Monday, December 28, 2009

SYTYCD Week 7, results

An interesting dance, I wonder who made it. It was Sonya, ha!

Cat reveals that the audience voted a lot, big whoop.

The results are hereeee. The top 4 guys are up now.

Russell is safe.
Jakob is wearing like… boxers and it’s distracting me...not in a good way though.
Legacy is in danger.
Now left are Fern and Jakob who oh who shall be in danger? Fern is in danger.

Now the girlies.
Kathryn is first. She’s in!
Now Ellenore, she’s in danger.
It’s between Mollee and Ashleigh now. Ashleigh made it, baha, I’m amused.
The camera just went to Fern sitting on the floor weeping or something, whatever.

Adam is not happy and shocked that Ashleigh came in over Mollee, I think, judging by his face. And he randomly went on to talking about Kathryn and how awesome she was and Mollee was standing there looking all awkward so Cat had to shut him up.

Cat had some ‘exciting news’ about season 7 and it was…. That they will start auditions in Jan, that was the exciting news?

Legacy is soloing now, he did really well.
Ellenore, awesome!
Fern, he’s wearing odd shoes. Eh it was alright, I still like his Paso Doble solo the best though.
Mollee, she’s doing that Contemporary thing where they fall a lot.

Ellenore and Mollee are first with the results. The one going on is, Ellenore. Mollee is out. Aww I always end up feeling bad for them, even when I don’t like them.

Now the boys. Fern is in. Aww poor Legacy.

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