Thursday, July 29, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 5

Well well, I’m back I’m back. It (obviously) took me a while to get over Alex leaving but I realized that if I really did not want to be spoiled about anything that I should watch the dam show.
So here I am, watching.
And of course the second I start it, Cat Deeley makes me feel like crap again. I’m sure this entire show will be reeking of ‘I can’t believe he’s gone!’
Moving on from that, I love Billy, I really do. I don’t know why America hates him so much.
He’s pretty too. Not in a ‘I really want him’ way, but he just has a pretty face.
We’re missing Ashley in our lineup, is the ghost of sytycd slowly eliminating all of our dancers itself now that Alex is gone?

It seems like they’re trying to make Jose the big winner? He’s dancing with Dominic. Only I’m pretty sure Dominic will dominate (see what I did there?) the dance.

Lauren and Mark are dancing a Tahitian routine? I…. don’t even know what that means.
It looks cute though!
Oh my, check out the outfits.
Whatever it is that Lauren is wearing on her hips is making her butt look huge.
Lauren is pretty much just shaking her ass for the entire routine, ha!
See I have no idea what Tahitian dance is like but I’m not a huge fan.
Now Nigel has a whole new excuse to be a perv. Mia just compared the poor girl to a duck in heat.. I don’t know what that means, thank God.

Adechike and Anya are dancing a Salsa, yay for Anya! The only thing I find sad about Ashley not dancing is because she had Pasha. *weeps*
Uhm, I’m not a big fan. I don’t really like the salsa. And Anya really doesn’t look like a Salsa kind of girl. And they were faster than the music. Not their best.

Jose and Courtney are up next with Broadway.
Ahhh, they’re playing Mr. Cellophane, well this will catch my attention all right.
Ehh, not really that interesting but the song had me grooving! They could have done so much more with this song, too. Oh well.
Nigel just tried to tell us that the musical was called All That Jazz and Adam was very sternly ‘No, Chicago.’
Oh my word, Jose really is breaking my heart; he has the best sad face ever. I want to hug him. But he really was bad.

Robert and Allison are dancing a Travis Wall routine.
It’s pretty fast! Lovely! Gorgeous, beautiful.
Mia’s crying. But this time, I get it. I think that this may be the first ‘Mia-cry’ I ever ‘got’.
Adam needs to stop shouting out Emmy nominations.

Billy and Anya are dancing the Jive. Please, please, please, PLEASE nail this!
If they nail this, this will be awesome.
Anya looks amazingggg.
It was a little bit messy in some places, but I’m not sure if it’s because of Anya’s dress getting stuck in her skirt, the crappy camera work or something else (for some reason, I’m thinking it’s the camera work that threw me off). I liked it though.

Kent and Neil are dancing Broadway together, uhm? Haha!
A dance about baseball, oh dear, haha!
Ermmm, hahahha, all I can do is laugh. I didn’t even like it too much but it amused me in all ways possible. The dance, the music, bahahaha!

Lauren and Billy are dancing a Mandy Moore Jazz routine. Yay 80s.
This is made of epic win, Mandy Moore, you are brilliant.

Ha, haha! Jose ‘randomly’ picked an all star. My ass. Stop trying to tell us that this is random.
Thank goodness, there were other B-boys helping Tabitha and Napoleon creating this routine because they would just ruin it.
It’s crazy to see choreographed B-boying, I think they managed well to keep everything together.
I wasn’t too fond of the hopping around which was obviously Tabitha and Napoleons doing, but the rest was made of win!
Hahahaha, Dominic just ran off stage with the sword (prop) posing as his penis (Haha, prop?). Crazy boy.

Adechike and Kent are dancing Contemporary I think.
These two should have their own tv show, they are hilarious. I don’t even want to see them dance anymore; I just want the intro to go on for 2 extra minutes.
The routine was very sweet and interesting.

Robert and Kathryn are dancing Disco. Doriana Sanchez, I wonder? Yup there she is.
This should be good, her first routine is often awesome and then her second sucks.
Oh man, Kathryn does not do Disco, it’s probably like she’s a contestant all over again for her, haha. But it would have been really mean to make Anya dance three times I guess. It was all right, had its bumps and such.

My wild guess at the bottom three? Err, well Ashley… other than that? Jose? And, err? Robert? Ok that’s my guess.

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