Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hey you Bloggers!

Hey hey hey I am not liking what I'm seeing here!
I'm going through all of my favorite Bloggers (which, admittedly, I don't do often enough) and to my surprise I could not follow the links of my lovely Bloggers. Because their Blog no longer exists!
I can't condone this, my friends. I want, no I neeeeeed to have this access to your lives so that I can stalk you all as much as my little heart desires.
I don't care how much you write or what you write about, I just need to it be there!
There, my first non dance related Blog post in ages.
Dedicated to my fellow Bloggers.

Monday, June 28, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 2

First if all:
Wtf is up with Billy’s random scarf, it’s flying all over the place for no reason.
I don’t like this sticky panel thing. I adore me some Mia and Shankers but I want some different asses on the darn panel.

Pasha and Christina with the Paso Doble.
I don’t really care about childhood stories.
Christina just hurt Pasha, this is not making me happy, at all.
What’s up with the stupid dramatic music, the Paso Doble wasn’t created in SPARTA!!! Folks.
Nigel: It needs passion (nope just Pasha)
Christina did well though, first good Paso on the show, ever.

Adechike and Allison doing Contemporary.
They got Mandy Moore to create this dance, this means the 80s are in order, awesomeness.
Love this song, though not 80s.
This was very pretty though I’m afraid that Allison did most of it, she could dance with a piece of lint and make it look good.
Adechike was better but I’m still not convinced.

This week the allstars get to stick around for judging I guess.

Alex and Lauren with their broadway.
Little tapper Alex is ADORABLE.
The broadway hater says that she loves thissss.
Proof that Alex makes everything better.

Ashley and Mark, doing a Jazz routine by Travis!
Mark looks pissed off every time he does a hard move, he needs to stop that.
This was a pretty routine. I liked it!
Travis got spanked by the panel there.
Nigel is talking out of his butt, the boys are SO much better than the girls this season.

Billy and Comfort doing the Krump
LMAO 'I was a really fat baby' Good start.
Oh Lil’ C is gonna have a field day.
Billy B Buck, awesomeness.
He’s not bad but this is too fast for him I think.
Poor dude isn’t really gangsta enough for Krump in my humble opinion.
Well... if your name is Billy Bell you can’t really be buck.
Comfort probably got in trouble for trying to defend the poor dude, too.

Robert (WHO IS ROBERT?) and Anya
Jean-Marc is so awesome.
Libertango, Libertango, why do they always have Libertango on this show, Allison and Ivan danced to this song already (for some reason I remember these things). The same dance, too, so they’re not even being original with that. HECK even the choreographer was the same.
Anya = sex. This routine was freaking hot! I’m not gonna lie about that.
What was Robert trying to do at the end there, pretending to vomit?
That just took off a whole bunch of sexypoints.
Melinda and Ade are dancing contemporary
So far so good, I like this.
This was good, I liked it! Melinda did better than that I expected.

Jose and Kathryn are doing Bollywood.
Did Kathryn ever even DO Bollywood in her own season? (I just checked, and the answert is NO)
Genie in a bottle… right, nice concept, haha
Aww Jose seems to be having fun. Kathryns wardrobe is flying off a bit.
But I liked it!
What in the world is Nigel even talking about, chatting about the world cup.

Lauren and Dominic are up next.
Napoleon and Tabitha are gone today? THANK YOU.
Though this will be lyrical hip hop so I don’t know.
This was pretty awesome, Lauren’s back! Yay!

Kent is up next with Courtney to do some Jazz.
The intro, was hilarious.
The dance, was awesome.
That is all.
Wow I can’t believe Nigel gave Travis that afterspanking there. Travis was not amused.
Nigel needs to learn to not be bitchy; he’s either being mean to someone or patting himself on the back for having such a ‘brilliant’ idea for the show.

SYTYCD Season 7, week 1, results

Ok, fine, I cheated. I just went on wikipedia too look who left and then checked youtube for the solos and send off.
I heard something about Justin Bieber and chickened out of actually watching the show.
So Melinda, Christina and Alexie were in the bottom three.
I guess that's not very surprising even though I liked Alexie a lot.
They of course cut Alexie because they already have too many Contemporary dancers (and who's fault is THAT?) and can afford to lose one or two in the first weeks.

After thinking about it for a while I get the judges point about Alexie dancing too 'young' as I still thought of her as this happy little 19 year old instead of a grown woman, it actually surprised me when they said her age and it's not like she has a super baby face so I'm guessing it's the dancing that made me believe that she was younger.
I was glad to see Melinda stay another week, Christina, not so much but I guess she's growing on me.

