Sunday, November 29, 2009


Finally got down to watching SYTYCD, I can’t believe there are only 12 (really 10) left!
The introducing solo things are pretty lame this year; they used to be so much cooler. And now they’re all up in each others business as well.
Dude, Paula friggin Abdul is either never going to come OR she’s going to come at the season finale, yawn.

Ellenore and Fern are doing the Lindy Hop, intriguing. We have a new choreographer again. First lift didn’t end exactly how it was supposed to end.
I’m not digging this music too much for the Lindy Hop, it’s a bit unexciting for such an exciting dance. Overall they did really well!
Adam thought they looked cute and found them amazing. Mary loves them both and says that Ellenore hasn’t taken a wrong step. Nigel is cracking unfunny jokes but overall he thought it was terrific.

I can’t wait until the next show when people get to vote for the individual dancers.

A Cancan, isn’t that just one move?! Haha!

Legacy and Kathryn are doing Jazz with Sonya!
Damn, nice opening! This… is kind of hot in a weird way. I loved this! Rawr.
Adam loved it as well and is sad that they won’t be a couple anymore. Mary found them amazing. Nigel calls it one of his favourite routines of the season. Haha, Sonya is jumping up and down.
I’m also going to be sad to see this couple go, they’re my favourite couple, I think.

Karen and Victor are doing the Tango. HOT (I hope)!
Oh man, Victor is doing that thing where with strong turns your mouth does this snappy thing, hot. This is really good. But man, you can’t make these people wear black and then dim the lights! How am I supposed to see them?
Adam says that this new partnership really worked out and says that they had hot chemistry.
Mary says that Victor was a real surprise to her and that Karen looked tremendous and she’s still on the hot tamale train (Victor’s not yet, though). Nigel loved the outfits and the chemistry. And says Victor needs to ‘tuck it (his butt) undah.’ He also says that they were magical.
Dude, Victor’s last name is Smalley? (*SNORT*)

Mollee and Nathan are doing hiphop.
I find them both very annoying now. Man there was one pervy move in this dance, did the choreographer forget, not only that they’re both barely legal, they also both look about 15, that was gross. And I don’t get the theme; this choreographer has been watching too many Tabitha and Napoleon routines. Adam thought that they were selling it but Mollee wasn’t hitting it quite as hard. Mary says it picked up steam as it went along and some things could have been hit a bit harder. Nigel found that they danced it a bit young. All the judges agree that it would be a good thing that these two split up next week. Mollee and Nathan both seem pissed about this.

Noelle and Russell. Tony and Melanie are doing a Samba (why do they always get Tony and Melanie!?)
Lots of hip shaking going on but they’re not getting the moves as they should be. The editing done to this song is awful. The ending was horribly awkward. Wow, that just… my mouth dropped open.
Adam says that it was too nice/sweet and they should be dancing from their ‘southern regions’. He enjoyed it though. Mary says there wasn’t enough bounce but their performance was phenomenal. Nigel says that their Samba Roll wasn’t brilliant and some other things but I zoned out and didn’t start paying attention again until he said ‘Samba Roll.’

Ashleigh and Jakob, seriously, how does my spell check hate Jakob but not Ashleigh?! HOW?!
They’re doing Lyrical Jazz by Sonya.
They have a lot of gorgeous lifts in there, but I don’t find it too exciting other than the lifts.
Adam is dissing Jakob’s pants (like HE has the right to say ANYTHING!), he’s almost in tears. Mary says that it’s obvious that they enjoy dancing together. Ashleigh is crying. Now Nigel says that this is his favourite routine of the night. He said that he loves Sonya’s work. Sonya is about to cry.

Ellenore and Fern are dancing Broadway. I don’t know who the hell their choreographer is but he’s pretty damn hot. Oh Yay a song from Chicago!
It was interesting but… whatttt (I still hate Broadway)?
Adam tells the choreographer that he did great and said that Ellenore and Fern nailed it. He says Fern was great but Ellenore was awesome! Mary says that Fern really dug in and got into that character. Nigel basically says that they did great.

Kathryn and Legacy will be doing the Viennese Waltz by Jean-Marc Généreux. (sytycd spelled his name wrong, btw, after all of these years, they still spell it wrong? Idiots.).
This is a very fast Viennese waltz, I like it, but they were in hold for about two second this entire dance, Len Goodman (DWTS) would NOT approve.
Adam is calling out Legacy for crying ‘are you crying again?!’ I want Kathryn to cry, remember that?! *snort* too funny!
Adam has a few comments but says he did really well, he also says that Kathryn did great.
Mary says that it wasn’t the best; Legacy needs to work on his feet. Nigel says that Kathryn stole the evening.

Karen and Victor and going to do a hip hop routine by Laurie Ann Gibson.
The beginning wasn’t that good, they weren’t synchronised. The middle part was good but the ending was just ‘meh’ again. Adam says that there was a lot of intensity but he didn’t think that the choreography matched the song (tune into Laurie Ann giving him the stank eye). Adam says that they did really well. Mary said it was alright but they’re not going to be memorable. Nigel didn’t feel their chemistry.

Mollee and Nathan are doing the CanCan, will this be a repetition of Phillip and Jeanine’s Russian Folkdance?? If so then at least Nigel has another style to bash next season. Oh Lord it’s a Tasty Oreo routine. Well it’s similar to the Russian Folkdance right now because it has the over obvious Cancan song (the ONLY Cancan song most people know, like how Phillip and Jeanine danced to one of the ONLY Russian folk songs most people know of.). Where the hell did Tasty Oreo get his Cancanchoregraphy license anyways?! This….. was stupid.
Adam says that they were the best couple for this dance. Mary found it very fun. Nigel made a comment with a lot of innuendo.

Noelle and Russell are up next, it looks like they’re doing some airy contemporary. And I’m right!! By Tasty Oreo, no less (my spell check doesn’t understand that sentence at all).
Nice beginning and it keeps going well! Gorgeous! Adam thought that they were just gorgeous. Mary says that it was very special for her and a really clever routine. This number was, for her, out of this world. Nigel loved it.

Ashleigh and Jakob will do the cha cha cha, well this should be promising with Ashleigh knowing it and all.
Jean-Marc Généreux and France have choreographed it.
Nice! Very very good!
Adam says that it is Ashleigh’s world and says that they both did great. Adam didn’t like the ballroom faces though (I LOVE the ballroom faces!!!), he called them ‘hungry Jazz looks’ great term! The judges had a nice little conversation about ballroom quirks. Mary says that Ashleigh’s legs are amazing. Nigel says that Jakob rocked it and just faked the WORST French accent ever. He may never mock Mia Michaels for her faux Brit accent ever again (not that he can, since she LEFT.)

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