Monday, June 28, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 2

First if all:
Wtf is up with Billy’s random scarf, it’s flying all over the place for no reason.
I don’t like this sticky panel thing. I adore me some Mia and Shankers but I want some different asses on the darn panel.

Pasha and Christina with the Paso Doble.
I don’t really care about childhood stories.
Christina just hurt Pasha, this is not making me happy, at all.
What’s up with the stupid dramatic music, the Paso Doble wasn’t created in SPARTA!!! Folks.
Nigel: It needs passion (nope just Pasha)
Christina did well though, first good Paso on the show, ever.

Adechike and Allison doing Contemporary.
They got Mandy Moore to create this dance, this means the 80s are in order, awesomeness.
Love this song, though not 80s.
This was very pretty though I’m afraid that Allison did most of it, she could dance with a piece of lint and make it look good.
Adechike was better but I’m still not convinced.

This week the allstars get to stick around for judging I guess.

Alex and Lauren with their broadway.
Little tapper Alex is ADORABLE.
The broadway hater says that she loves thissss.
Proof that Alex makes everything better.

Ashley and Mark, doing a Jazz routine by Travis!
Mark looks pissed off every time he does a hard move, he needs to stop that.
This was a pretty routine. I liked it!
Travis got spanked by the panel there.
Nigel is talking out of his butt, the boys are SO much better than the girls this season.

Billy and Comfort doing the Krump
LMAO 'I was a really fat baby' Good start.
Oh Lil’ C is gonna have a field day.
Billy B Buck, awesomeness.
He’s not bad but this is too fast for him I think.
Poor dude isn’t really gangsta enough for Krump in my humble opinion.
Well... if your name is Billy Bell you can’t really be buck.
Comfort probably got in trouble for trying to defend the poor dude, too.

Robert (WHO IS ROBERT?) and Anya
Jean-Marc is so awesome.
Libertango, Libertango, why do they always have Libertango on this show, Allison and Ivan danced to this song already (for some reason I remember these things). The same dance, too, so they’re not even being original with that. HECK even the choreographer was the same.
Anya = sex. This routine was freaking hot! I’m not gonna lie about that.
What was Robert trying to do at the end there, pretending to vomit?
That just took off a whole bunch of sexypoints.
Melinda and Ade are dancing contemporary
So far so good, I like this.
This was good, I liked it! Melinda did better than that I expected.

Jose and Kathryn are doing Bollywood.
Did Kathryn ever even DO Bollywood in her own season? (I just checked, and the answert is NO)
Genie in a bottle… right, nice concept, haha
Aww Jose seems to be having fun. Kathryns wardrobe is flying off a bit.
But I liked it!
What in the world is Nigel even talking about, chatting about the world cup.

Lauren and Dominic are up next.
Napoleon and Tabitha are gone today? THANK YOU.
Though this will be lyrical hip hop so I don’t know.
This was pretty awesome, Lauren’s back! Yay!

Kent is up next with Courtney to do some Jazz.
The intro, was hilarious.
The dance, was awesome.
That is all.
Wow I can’t believe Nigel gave Travis that afterspanking there. Travis was not amused.
Nigel needs to learn to not be bitchy; he’s either being mean to someone or patting himself on the back for having such a ‘brilliant’ idea for the show.

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