Monday, May 10, 2010

Lord Jesus Christ, hit by car. No joke.

Lord Jesus Christ got hit by a car.
I lie to you not, the dude was strolling 'round Northampton when a car came out of nowhere and hit him.
What the fuck, you say? (because what the hell would be too ironic)
Nope nope, totally true (I swear to God would also be too much).

This random dude apparently changed his name from God knows what to Lord Jesus Christ. How stuck up can one be? "Oh gosh, what shall I change my name to? 'Bob? Marty? Joe? Lord Jesus Christ?' Yes, that's it!"

And this guy is 50 years old. How is this shit still funny at 50?
My guess is he changed his name as a stupid adolescent and then had zero cash flow to change it back.
Why was this even allowed? Is this the same person that lets through parents with their new baybees who have dumb names like 'Nevaeh(how appropriate), Madison, McKaden, Emmaleigh' and other monstrosities (including boys names on girls, not cute, y'all)?
Whoever it was should be fired if only for pure blasphemy.

I advise all to check out the comments in that link. My favorite one so far

Will keeping the victim in my prayers have any effect, or is it basically like spamming him?

only said person did overdo it with the amount of stupid jokes in one post.

Happy reading, y'all!

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