Monday, November 16, 2009

SYTYCD Week 3, results.

Oh they’re doing some cool African themed hiphop for the opening.
Now we’re revealing the bottom three. Ellenore and Fern (Ryan) are first up, they are in the bottom three. Channing and Victor and Kathryn and Legacy are next. Channing and Victor are safe, so are Kathryn and Legacy.

Dudes, it is Dominic! Oh man this boy is such a ham.

It’s Ashleigh and Jakob’s turn now. (I love how Ashleigh doesn’t even get the red squiggly line anymore; my spell check has accepted the failspelling)
They’re safe.
Pauline and Peter and Noelle and Russell are next. The second couple in danger is Pauline and Peter (

The Alvn Ailey dancers were awesome! A lovely dance done by professional dancers totally beats some kind of lip-synched crappy song by some random singer.

Next in the bottom are either Karen and Kevin or Mollee and Nathan. Man, this might suck hard for me if America screws me over (again). So Karen and Kevin rocked and Mollee and Nathan sucked, but Mollee and Nathan are ‘ZOMG CUTE HAWT I LUFFS DEM’ so… yeah, we never know.

Well screw you America.

Nigel gave a nice little speech that (for once) I totally agree with. Ellenore, Karen and Pauline are all in the bottom three, As for the guys, I hope that Fern goes, but then I’d have nobody to mock.

First up to dance is Ellenore.
And now Fern, he’s doing some Jive-like dance on a Jitterbug-like song.
Pauline, hmm, I’m thinking she’ll be out.
Peter, they won’t cut another tapper this soon after cutting two last week.
Karen was hot!

Well Nigel is pissed; he didn’t like any of the solos enough... Something crawled up his ass, died, came back to life and is trying to get the hell out of there but can't because Nigel is being more uptight than.... ok I already took this bad joke seven steps too far.

Yup, Pauline is out, she’s crying, poor girly. She’s so cute, this makes me sad.
Nigel keeps comparing these people to season 5 people, comparing Fern to Ade is not fair though, compare him to Pasha, Dmitry, ballroom dancers.

Oh wow, Peter, too, did not expect that, or well, maybe I did. Because the only reason that three tappers, three (four, Brandon too but he wasn’t in the opening) hiphoppers and three ballroom dancers made it into the show is so that they could have that cool opening, not because they want the show to be 'versatile'. And now they need to get rid of them.
They seem to like Kevin though, Legacy, we’ll see how that goes when the judges get passed the ‘ZOMG I’m SO surprised!!!’ phase. Russell, he may not get too far without the audience.
And this all means I’ll have to look at Ferns ugly mug for another week. Can’t say I’m too pleased.

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