Sunday, November 29, 2009

SYTYCD Week 5, results.

Woot, the results show!
The group dance is Alice in Wonderland themed, interesting. Or at least that’s what it looks like. What’s this? Wade again? Sonya? No way it’s Tabitha and Napoleon, right? Holy crap it is! That’s so… unlike them. I thought it was deliciously weird.

First two couples up are Karen and Victor and Ashleigh and Jakob. Victor is wearing a ripped shirt, Lord... Didn’t I dub him rainbow fairy princess? Him and Jakob I think, how fitting.
First couple in danger tonight is Karen and Victor (yeah, did not see that coming at allll). I love how people pretend that the two people cut tonight will for sure not be in the tour, they probably will be, last year they were acting like a bunch of idiots about it, nobody liked Caitlin anyways, me and my sytycd opposite agree on this.

Anyways, the two next couples, Kathryn and Legacy and Mollee and Nathan (coughpleasecutMolleeandNathancough).
The second couple in danger is Mollee and Nathan, thank goodness, now, lets cut Mollee, at least, yeah? Nigel… Nigel….You have another blonde, Ashleigh (not that she’s as cute with her demon tongue and all, but she’s a great dancer.)

Noelle and Russell and Ellenore and Fern are up next. I think it’ll be Russell and Noelle, not that they were really bad, just because Ashleigh and Jakob and Kathryn and Legacy were SO GOOD and everybody loves Fern and Ellenore (or just Ellenore). That and Noelle and Russell’s Samba was super awkward.
Dude Fern has sideburns, ew.
Yikes, I was wrong. Damn (I guess I’m not the only one out there that hates Broadway). On the upside I get to see Ellenore do her solo again.

We get to see some professional ballet! Damn just seeing her En Pointe makes my toes hurt.

Karen is up first with her solo, it’s much better than the last one, but her against Mollee and Ellenore, I’m not sure.
Victor, he is just all over the place with his movement.
Mollee now. She’s floppy with her spins and is, also, all over the place (but with a few cute tricks thrown in). Wow, ok that last move she did just kept her in the competition, I’m sure.
Nathan, err I didn’t get it. His partner just owned him.
Ellenore! Love this girl!
Now Fern. Samba? Think so, very nice, much better than that weird Jivey thing he tried to do last time. I always feel bad for the male ballroom dancers.

Shakira came on and did a bit of singing and dancing as I went to the toilet and got myself a snack.

The judges are unanimous with the girls, which means Karen is going.
Told ya so.

Now, on with the boys. They are not unanimous. Which means…? I don’t know. Nigel is talking about and comparing him to Kelly Osbourne on Dancing with the Stars… He just got compared to a foul mouthed rocker princess, seeing that this is Victor; he is probably pleased hearing this.
Yet he is leaving... Nigel wanted Nathan gone; I don’t really like any of them, but… I liked Victor more than I liked Nathan as Nathan is a little brat.
Man, 90% of the red squiggly lines I see are names of the contestants and the other 10% are just words I made up.

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