Wednesday, November 11, 2009

DWTS Week 8!

And so another week of Dancing with the stars begins. Does it feel like last week took forever or what? It actually feels as if I skipped a week. But I didn’t so whatever?

The first week where the stars do two dances. This will be interesting.
Kym has this dress on that makes her waist look tiny and her boobs look huge! At least, from the side it looks like that. Ohh Joanna just rolled her eyes at something during the line up; I wonder what that was all about.

The judges are now going to tell us what they expect from the stars in their dances. Donny needs to fix his posture. Joanna needs to watch her technique. Kelly needs to step it up. Mýa has to do more technique and less show. Aaron needs to concentrate. Oh man, that was it… we’ve lost a LOT of people in the past two weeks.

Mýa and Dmitry are doing the quickstep. Totally what I wanted her to get, being a tapper and all. So this will be interesting. They’re wearing ‘Team D-Mya’ shirts, haha. Mýa looks pretty. I thnk she stumbled at one point, or missed a step, but she’s doing really well! Like I thought she would do, hehe. Len liked it, Bruno says that it’s quality. Carrie Ann loved it. I love how they zoom in on random celebrities that nobody knows in the audience (and no, I’m not talking about Sabrina Bryan, of course we all know her).
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Aaron and Karina are up next. Hehe, they got the highest score last week and still had to save themselves. I guess all of the weird screaming he did after his dance scared the fans off.
Why does Karina always insist on wearing long pant thingies? Always. Why must you wear pants during a Foxtrot? I think the rise and fall is a bit choppy but it’s good. Ooooh I saw a semi lift, I wonder if Carrie Ann is going to call that. This isn’t great, but it’s good. Bruno said that it looked tense and not as smooth as it could have been. Carrie Ann caught the lift. Len again makes one of his ‘son’ comments…Aaron is not your kid, dude.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 7 (oh he’s gonna cry), Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

Joanna and Derek are dancing the quickstep.
They’re watching clips of Mya and Dmitry dancing to steal her skillz. That…is kind of creepy. Ok not really, but, yeah I’d be creeped out.
Errr yeah she’s stiff. But she’s remembering all of her steps which is hard in the quickstep. See I don’t get the quickstep move where you just randomly run into one direction. This dance had more gimmicks than Mýa’s I wonder what Len has to say about that.
Carrie Ann says that sometimes they were out of sync. And her feet were an eye sore. Len did not like it. Bruno said it looked like Joanna was running away from a crime scene.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 7, Bruno: 8.

Kelly and Louis will Foxtrot next.
They have the worst song ever, but, it works, kind of. She’s doing well. And she’s being sassy! I like it! Carrie Ann says she needs to work on her extensions.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 9.
They just got a higher score than Aaron and Karina, burn!

Donny and Kym are doing the Viennese Waltz. Love that dance. Oh I love it, gorgeous spins and they’re being very graceful. Bruno liked it a lot. Carrie Ann found it mesmerizing and Len said he had better posture but the dance was too ‘arty farty’.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 8, Bruno: 9.

The Latin round is up next.

The most random clip is shown with some dude slapping papers out of some other dude’s hands… I don’t know, I’m not really paying attention.

Yay, the pro’s are showing us some dances.
Tony and Mark and apparently some other random people that we don’t know and shall not be named.

Mýa is doing a 70’s themed Samba. Well… Dmitry is wearing a moustache, fug.’
Mýa is wearing one of Karina’s pantsuits, LEARN FROM THIS KARINA.
Oh cute, they did the Samba roll! And the ‘punch in the face, punch in the groin’ move that was taught to us by Jean-Marc Généreux from sytycd.
Carrie Ann loved it. Len, loved Mýa’s hips, heehee. Bruno is being really creepy while telling them he loved the dance.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 10, Len: 10, Bruno: 10. (Nice)

Aaron and Karina will do a Samba from the 90’s. I was raised in the 90’s. That is not a good era to be copying anything from.
This is really cute! Though Aaron made them do awkward hiphop moves at the end. Props for Karina for putting them on the end though because it would have been awkward in the middle. At least she didn’t give in with the horrid rodeo move.
Len loved it! Bruno compliments him on going between moves. Carrie Ann says that he is now a great performer.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Joanna and Derek are doing a futuristic Paso Doble. *sigh*
Derek just said ‘that was sick’ let me sigh again. *sigh* There it is.
Joanna’s rocking it. Oh as I said this it looked like she was tripping but it might have just been the choreography. I hate their costumes, hadn’t mentioned that before.
Bruno loved it and called Derek a genius. Carrie Ann agreed and HA she saw it too with the weird trip/stumble thing. Len loved it.
Now that I see Joanna in the light, she kind of has an Elektra thing going on. Tom agrees with me on them looking stupid, good, I’m not alone.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Kelly and Louis are doing a Jive from the 60’s. Ohh, Kelly is not that good. They have a doll as a prop which is not helping at all. Ok, now that they’re in hold it’s much better. They did a nice trick too, her jumping into his arms backwards. Len liked it. Bruno..errr..awkward way of saying he liked it. Carrie Ann says that it was one of her best performances. And the doll gave her the heebie-jeebies (I agree, that doll was creepy).
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Donny and Kym are doing a Paso Doble with an 80’s theme. Well they look interesting, that’s for sure. They kind of look like horny pirates. Oh man, I love this already. They had a wind machine! Dude... I don’t know if that’s awesome or lame but I’m going for ‘so lame that it’s awesome’
The ending was a bit awkward. The judges are cracking up. Len liked it but was very much freaked out by it. Bruno … is Bruno. Carrie Ann thought it was hysterical and good but a little bit too much of the crayzee. I could do without the mullet next time, to be honest.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

So in the results show I can expect Michael Bublé! *is happy* and Susan Boyle, whatever.

Would it be too much to ask to put Aaron in the bottom again? Perhaps, you should put him in just for trying to get Karina to do the rodeo. But if I’m going to be like that, Mýa and Dmitry should be kicked off for the thing underneath Dmitry’s nose and Donny and Kym should get the axe for Donny’s mullet. Honestly though, I think Kelly and Louis and Joanna and Derek might be in danger. Maybe Donny too. But I’m hoping for Aaron *is evil*

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