Tuesday, December 29, 2009

SYTYCD the finale!

The finale, about time I watched it!
The beginning is very drama filled, sheesh.

Kathryn and Fern are doing a Samba first. Again no intros, I am not happy.
This is a very fast Samba, Kathryn fits right in. This is more of an African-ish Samba than a normal Samba though, or am I crazy?
Nigel loved it and says he would not have guessed that Kathryn wasn’t ballroom if he didn’t know. Mary loved it! Adam adores Kathryn like crazy.

Ellenore and Jakob with Broadway are up next. Err, it’s broadway, if you know me, it’s very hard to get me excited about that. But they danced it well.
Nigel loved it. Mary thought Ellenore was hot and Jakob was great. Adam thinks Ellenore never looked as beautiful and Jakob is a very good partner.

Ashleigh and Russell are dancing a Sonya Lyrical routine. Holy wind machine. This is interesting, because, even though I liked the routine and choreography, Russell doesn’t excite me one bit. Nigel disagrees with me, my bad.
Mary says that Ashleigh was great and now she’s crying talking about Russell. Adam is thanking Sonya for her awesome routine.

Ellenore and Fern dancing a Jazz number. This was all kinds of awesome, even though I had no idea what was going on half the time, haha!
Nigel says he didn’t feel it and was more Techno than Jazz. Mary loved it because it was different and unique. Adam agrees with the both of them.

Ashleigh and Jakob are dancing a Foxtrot!
CLASSY, that’s all I’ve got to say, it is the Foxtrot, after all.
Nigel commends Jakob and Ashleigh on their amazing chemistry. Mary liked it. Adam liked it a lot.

Ellenore and Russell are dancing a Paso Doble. The second most deadly dance on dance shows.
Nigel is complaining about the lack of shirts for men. He thinks that even though Russell rocked it, he lacked some things. He loved Ellenore though.
Mary loved Ellenore as well, Russell also but less.
Adam said a lot of things, basically he loved it.

Kathryn and Jakob are dancing contemporary by Dwight and Desmond, the pas de deux people if I’m correct. AAAAH *mind goes kablooey* This was so EPICALLY AWESOME.
Nigel says that Kathryn is and has been his favourite girl for weeks. He says Jakob needs to join a company and be awesome.
Mary is crying and says that that is the best performance she’s ever seen. Adam is humbled by all of it and says it’s a game changer, this is all he says though, the awesomeness pissed him off so badly that he stopped talking. I think he might just be over stimulated sexually but that’s just me (and you know I’m NOT talking about Kathryn!).

Fern and Ashleigh are dancing together, lord have MERCY. Remember what happened the last time they did that, bahahah!
Contemporary by Travis Wall. Very nice! Beautiful. Now they’re both crying, WAAH.
Nigel said they did well, but he says Ashleigh has better chemistry with Jakob than with Fern. Fern acts like he’s worried, COME ON Fern, you’re not going to be worried about him, kissing him is like kissing a skittle (taste the rainbow). Mary says that this is very special. Adam is pulling for tears and it’s WORKING. Adam says something about the experience being enough for him or something, I wasn’t paying attention, I was telling a friend about my funny skittle comment. (Mean, but I laughed)

Kathryn and Russell are dancing a Tabitha and Napoleon routine. The beginning does not look promising, choreography wise. Anddddd I was right. They danced it really well though.
Nigel loved it, Mary says they have their heart. Adam agrees.

Ok now that the show is over, I need to make my guesses for the Encore dances of the final results show.

Kathryn and Legacy- contemporary, week 2
Ellenore and Fern, Argentine tango, week 2
Karen and Kevin with hiphop, week 2
Channing and Victor, contemporary, week 3
Mollee and Nathan- bollywood, week 2/ The CanCan, week 5
Jakob and Ashleigh- chachacha, week 5
Ellenore and Jakob with their Sonya routine, week 10
Kathryn and Jakob, contemporary- this week
Ashleigh and Fern, contemporary, of course, this week
Anyone- (Viennese) Waltz (for balance’s sake)

Hmmm, I have a lot of week 2’s in there so I’m guessing I’ll be off some. I’d love to see Pauline and Peter’s Jazz routine by Wade Robson but I’m not counting on it.

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