Tuesday, December 29, 2009

SYTYCD the finale!

The finale, about time I watched it!
The beginning is very drama filled, sheesh.

Kathryn and Fern are doing a Samba first. Again no intros, I am not happy.
This is a very fast Samba, Kathryn fits right in. This is more of an African-ish Samba than a normal Samba though, or am I crazy?
Nigel loved it and says he would not have guessed that Kathryn wasn’t ballroom if he didn’t know. Mary loved it! Adam adores Kathryn like crazy.

Ellenore and Jakob with Broadway are up next. Err, it’s broadway, if you know me, it’s very hard to get me excited about that. But they danced it well.
Nigel loved it. Mary thought Ellenore was hot and Jakob was great. Adam thinks Ellenore never looked as beautiful and Jakob is a very good partner.

Ashleigh and Russell are dancing a Sonya Lyrical routine. Holy wind machine. This is interesting, because, even though I liked the routine and choreography, Russell doesn’t excite me one bit. Nigel disagrees with me, my bad.
Mary says that Ashleigh was great and now she’s crying talking about Russell. Adam is thanking Sonya for her awesome routine.

Ellenore and Fern dancing a Jazz number. This was all kinds of awesome, even though I had no idea what was going on half the time, haha!
Nigel says he didn’t feel it and was more Techno than Jazz. Mary loved it because it was different and unique. Adam agrees with the both of them.

Ashleigh and Jakob are dancing a Foxtrot!
CLASSY, that’s all I’ve got to say, it is the Foxtrot, after all.
Nigel commends Jakob and Ashleigh on their amazing chemistry. Mary liked it. Adam liked it a lot.

Ellenore and Russell are dancing a Paso Doble. The second most deadly dance on dance shows.
Nigel is complaining about the lack of shirts for men. He thinks that even though Russell rocked it, he lacked some things. He loved Ellenore though.
Mary loved Ellenore as well, Russell also but less.
Adam said a lot of things, basically he loved it.

Kathryn and Jakob are dancing contemporary by Dwight and Desmond, the pas de deux people if I’m correct. AAAAH *mind goes kablooey* This was so EPICALLY AWESOME.
Nigel says that Kathryn is and has been his favourite girl for weeks. He says Jakob needs to join a company and be awesome.
Mary is crying and says that that is the best performance she’s ever seen. Adam is humbled by all of it and says it’s a game changer, this is all he says though, the awesomeness pissed him off so badly that he stopped talking. I think he might just be over stimulated sexually but that’s just me (and you know I’m NOT talking about Kathryn!).

Fern and Ashleigh are dancing together, lord have MERCY. Remember what happened the last time they did that, bahahah!
Contemporary by Travis Wall. Very nice! Beautiful. Now they’re both crying, WAAH.
Nigel said they did well, but he says Ashleigh has better chemistry with Jakob than with Fern. Fern acts like he’s worried, COME ON Fern, you’re not going to be worried about him, kissing him is like kissing a skittle (taste the rainbow). Mary says that this is very special. Adam is pulling for tears and it’s WORKING. Adam says something about the experience being enough for him or something, I wasn’t paying attention, I was telling a friend about my funny skittle comment. (Mean, but I laughed)

Kathryn and Russell are dancing a Tabitha and Napoleon routine. The beginning does not look promising, choreography wise. Anddddd I was right. They danced it really well though.
Nigel loved it, Mary says they have their heart. Adam agrees.

Ok now that the show is over, I need to make my guesses for the Encore dances of the final results show.

Kathryn and Legacy- contemporary, week 2
Ellenore and Fern, Argentine tango, week 2
Karen and Kevin with hiphop, week 2
Channing and Victor, contemporary, week 3
Mollee and Nathan- bollywood, week 2/ The CanCan, week 5
Jakob and Ashleigh- chachacha, week 5
Ellenore and Jakob with their Sonya routine, week 10
Kathryn and Jakob, contemporary- this week
Ashleigh and Fern, contemporary, of course, this week
Anyone- (Viennese) Waltz (for balance’s sake)

Hmmm, I have a lot of week 2’s in there so I’m guessing I’ll be off some. I’d love to see Pauline and Peter’s Jazz routine by Wade Robson but I’m not counting on it.

