Monday, December 28, 2009


The top 8 is out. Eeeeh!
Oh dear, something is wrong with Ashleigh… she dislocated her shoulder and they won’t let her dance. Awww (and that was sincere)

Kathryn and Fern are dancing together this week. A disco by Doriana Sanchez.
Aww they look like they’re having fun!
Adam is in awe. Mary loved it. Nigel liked it but didn’t think it was great.

Mollee and Jakob are dancing now. A Waltz no less. It’s a very fast and modern waltz (sure it’s not a Viennese Waltz?)
Adam lurved it. Mary did as well and she talked a whole lot to say so. Nigel loved it.

Ashleigh was supposed to dance solo but they’re giving out her number again.

Ellenore and Legacy are dancing a contemporary dance together.
I have to ask though, what kind of weird finale is a top six? What!?
Travis Wall basically made them a dancing Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Nice! This was basically the entire movie in 1:30.
Adam loved it so much that he can’t really speak. Mary adored it. Nigel thinks that Travis is going to get an Emmy for it.

Jakob is dancing solo, it was nice.

Ashleigh and Russell are up next but since Ashleigh managed to injure herself Russell is dancing hip hop with…someone
Btw who else saw that Shane Sparks is being charged with child molestation, charming, I guess this will be the last we’ll ever see of him again. I heard something similar happened to Alex da Silva, some kind of assault charges, haven’t seen him since.
Anyways, back on track.
Who is this girl Russell is dancing with, because he’s kicking her ass. Ashleigh would have rocked this *sigh* I am not impressed. At all.

Mollee is dancing solo now. Very nice! This one was much calmer than her usual solos.

Kathryn and Fern are dancing the cha cha. Dude how does Fern wear v-neck shirts and is still considered straight? How is he fooling Ashleigh. Maybe she’s his Beard and he’s her Merkin, I dunno…just saying.
It’s really good but it’s not popping for me.
Adam commends Jason (choreographer) on his routine. Mary and Nigel loved it.

Legacy is dancing his solo. He’s…. on the phone. Weird, he cracked a semi-hilarious joke though.

Ellenore is up next with her solo. Love this girl!

Now Russell, he’s dressed all Christmassy. Weird.

Mollee and Jakob are dancing Broadway, to an Annie song, nice. I liked it a lot! It did match the song and what was done in the movie/musical.
Adam liked it a lot. Nigel thinks that Mollee should be in Broadway.

Kathryn is dancing her solo, lovely!

Legacy and Ellenore are dancing a NappyTabs routine. The intro scared the crap out of me. It was odd, but good, only Ellenore fell back a little bit at a few parts.
Adam didn’t like it too much, I think he was creeped out a tad bit, which says a lot.
Mary didn’t like it that much either, she wasn’t impressed. Nigel blames Nappytabs more than anyone, I think.

Fern is soloing now. It looks like a chacha, I wasn’t impressed. And now he’s crying ‘Ashleigh needs to be in, WAAAAH’ I actually ‘O Lord’ed out loud because of that. I’m all for sappy, but now it’s gone to mush.

Russell and notAshleigh is/are back with Bollywood.
I like it! It’s cute, it’s fast, it’s Bollywood! Btw. WHAT does Russell DO with his dance partners? He’s like the partner slayer.
Adam was just very politically incorrect to the choreographer.
They all liked it a lot.

Over now, off to find out who is in the top six!

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