Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hah, a week after it aired I’m finally watching it! Check me out, on point and everything.
The top ten! What are the couples? What are the dances? I want to know! Have I mentioned before how much I hate the new stage? And the way they do the introductions? Noelle is still in?! Jeez. And, now that we’re there, I also hate that Adam Shankman is a permanent judge now. I’ve been overshanked, there, I said it. Why can’t he just go off and make a movie for a week or two and we can have our Tasty Oreo or a bit of Sonya.

First up is Noelle and Ryan with hiphop. What? No intro? What? We don’t get our story first? I am said, or better yet, “upsaid”.
Ok the concept is clear, but I don’t like the choreography at all and think Noelle is a bit young for this. I think this matches the Mad Conductor thing they did with Chelsie and Twitch ( that was weird too).
Nigel liked it, thought Ryan was strong but almost too strong and wasn’t feeling the funk. Mary liked it a lot, but I got distracted when she said ‘No Elle’ instead of Noelle, that totally blanked me out. Adam says that Noelle was smoking. Is this show running out of time or something? I’m still so confused about them just starting with the dance and no intro.

Ashleigh and Legacy are doing contemporary. I guess I have faith in them, interesting coupling. Gary Steward? Who?! What is up with this?! Weird kind of Capoeira Contemporary…Well then…. I guess one of them was lacking so much that they just changed up the entire dance style… I want Mia.
Nigel thinks it’s awesome.

Mollee is doing her solo now. But first her stupid intro, so that’s where they went? Oh she was in High School Musical, that’s why she’s so annoying. Well this was the first uninteresting solo I’ve seen of her.

Russell is up next with his solo. Oh he was awesome! He did some nice moves!

Kathryn and Nathan are dancing together *Sad*. And they’re doing Broadway. Dude, I NEED an explanation when watching Broadway! Gimme my damn intro! Oh they’re not together at one bit. ‘Keep them guessing what the hell they’re expressing’ yeah, the lyrics pretty much sum up the entire show. Nigel said they found the style perfectly but the chemistry wasn’t really what he expected. Mary says Kathryn makes it looks easy. Adam thinks they did a great job. Adam said Nathan ‘did good’. I stole this from someone brilliant ‘no, superman does good, they did well.’ My spell check also agrees with this and is in pain that I won’t change it.

Noelle’s solo is up now. She’s dancing contemporary.

Oh we have another quickstep, who are they trying to cut this week?

Ellenore and Jacob, wow, did not expect that…
They’re doing really well though! They’re not totally connected… ‘down there’ (thank you, Julianne Hough) all the time. Nigel thought it was fun, great body lines, yada yada. Mary said they rocked, pretty much. Adam think that the luck of the draw is fascinating because Ellenore was Fern’s partner and Jakob was Ashleigh’s partner and now Ellenore and Jakob are dancing…wtf is he even talking about? Shut. Up.

Fern is soloing now. He’s doing a Paso Doble solo, love it (if only he was a girl then he’d have a cool skirt to swish around, too!)

Kathryn is doing a solo now. She did a lot of leg stretching in it. Cat is making everyone saying their end number, Cat, these poor people are TIRED, leave them alone!

Lyrical Jazz is next. Mollee and Russell. OH NO 80’s MUSIC! Mandy Moore certainly is back to normal. One dip in the top 40 and she thought it was more than enough. Russell kind of looks uncomfortable. Actually, it’s not just him. They have a few really good moments in it but a lot just looks hectic and a lot of times it looks like he’s about to drop her. Nigel loved it. I love how the judges and I watch different dances 80% of the time. Mary loved them. Adam says they danced so well that they nearly killed them.

Nathan’s solo is up next. Very nice! Loved it.

Noelle and Fern are dancing a smooth waltz aka one of the more boring waltzes. (I’m a Viennese Waltz girl). It’s gorgeous though! Nigel lists the things he loved, he pretty much loved everything. Mary calls Noelle breathtaking.

Ellenore’s solo!!! I hope it rocks. And of course it does! We’ve never had a soloist like her!

Ashleigh and Legacy are dancing hip hop. Oh, Legacy is dressed like Dracula. The cape is quite distracting; I hope he loses it soon. Ashleigh seems to be kicking Legacy’s ass. Nigel didn’t feel it; he said that there wasn’t enough dancing in there. Mary says the same.

Kathryn and Nathan are Rumbaing (spell check accepted this as a word, so… ok?). Oh this is very good! And hot! They did the Courtney and Gev butt grab (this pleases me way more than it should)! And the Lauren and Dominic split into slide! Haha.
Nigel says that it looked more like a Pas de Deux rather than a Rumba. Mary says that the passion was not believable. Adam says that ‘people have a lot of feelings about Nathan’ yeah, uhm, that’s called teen horniness, my friend. He said that Kathryn danced like she was competing and with a lot of passion.

Legacy’s up next with his solo. WOW. Just WOWWWW. That’s it, he wins this round of solos.

Ellenore and Jakob are doing contemporary. Ohhhh, to Oona, the song Kelsey Taylor auditioned to last season, loved that girl, wonder what happened to her.
Anyways…. LOVED IT!!!! BRILLIANT. Nigel is screaming! Excuse me while I go rewatch that before continuing. LORD. Even better the second time. Nigel says that Ellenore and Sonya are probably from the same planet, I’ll have to agree. Mary is also screaming and called Jakob and Ellenore the new dream team. Adam calls this the sequel to The Garden (with Courtney and Mark) and nobody will forget it.

Ashleigh does her solo next. I predict that this will be slightly underwhelming After Ellenore and Jakob and Legacy. Ashleigh is doing a Samba. I wish I could get more excited about this, she really is great, but, DAMN. Afterglow much?!

Mollee and Russell are doing the Jive. Choreographed by Anya and Pasha and NOW I am BEYOND pissed off by the lack of intros.
Nigel says that they did really well especially going after Ellenore and Jakob. I saw a glimpse of Pasha and Anya! (Crazed fan girl much?). The judges liked it a lot! They were feeling it.

Jakob is dancing contemporary.

Well, I’m interested what tomorrow has to bring as I’ll have a lot of catching up to do!

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