Monday, December 28, 2009

SYTYCD Week 7, results

An interesting dance, I wonder who made it. It was Sonya, ha!

Cat reveals that the audience voted a lot, big whoop.

The results are hereeee. The top 4 guys are up now.

Russell is safe.
Jakob is wearing like… boxers and it’s distracting me...not in a good way though.
Legacy is in danger.
Now left are Fern and Jakob who oh who shall be in danger? Fern is in danger.

Now the girlies.
Kathryn is first. She’s in!
Now Ellenore, she’s in danger.
It’s between Mollee and Ashleigh now. Ashleigh made it, baha, I’m amused.
The camera just went to Fern sitting on the floor weeping or something, whatever.

Adam is not happy and shocked that Ashleigh came in over Mollee, I think, judging by his face. And he randomly went on to talking about Kathryn and how awesome she was and Mollee was standing there looking all awkward so Cat had to shut him up.

Cat had some ‘exciting news’ about season 7 and it was…. That they will start auditions in Jan, that was the exciting news?

Legacy is soloing now, he did really well.
Ellenore, awesome!
Fern, he’s wearing odd shoes. Eh it was alright, I still like his Paso Doble solo the best though.
Mollee, she’s doing that Contemporary thing where they fall a lot.

Ellenore and Mollee are first with the results. The one going on is, Ellenore. Mollee is out. Aww I always end up feeling bad for them, even when I don’t like them.

Now the boys. Fern is in. Aww poor Legacy.


The top 8 is out. Eeeeh!
Oh dear, something is wrong with Ashleigh… she dislocated her shoulder and they won’t let her dance. Awww (and that was sincere)

Kathryn and Fern are dancing together this week. A disco by Doriana Sanchez.
Aww they look like they’re having fun!
Adam is in awe. Mary loved it. Nigel liked it but didn’t think it was great.

Mollee and Jakob are dancing now. A Waltz no less. It’s a very fast and modern waltz (sure it’s not a Viennese Waltz?)
Adam lurved it. Mary did as well and she talked a whole lot to say so. Nigel loved it.

Ashleigh was supposed to dance solo but they’re giving out her number again.

Ellenore and Legacy are dancing a contemporary dance together.
I have to ask though, what kind of weird finale is a top six? What!?
Travis Wall basically made them a dancing Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Nice! This was basically the entire movie in 1:30.
Adam loved it so much that he can’t really speak. Mary adored it. Nigel thinks that Travis is going to get an Emmy for it.

Jakob is dancing solo, it was nice.

Ashleigh and Russell are up next but since Ashleigh managed to injure herself Russell is dancing hip hop with…someone
Btw who else saw that Shane Sparks is being charged with child molestation, charming, I guess this will be the last we’ll ever see of him again. I heard something similar happened to Alex da Silva, some kind of assault charges, haven’t seen him since.
Anyways, back on track.
Who is this girl Russell is dancing with, because he’s kicking her ass. Ashleigh would have rocked this *sigh* I am not impressed. At all.

Mollee is dancing solo now. Very nice! This one was much calmer than her usual solos.

Kathryn and Fern are dancing the cha cha. Dude how does Fern wear v-neck shirts and is still considered straight? How is he fooling Ashleigh. Maybe she’s his Beard and he’s her Merkin, I dunno…just saying.
It’s really good but it’s not popping for me.
Adam commends Jason (choreographer) on his routine. Mary and Nigel loved it.

Legacy is dancing his solo. He’s…. on the phone. Weird, he cracked a semi-hilarious joke though.

Ellenore is up next with her solo. Love this girl!

Now Russell, he’s dressed all Christmassy. Weird.

Mollee and Jakob are dancing Broadway, to an Annie song, nice. I liked it a lot! It did match the song and what was done in the movie/musical.
Adam liked it a lot. Nigel thinks that Mollee should be in Broadway.

Kathryn is dancing her solo, lovely!

Legacy and Ellenore are dancing a NappyTabs routine. The intro scared the crap out of me. It was odd, but good, only Ellenore fell back a little bit at a few parts.
Adam didn’t like it too much, I think he was creeped out a tad bit, which says a lot.
Mary didn’t like it that much either, she wasn’t impressed. Nigel blames Nappytabs more than anyone, I think.

