Monday, November 23, 2009


Now so you think you can dance!! We’re down to 14 already, sheesh.
I love how they ‘introduce’ the dancers but pan out when they’re actually dancing. I hate this stage; the horrid camera work is even more obvious now. Cat just did an evil giggle that was just epic in the worst way.
Mary Murphy is looking classy today.

Ashleigh and Jakob are rocking (or going to try) a Tabitha and Napoleon routine.
This….was, made of win! Nigel liked it a lot. Mary is raising her voice *turns volume down*. Adam is sure Jakob will make it into the top ten. He says that he didn’t believe in Ashleigh at first but now thinks that she’s a contender for the top ten.

Oh man, Cat said something about a Paso Doble, this show has the.worst.pasos.ever.

Karen and Kevin are dancing Broadway. Spencer Liff? Who IS this person? Where’s my Tasty Oreo?
Ah this was cute. Nigel says that he didn’t enjoy Karen’s performance as much because she wasn’t miss sex kitten in this routine. He and didn’t like Kevin at all, really. Mary agrees with him but says that it’s just a bump in the road. Adam… I have no idea what Adam is saying.

Noelle and Russell will Foxtrot. To Michael Bublé, yum. I’m not digging this choreography per se. Nigel says that Russell improved a lot. Mary loved it, I wasn’t really listening but her voice just got louder and louder which means that she likes it. Adam says that it was obvious that they enjoyed themselves. He just called the Foxtrot the second most deadly dance (after the Quickstep) hmmm, I’ll need to ponder that for a bit to see if I agree with that.

Channing and Victor have my Tasty Oreo, there he is! They’re doing a jazz routine. They’re birds… They’re in a cage. Wait…what? What just happened? Tasty Oreo has gone batshitcrazy, he needs to stop getting his inspiration from the animal kingdom. Nigel says that this is the first routine where Channing looked like she enjoyed herself. Mary’s volume stayed the same the entire time she talked so she was kind of ‘meh’ about it all.

Kathryn and Legacy are doing a paso. Oh and I’d say on this show the Paso Doble is way more deadly than the Foxtrot.
They did quite well! They had the aggression down and the general feel. But why do they insist on putting this kind of crappy ‘I’m going to war in Rome!!!’ ‘This.Is.Sparta!!!’ type of music with it. What the hell? It’s just asking for it to overpower/ distract from the dancers.
And then dancing with the stars put in crap like ‘American Woman’ as paso music. Can’t any of you get it right?!
Nigel says that Kathryn danced with a lot of maturity. Mary said ‘Holy smokes!’ and she yelled. She loved it. Adam said that Kathryn killed it.

Ellenore and Fern are up next. With a Travis Wall routine, Travis!
Nice routine but…Fern ruins ittttt *whines*
Nigel says that they did great. I zoned out when the other ones talked, sorry.

Mollee and Nathan got Laurie-Ann Gibson, abahhahahaa! They are going to cry.
What in the world did Laurie Ann Gibson do to her hair? Hanging out with Sonya a bit too much, methinks.
Mollee’s dress is hideous. They’re a bit out of sync. Why does this dance look like Sonya choreographed it?
Nigel says that Nathan has the potential to be awesome but he needs to grow. Mary called them the dream team again.

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