah Bollywood has been on the show for a while now, let it go.

Channing and Phillip. (My spell check says that my grammar was off in that sentence. I blame Channing and her horrible name. If more people start naming like this then we might as well just give up on spell check.)
They’re doing a Samba. Shadow rollllll!!!!! I love the shadow roll.
This is a fast Samba! The lifts are a bit (beyond) awkward, but I like the rest of the dance a lot. The judges are a bit meh about it, but they liked it.

Karen and Kevin are up next.
Ohhh, they’re doing hiphop. The mechanic….and the hot girl… what does that even mean? Are the old Tabitha and Napoleon back? *sigh*
NO the new Tabitha and Napoleon are still here! YAY. I love this. Karen did great! I think this is my favourite couple.
Adam passed out. *teeheeeee* He loved it.
Mary let Karen stay on the hot tamale train. Is Kevin on it now? Yup!
Nigel is ignoring that Kevin exists and drools over Karen. I guess the blondes are a bit too young (or creepy coughAshleighcough) for him this season.

Kathryn and Legacy are doing Contemporary (remember the last time Legacy had to do this style? Oy.)
The Canadian girl is back! Stacey Tookey. I didn’t like her at all last season.
I like this though! And I think they’re doing really well, I loved their lines (*sounds like a dance dork*). Legacy did so good!
The judges loved it!

Peter and Pauline are dancing a Wade Robson routine, this shall be interesting.
This sounds really really promising. Oh I like this! Only the back picture is making me dizzy. I loved thisss! It reminds me of Sara and Jesús’ Caberet Hoover routine. Wade has always been hit or miss for me and this was a HIT.
I wonder what’s up with Wade’s wife, there’s something about Mandy (her name is Amanda, right?) I don’t know what it is… maybe because she always just sits next to him, smiles and looks pretty/cool, and Tabitha and Melanie talk all the time (ok, Tabitha isn’t really an assistant, but you get where I’m going here.)
Adam says it might be controversial. Mary isn’t digging it. Nigel liked it.

Ellenore and Fern (Ryan) are up next.
They’re doing an Argentine Tango. Ok, maybe they have said what routines they were going to do in the first two dances and I just missed it. This music is so..odd, or just oddly edited, give me some The Gotan Project, people! And they’re always so far apart, you’re supposed to be hot and bothered and on each other. I like the lifts though; it’s obvious that Fern knows his business. Poor Ellenore, her heel was stuck on her dress for nearly the entire dance, what a trooper. The judges loved it!

Oh this was it? Wow! That was fast.
My winners and Karen and Kevin; Kathryn and Legacy and Pauline and Peter. Those dancers/ routines win at life.

Noelle is in the bottom four, as are Phillip, Victor and Beeanker (Bianca).
*hopes Noelle gets cut* I don’t know who these male people are so I don’t really care about them. I don’t even like Bianca that much, I just really dislike Noelle (not as much as Mollee though!)

Hey! Noelle broke one of the So you think you can dance audition rules ‘no reaching’ she probably broke the ‘no touching’ rule too but I didn’t pay enough attention.
Ohh, Victor has a creepy opera song. Don’t do this unless you’re prepared to be compared to Brandon (mmmmm, Brandon).
Bianca is up; she’s getting her groove on. Her limbs really are LONG. But I liked it as it went on.
Phillip up next, he has a classy song, Nat King Cole baby. Oh I remember why I loved this dude in the auditions. Brilliant!

I’m pretty sure they’re keeping Phillip, I mean, they HAVE to that was SO GOOD.
(Remember how I didn’t care about the men two minutes ago?)
Awwww poor Beeanker (Bianca) has to leave. Awwww, I feel so sad for her, poor thing.

DWTS Week 7, Results show!

Ok so first of all, Mark Ballas and Derek Hough, what are you doing? Just shuddup.
I love it when Edyta and Alec dance, they’re just so cute.
And the bottom three, Michael and Anna (no surprise), Mark and Lacey (a tad bit of a surprise, no pity votes?) and….wait for it….waiiiit…. waiiiiiiiit. Aaron and Karina (BAHAHAHAAHA) I did not expect this to happen. I’m killed by hilariosity.
Michael and Anna are eliminated right away, Mark and Lacey and Aaron and Karina are in the dance off.