Fern is soloing now. It looks like a chacha, I wasn’t impressed. And now he’s crying ‘Ashleigh needs to be in, WAAAAH’ I actually ‘O Lord’ed out loud because of that. I’m all for sappy, but now it’s gone to mush.

Russell and notAshleigh is/are back with Bollywood.
I like it! It’s cute, it’s fast, it’s Bollywood! Btw. WHAT does Russell DO with his dance partners? He’s like the partner slayer.
Adam was just very politically incorrect to the choreographer.
They all liked it a lot.

Over now, off to find out who is in the top six!

SYTYCD Week 6, results

Ok, so I’m FINALLY watching the result shows of the top 10, I’m that lazy. I can’t believe I’m this far behind.

Ok the group dance, they’re doing some kind of rock and roll based thing. Hey, no theme song when Cat walks up. Tasty Oreo choreographed this one. Aww Lauren is sitting next to him, blast from the past and such, hehe.

A nice recap of all of the dances and solos. Snoop dog is performing… Man am I excited.
What the FUCK did Dominic do to his hair?! Did he just make it worse?! I don’t remember if it was this bad last time.
Oh man, he’s dancing for Snoop though; there goes my plan to skip it.

Up first are the girls. All leathery. Ellenore is safe! *yay*
Mollee is safe as well.
Noelle is in the bottom two.
Ashleigh and Kathryn, Hmm, I actually like both of them. Kathryn is in the bottom. Now I’m sad.
Now onto the boys. Man Fern with his rock and roll make up/clothes is epic suck/fug. He is in the bottom.
Russell is safe.
Jakob is safe.
Nathan is in the bottom two.

Noelle is first up with her solo. She did well.
Next up is Fern. He….is doing the exact same solo he did last show. Wait, was that supposed to happen? I don’t remember what Noelle did last time, only reason I remember Fern is because he did a Paso Doble solo.
Kathryn is up next, lots of lovely leg movement.
Nathan, now. Gorgeous.

Eek, the girl results! Noelle is leaving, phew!
The Boys, Nathan is out.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hah, a week after it aired I’m finally watching it! Check me out, on point and everything.
The top ten! What are the couples? What are the dances? I want to know! Have I mentioned before how much I hate the new stage? And the way they do the introductions? Noelle is still in?! Jeez. And, now that we’re there, I also hate that Adam Shankman is a permanent judge now. I’ve been overshanked, there, I said it. Why can’t he just go off and make a movie for a week or two and we can have our Tasty Oreo or a bit of Sonya.

First up is Noelle and Ryan with hiphop. What? No intro? What? We don’t get our story first? I am said, or better yet, “upsaid”.
Ok the concept is clear, but I don’t like the choreography at all and think Noelle is a bit young for this. I think this matches the Mad Conductor thing they did with Chelsie and Twitch ( that was weird too).
Nigel liked it, thought Ryan was strong but almost too strong and wasn’t feeling the funk. Mary liked it a lot, but I got distracted when she said ‘No Elle’ instead of Noelle, that totally blanked me out. Adam says that Noelle was smoking. Is this show running out of time or something? I’m still so confused about them just starting with the dance and no intro.

Ashleigh and Legacy are doing contemporary. I guess I have faith in them, interesting coupling. Gary Steward? Who?! What is up with this?! Weird kind of Capoeira Contemporary…Well then…. I guess one of them was lacking so much that they just changed up the entire dance style… I want Mia.
Nigel thinks it’s awesome.

Mollee is doing her solo now. But first her stupid intro, so that’s where they went? Oh she was in High School Musical, that’s why she’s so annoying. Well this was the first uninteresting solo I’ve seen of her.

Russell is up next with his solo. Oh he was awesome! He did some nice moves!

Kathryn and Nathan are dancing together *Sad*. And they’re doing Broadway. Dude, I NEED an explanation when watching Broadway! Gimme my damn intro! Oh they’re not together at one bit. ‘Keep them guessing what the hell they’re expressing’ yeah, the lyrics pretty much sum up the entire show. Nigel said they found the style perfectly but the chemistry wasn’t really what he expected. Mary says Kathryn makes it looks easy. Adam thinks they did a great job. Adam said Nathan ‘did good’. I stole this from someone brilliant ‘no, superman does good, they did well.’ My spell check also agrees with this and is in pain that I won’t change it.

