Sunday, November 22, 2009

DWTS Week 9!

Dancing with the stars again, I’m only eons late watching this but have kept myself away from spoilers in the most amazing way.

The semi finals, Donny, Kelly, Joanna and Mýa are left.
This will be interesting, glad Aaron is gone though, now how to get rid of Joanna?

First up is Donny, what is he dancing you ask? Well I don’t know yet. Ahhh, the Tango.
They got an extremely stupid song. This is meh, they made a couple of mistakes. The ending was really nice. Donny and Kym did not look too happy at the end. The judges aren’t happy, Donny is moaning through the critique (and they’re not happy moans). He is blaming his sister for him messing up (ouch). Oh watching it again I see part of the problem, Kym had a dress malfunction which threw them off a lot. That’s too bad, this does not look good.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 7, Len: 7, Bruno: 7.

Joanna and Derek will do the Viennese Waltz (one of the more interesting waltzes).
Oh the wind machine is on. It’s all very flow-y and nice. Very pretty and princessy.
Bruno loved it BUT she had a bit of hesitation. They took Carrie Ann’s breath away but Joanna needs to understand why she is reaching when she is. Len liked it a lot and thought it was beautiful; he had some issues with something that I’m not interested in typing.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Kelly is dancing the…? Well we still don’t know but a puppy died and she’s upset.
They’re doing the Rumba… interestinggggg. Kelly seems confident.
She looks a bit scared though. She’s doing really well though. She’s doing a solo! And they did a crazy hard move at the end!
Carrie Ann is in tears or so she says. Len says that Kelly has turned into a very competent dancer. Bruno is making awkward conversation about eroticism.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 8, Bruno: 8.

Mýa and Dmitry are left. Ah they’re doing the Waltz.
Very beautiful, but I think that her foot left the ground at the end, I’m sure Carrie Ann saw it too, but will she let it go?
Len loved it! It had romance elegance, beautiful movement, an absolute joy to watch. Len called it defying gravity. Carrie Ann had some critique but thought it was very beautiful.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 10.

Next round!
Donny and Kym are doing the Samba.
Nice energetic start. Donny’s solo is a lot of fun. Ah they did great!
Bruno loved it. Carrie Ann didn’t love it too much; she thought it was a bit sloppy and ‘small’. Len agrees with Bruno.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 8, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Joanna is doing the cha-cha-cha.
She’s wearing Karina’s pants. Not that sharp as I’d like it to be. This was…. odd, Joanna wasn’t moving much and it looked stiff.
Carrie Ann called her the ‘wild child’ eh? Bruno just called her natural sex….(ooookay). Was I watching the same dance?
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Kelly and Louis, they are dancing the quickstep, HA, stupid dance (not so much stupid as terrifyingly hard and not very exciting to the general public).
Oh they’re not completely together during one of the jumps, but they’re doing really well other than that.
Len loved it, so did Bruno. Carrie Ann is jizzing her pants about this dance.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Mýa and Dmitry are up next with the Salsa.
Woah this is fast! Her solo is fabulous. Loved it. Uh oh, Bruno’s face…He’s standing up and screaming things at her (in a good way). Carrie Ann loved it! Len commented on her butt (oh dear).
Scores: Carrie Ann: 10, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

Donny and Kym have the Jitterbug for their knock out dance. They look like a couple of sparkuleigh Christmas trees. Carrie Ann says that Donny got his mojo back. Len said that this dance was a winner. Bruno made a St. Patrick’s day joke.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Joanna and Derek are doing the salsa. Nice and fast but Joanna still lets him pull her around like a rag doll. Though I think that I’m the only one that actually sees it. Apparently Joanna revealed some boobage. Carrie Ann can’t breathe about some comment Len made that had some interesting innuendo.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Ha! Mýa and Dmitry and Kelly and Louis have the same knock out dance.

Kelly and Louis are first. Ah this was fun! The judges are all very complimentary about her hands and performance in general.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 9, Bruno: 9.

Last but definitely not least, Mýa and Dmitry.
This was too awesome!
Carrie Ann missed something. Len wanted it to go on longer, Bruno loved it.
Scores: Carrie Ann: 9, Len: 10, Bruno: 10.

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