Mark and Lacey are doing the chachacha to the dumbest song ever. Errr, it’s alright, I’m guessing Aaron and Karina will do better if he doesn’t cry on stage (again) and keeps that stick out of his ass. Mark pulled off Lacey’s hairpiece at the end of the dance, d’oh.
Len liked it a lot, Bruno liked it as well. Carrie Ann welcomes Mark back, she loved it.

Up next, Aaron and Karina, it looks like they’re doing the Jive for their knockout dance? Not interested, they did the Jive last week.
What is on Karina’s head?! Oh they’re doing that fast thing again, I wonder if the judges will love it because he’s good at the Jive or hate it because he just did the Jive the other night.
Bruno loved it –what is ON Karina’s head?!- Carrie Ann did as well. Len liked it as well. Yeah… I think Mark and Lacey’s asses just got kicked.

They’re saving Aaron and Karina, biggggg surprise. Good to know Aaron can get near perfect scores and America still hates him.
Awww, Mark just called Lacey ‘his dancer’
The band is singing some song with the lyrics ‘dance away the heartache’… *sigh*
Well, that’s it for this week, thank you, dancing with the stars, for the laughs (and I still can’t get over Karina’s…. hat.)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

DWTS Week 7!

So week seven has started, we have a team tango and a team Paso Doble… interesting.
We start with a few pro dancers demonstrating how these teams ‘should’ look, yeah right.
Miss Lacey-Mae Schwimmer seems to be sick this week; Mark will be dancing with Anna Trebunskaya this week (yay Anna!). This week the celebrities got to pick out the clothes, on first sight, Mýa looks gorgeous, Joanna is wearing some skin colored whatthehellwereyouthinking and Kelly managed to strip Louis of his manhood completely with what she created.

First up are Michael and Anna and they’re dancing the Foxtrot.
Their costumes look pretty. Michael looks like he’s having a blast and I think he’s doing quite well. Len loved it, Bruno says that Michaels butt (oh pardon me, bum) sticks out too much. Carrie Ann liked it a lot and she liked their costumes. Michael kissed Tom (surely he’s been hanging out with Donny too much. Samantha is being a dick about the color of their costumes. Whatever this woman says it just sounds mean.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 7.

Next up are Donny and Kym with the quickstep (I actually can’t wait for Mýa the tapper to do this)
HAHAHAHA Kym took out the posture bar for Donny, I KNEW it was coming. I pity the guys that have to wear that contraption; I guess it beats the broom though.
What is Kym wearing? Random?
It looks good, I’m not a quickstep expert though, I actually hate the quickstep. This song is exceptionally cute though.
Owwie, Bruno called him out on his mistakes thus got booed by the audience. Carrie Ann liked that he was light on his feet (and counted his mistakes). Len liked it.
Oh Lord, Tom just said something about Derek and Mark singing (does not want).
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

Next up Mark and Anna, if I remember correctly they are dancing the Samba this week.
Ok so Lacey is sick and Tony is teaching Mark now. And now Anna is coming to save him. And now she changed the choreography on him.
Ah yes, indeed the Samba. Interesting choreography, I’ve never seen some of these moves in the Samba before (or, you know, ever). Btw, the band is doing the worst rendition of ‘Switch’ by Will Smith EVER, yeah. Oh noes, silent judges. Carrie Ann didn’t like it, Len gave him props for coping with the week’s events and Bruno said it was like Kung fu panda doing the Samba on the planet of the Apes….What, Bruno, WHAT?!
Scores: Carrie Ann: 6, Len: 7, Bruno: 6.

Mýa and Dmitry are up next with the Foxtrot.
Oh LORD he brought out CLORIS LEACHMAN. I am so amused, this woman, haha!
Ohhh, shadows, sexy shmexy. I loooove the Foxtrot it’s such a classy dance. I love this! I’m sure Len is going to complain about them not being in hold enough.
Len: ‘I like the parts where you were in hold’ told ya. Bruno loved it. Mýa looks a taddy bit upset that they still didn’t get Len. Carrie Ann has decided that Len must be smoking crack *snort*. She loved the clothes, she loved the dance. Len is giving Carrie Ann the best ‘I just ate a lemon and wtf are you talking about?’ look. Samantha had a bitchy tone AGAIN.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 7, Bruno: 9.