Noelle’s solo is up now. She’s dancing contemporary.

Oh we have another quickstep, who are they trying to cut this week?

Ellenore and Jacob, wow, did not expect that…
They’re doing really well though! They’re not totally connected… ‘down there’ (thank you, Julianne Hough) all the time. Nigel thought it was fun, great body lines, yada yada. Mary said they rocked, pretty much. Adam think that the luck of the draw is fascinating because Ellenore was Fern’s partner and Jakob was Ashleigh’s partner and now Ellenore and Jakob are dancing…wtf is he even talking about? Shut. Up.

Fern is soloing now. He’s doing a Paso Doble solo, love it (if only he was a girl then he’d have a cool skirt to swish around, too!)

Kathryn is doing a solo now. She did a lot of leg stretching in it. Cat is making everyone saying their end number, Cat, these poor people are TIRED, leave them alone!

Lyrical Jazz is next. Mollee and Russell. OH NO 80’s MUSIC! Mandy Moore certainly is back to normal. One dip in the top 40 and she thought it was more than enough. Russell kind of looks uncomfortable. Actually, it’s not just him. They have a few really good moments in it but a lot just looks hectic and a lot of times it looks like he’s about to drop her. Nigel loved it. I love how the judges and I watch different dances 80% of the time. Mary loved them. Adam says they danced so well that they nearly killed them.

Nathan’s solo is up next. Very nice! Loved it.

Noelle and Fern are dancing a smooth waltz aka one of the more boring waltzes. (I’m a Viennese Waltz girl). It’s gorgeous though! Nigel lists the things he loved, he pretty much loved everything. Mary calls Noelle breathtaking.

Ellenore’s solo!!! I hope it rocks. And of course it does! We’ve never had a soloist like her!

Ashleigh and Legacy are dancing hip hop. Oh, Legacy is dressed like Dracula. The cape is quite distracting; I hope he loses it soon. Ashleigh seems to be kicking Legacy’s ass. Nigel didn’t feel it; he said that there wasn’t enough dancing in there. Mary says the same.

Kathryn and Nathan are Rumbaing (spell check accepted this as a word, so… ok?). Oh this is very good! And hot! They did the Courtney and Gev butt grab (this pleases me way more than it should)! And the Lauren and Dominic split into slide! Haha.
Nigel says that it looked more like a Pas de Deux rather than a Rumba. Mary says that the passion was not believable. Adam says that ‘people have a lot of feelings about Nathan’ yeah, uhm, that’s called teen horniness, my friend. He said that Kathryn danced like she was competing and with a lot of passion.

Legacy’s up next with his solo. WOW. Just WOWWWW. That’s it, he wins this round of solos.

Ellenore and Jakob are doing contemporary. Ohhhh, to Oona, the song Kelsey Taylor auditioned to last season, loved that girl, wonder what happened to her.
Anyways…. LOVED IT!!!! BRILLIANT. Nigel is screaming! Excuse me while I go rewatch that before continuing. LORD. Even better the second time. Nigel says that Ellenore and Sonya are probably from the same planet, I’ll have to agree. Mary is also screaming and called Jakob and Ellenore the new dream team. Adam calls this the sequel to The Garden (with Courtney and Mark) and nobody will forget it.

Ashleigh does her solo next. I predict that this will be slightly underwhelming After Ellenore and Jakob and Legacy. Ashleigh is doing a Samba. I wish I could get more excited about this, she really is great, but, DAMN. Afterglow much?!

Mollee and Russell are doing the Jive. Choreographed by Anya and Pasha and NOW I am BEYOND pissed off by the lack of intros.
Nigel says that they did really well especially going after Ellenore and Jakob. I saw a glimpse of Pasha and Anya! (Crazed fan girl much?). The judges liked it a lot! They were feeling it.

Jakob is dancing contemporary.

Well, I’m interested what tomorrow has to bring as I’ll have a lot of catching up to do!