Here's a little not so fun 'fun' fact for y'all.
Since Tabitha and Napoleon started doing this show, the first two people to leave had danced one of their routines. Except for season 5 where only one of the two eliminated danced a routine by them.
This should tell us something, no?
So next season we'll know that if two couples dance a Tabitha and Napoleon routine that one of them will probably be out.
I'm calling it the Curse of the American Boy (stole that) because that song was the song of the first routine to be out (Rayven and Jamie S4).

Friday, June 18, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 1

Well here we go, the first ‘real’ episode of sytycd.
Lets see how this goes.
What the heck is up with the crappy angles in the introductions? I could not see Adechike, or Ashley properly other with other crappy things. And what the heck is Christina wearing in her intro.
And what happened to the ‘here are your guys’ with the swagger!
I’m already disliking this.
Too add to everything Cat is all echo-ey and loud.

Billy and Lauren - Broadway

The dance was alright, wasn’t too impressed. I liked the song more than the dance, heehee.
But it was cute and they looked like they were having fun!


Christina and Mark- Jazz
Oh nice beginning there. Mark is the perfect partner for this dance.
I liked it, Sonya, I love you. Though I think Mark did outshine Christina a fair bit in my opinion.
She did very well though!

Jose and Comfort- hiphop
Napoleon got a bit puffy.
Dudes, Jose is nommy.
I liked it a fair bit. But I was concentrating more on the ‘omg yay Comforttttt!’ part of it all.
Which I think this entire show will be for me.

Adechike and Kathryn- Jazz

Well Kathryn has the personality of a dead grasshopper, especially when she’s dancing, so we shall see.
Lots of jumps and catches, the song is quite uneventful, the dance kind of is as well. Neither of them seems to any personality. So basically I was quite bored by this.
Damn that Shankers/Mia moment was creepy, Nigel was right to move far far away from that.

Melinda and PASHA!!11!!-Jive

Omg she was one of the creepy twins on atwt? Epic.
Yeah really, Melanie, it’s not difficult to fall in love with PASHA!!11!! at alllll!
Melinda knows a good looking man when she sees him.
A tiny near missed hand in the beginning.
Her flicks aren’t very convincing in the beginning and she doesn’t have that bounce you need for this dance.
She looks like she’s having fun though. And in her defense she got the Jive which is like, the 3rd hardest dance on this show according to me? I can't remember, haha!
<3 PASHA!!11!!’s epic eyebrow. :lol:

Alex and Alison- Contemporary
Ohh, they’re getting Sonya, this HAS to rock.
Omg brilliant. BRILLIANT.
Can’t Alex, Alison and Sonya stay together FOREVER.
What I’m also impressed by is how much better the all-stars have gotten, I know that that is to be expected but compared to when Alison was on the show she has grown SO MUCH.

Alexie (who is now screwed btw.) and Twitch- hiphop
BAHAHA Adam Shankman in the 90s.
Oh this is very well done and cute! I liked it.
I’m still all GAH from Alex and Alisons show but this was great, too.
Nigel is right; Alexie is a cute little dancer.

Lauren and Ade- Pop-Jazz
Mandy Moore, I wonder what 80s song we will hear this time, ;)
NICE. This was awesome.
Oh dear, her conversation with Adam isn’t going too well, I get what he’s saying though.
She’s not liking this at all, though. She be flustered.

Kent and Anya(!)- Cha-cha-cha

I love how he got the country music, ha!
Oh no, poor Kent, Anya is going to slay him. :lol:
He’s got the ballroom faces down so it seems. :lol:
This was good. Though I was paying more attention to Anya (Anyer).
Kents faces were hilarious!
Little boy in the lion cage, bahahaha!

Ashley(who was this again..?) and Neil (blah)- Contemporary

Wow she’s lame.
It was pretty, but to me that’s all that it was.

Robert and Courtney- African Jazz
Again, who the heck is Robert. Unless he does great I’m guessing he’s show fodder.
Erm, Courtney doesn’t do African Jazz…
This was a good routine but I’m not sure it’s good enough for me to like Robert.
Err, Adam, I know for sure that we’ve had better male contemporary dancers on this show.
Like… every other guy in this show (excluding Jose and Alex, of course)

Ok so for unsafe I think Melinda, Robert and either Ashley or Adechike. I’m thinking if it’s those three that they might keep Melinda just for the sake of diversity on the show.
My personal winners this night are Christina and Mark, Alex and Alison (obviously) and I guess Alexie and Twitch because MAN that was cute. Lauren and Ade and Kent and Anya get a special mention.