Aaron and Karina are going to Jive. Aaron’s hair looks….I’m not even going to talk about it. I wonder what he is going to do with his face this week *snort*
Oh I like what he did with Karina’s dress though. Oh Karina is making this Jive faster than a regular Jive, I am interested. They’re doing this weird open shadow roll move, isn’t this a Samba move? Ah it was good! Bruno loved it. Carrie Ann liked it so much she fell kind of silent for about 0.02 seconds. Len loved it. He’s doing his ‘it was….. but it wasn’t, it was….. but it was….’ thing.
We’ll find out who has been selected to dance the Paso Doble with Sabrina Bryan (I’ll feel bad for her if/when it’s Mark)
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.
Aaron is going batshitcrazy….

Kelly and Louis are up nextttt. They have the Salsa.
I can’t watch this, Louis’ pants are cracking me the fuck up and they twirl when they move. Karina wears the same type of pants when she does her 60’s bodysuit thing. Oh good he ripped it off. This is kind of awkward even without the pants.
Carrie Ann commends her on giving Louis those pants and she liked Kelly’s posture and attitude. Len liked it, but she’s not on the right level. Did I mention that Carrie Ann stood up and then mentioned she was acting like Bruno? And then Len stood up? No? Ok you may need to piece of info because Bruno just friggin stood on the judges table. And now he’s shaking his ass. Louis gave him his pants to his ass will jiggle along with the shaking.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

Oh noes, Joanna and Derek are dancing the Rumba. Missy McFayke@@andlipz is going to dance the sex dance with MisterHotHipWonder. Hahahaha, Derek is hilarious. He’s doing all kind of weird ‘sexy’ stuff ‘I want to romance you, HA that feels so goooood’ Get what I’m talking about? Ok, awkward beach clip of them supposedly being in love (note that Joanna’s boobs don’t move when she runs). An even more awkward clip of him kissing the mirror. How clichés can be done a million times and still be funny is beyond me.
Now about the dance, I like the beginning. Joanna needs to move her hips more, and work on her flexibility, didn’t thee judges say this to her last week? A little stumble, but she didn’t fall, which I commend because she was leaning out when it happened.
Len said they ticked all their boxes. Bruno said it was so sexy he could taste it. Carrie Ann said that she loved watching her.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Team Paso: Aaron and Karina, Mýa and Dmitry, Mark and Anna and Michael and Anna.
Team Tango: Donny and Kym, Joanna and Derek and Kelly and Louis.

Wait, that can’t be fair. Team Tango better rock it with the advantage they have.

Team Paso is up first. Uh oh, Lacey and Karina are the first two to bump heads. Oh it doesn’t seem too bad actually. Just the Lacey/Anna thing was difficult.
They’re all together nicely, I liked it! Bruno said that Mýa and Dmitry stood out. Carrie Ann said that Mark redeemed himself. Len said the routine got better and better as it went on.
Aaron said that the real team leaders were Karina and Dmitry (nobody needed to know that)
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

Team Tango is up.
Let me just say that Kym is looking really pretty during the first rehearsals. (Man now that Alec a.k.a. ‘my male eye candy’ is gone, I’ll just be talking about Kym and Anna D. for the rest of the season (or just Kym since I doubt Anna D. will be in for much longer).
Errr, yeah Team Tango is kicking Team Paso’s ass
The pro dancers did something really clever which is choreographing the while thing before bringing the celebs into the mix.
Carrie Ann spanked the males for lifting; it was not an Argentine Tango, tsssk tsssk. Len said that this was obviously more superior but the Paso was more difficult. Bruno, loved it, to say the least.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 10.

My guesses for tonight? Michael and Anna will be out; Mark and Anna may be able to avoid the bottom three because of sympathy illness votes. Kelly and Louis will be in the bottom, if Mark and Anna stay out of the bottom three I think it will be Mýa and Dmitry (maybe even Aaron and Karina, too much to hope for? Thought so.)

My favorite dances of this week are Aaron and Karina with their Jive closely followed by Mýa and Dmitry with their Foxtrot (eat it, Len!)