Thursday, July 15, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 4, results

The results show! I’m readyyy!
We’re in heaven for the opening dance. I don’t know who the hell it is but someone is a very gay angel.
Yup, of course it was Mia Michaels that did that.
Yes, Cat, we’re live. We know.
Lauren and Billy are up first for their results.
Billy is in danger. Surprised but not so surprised since he was in it last week, too.
Lauren is safe.
Err random ad for American Idol, do not care.

Next up, Jose, Robert, Ashley, Adechike and Kent, so yes, everybody else, basically.
Kent is safe. Jose as well. Robert as well, good for him. I don’t hate him, I just hate the quickstep.
Man, seeing that quickstep again I have to say that this is probably the lamest quickstep I’ve ever seen.
Poor Adechike, being slammed by Mia.

Bahhahaha, Ashley is in danger. This will be interesting. Mia loves Ashley, a lot of people love Billy and I sure as hell think that he’s a lot more interesting than Ashley. No way in hell they’re sending Alex off, that’s not even an option.
Oh, Mia apologized, that’s nice.


Billy’s solo is up, this dude, he is gorgeous when he dances, amazingness.
Now Ashley, nice but not different from other contemporary dancers. And if one more person uses “Lost- Anouk” again I may have to kick them.

Not interested in Natasha Bedingfield, at all.

Ok decision time.
They are unanimous. Oh dear. Oh no, a lacerated Achilles tendon for Alex. This means no more Alex?
*cries* NO MORE ALEX :(
Well, there goes my entire reason to watch this show. I have absolutely nobody that I’m passionate for, at all.

Man this is like doomsday. *severe dislike*

Alex is really close to making me cry, and I don't cry.
I didn't cry for Toy story, I didn't cry for My sisters keeper, etc. etc.(lets just say that the only movie I ever recall crying over was the Fox and the Hound and yes, it still gets me, shut up.) but man Alex's got me tearing up.

With this, a very sad ending to a very sad post about a very sad results show.

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