Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hey you Bloggers!

Hey hey hey I am not liking what I'm seeing here!
I'm going through all of my favorite Bloggers (which, admittedly, I don't do often enough) and to my surprise I could not follow the links of my lovely Bloggers. Because their Blog no longer exists!
I can't condone this, my friends. I want, no I neeeeeed to have this access to your lives so that I can stalk you all as much as my little heart desires.
I don't care how much you write or what you write about, I just need to it be there!
There, my first non dance related Blog post in ages.
Dedicated to my fellow Bloggers.


  1. I hope you and your Blogger-lovers are reunited soon haha

  2. Me too, all I can do is wait and see how much pressure I need to put on them to get them to start up again. *evil smile*
