Saturday, September 18, 2010

Passing on the evil genes? No thanks.

Me and one of my friends were having a conversation about kids a while back on Skype. Why? I honestly can't remember. But we did.
She then mentioned that she would love a kiddo (preferably more than one.)

There I mentioned that I have no desire to reproduce in any future and she was shocked! And appalled!

I could nearly feel the virtual daggers she was sending me!

We argued for a while and because she was so insistent I started seeing her as some kind of superhero for babymaking.

Yes folks, that's a turkey-baster in her hand. Creative, no?

So there, in a moment of weakness I wondered about it all. Maybe I would change my mind if I really thought about it.
Of course I had to factor in that the kid would have my genes and the father would have to be a saint to counter those genes(and really, what saint would reproduce with me!)
This was my line of thought.

Yeah I don't think I'd do pregnancy well, to be honest.

I can handle screaming babies, but as a baby I cried all.the.time. I can't handle cries all the time. Seriously, what would I do with it? :S

Then I'd have to deal with a little Damian in the house who will scare the cat(s)and wreck havoc over us all. Evil toddlers might be funny in cartoons, they are not in real life.

And God help us all if this kid reaches its teen years. I'm not fond of teenagers to start with so being around one all the time probably won't make that any better.

So I had to make a choice, which option would be scarier? The wrath of the newly created superhero or the kid that will carry my evil genes?

Yeah, my baby would probably be able to kill the superhero.
I'll pass this time, sorry.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It all started with a panda...

So, today I had to go outside and do some grownup stuff (my spell check didn’t like the way I phrased things so offered to change it to ‘do some grownups’ no thanks), you know, like an adult!
And then when I came home I got the lovely message that a package had been delivered to our house while I was gone! (My friend from Northern Ireland told me she'd sent me a little gift last week).
I hopped up and down like a bunny on acid and ripped open the envelope like a kid on Christmas morning (or in my family, the second Christmas day after dinner).
In, there was, the greatest gift of all. A stuffed animal, but not just ANY stuffed animal, a RED PANDA.
If you don’t know what a red panda is, it’s only the cutest little buggar out there. It’s like a fox, or a cat, only not because it’s a panda, only not! He’s got the cutest little face too. I mean just look at that!

Come on man, it has EYEBROWS doesn’t get much cuter than that.

So here I am, with my panda, happy as happy can be.

But wait! There’s more! (ha!) Something heavy in the envelope! But what?!
I slide my hand in and pull out….

OH NO! The horror! The agony! The pain! The illiteracy!
Now that I got it as a (gag)gift, I have to read it right?
I guess I have no choice but to get out them dusty glasses out and read up.

I’m sure I will read many shocking things

And some serious things

I am sure I will read and read and read

And then realize WHAT I just read

And, it is clear that I will be amused.

And, last but not least, I will probably remain unimpressed.

Thank you for the red panda Maggie! <3

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have my accents back! I got this wonderful laptop from my father which only had one flaw, no accents. For a while I was ok, I googled whatever word I needed and copy pasted to go on my way. But the other day I figured I would have to find out how to make it work USA style. Let me tell you, doing it USA style? SUCKS. When I finally got a list of what you have to do for each letter I wanted to DIE. When I typed in the numbers to get a simple 'É', I felt like I was putting in a secret code for the government (ok, maybe not quite as dramatic).
So I went hunting, and found out that it’s hilariously easy to change your laptop to a European.
So, my dear laptop finally got its green card for my country, so to speak and can now type accents with ease.
Let me reflect on how great life is with accents.
I can now type:
And that's just a fraction, just wait 'till I start blogging in French! (I most certainly will not)

ok fine, I use approximately one of these ‘words’ regularly but that’s not my point.
Yay for accents! (or what google tells me I should be calling them, 'diacritical marks', doesn't really have the same ring to it does it?)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 6, results

The results!

The opening dance is, Jazz or does it count as Broadway because it’s a Broadway song. It looks more Broadway-ey now. Someone who I’ve never heard of before choreographed this.
Oh my GOD Cat, yes we’re live, we KNOW.
Aww Denise Jefferson died. This is sad.

Our dancers are coming up, all five at once (and Billy in the audience).
Lauren is safe. Kent is safe, uh oh, there goes my little theory.
So it’ll be two out of these three: Adechike, Robert or Jose. I’m not really pleased with this.
Two dancers are dancing the Pas de Deux, gorgeous. They keep doing this really cool move where the girl is en pointe and he just spins her around.

Now, on with the results. Adechike, Robert and Jose back for the slaughter.
The Adechike/Jose Paso Doble still pisses me off, haha.
The one safe is… Adechike! Oh I like this result. He’s really grown in the past weeks so I think he deserves to go through.

So it’s Jose, Robert and Billy in the bottom three. Did I mention that I love Billy? I hope he goes through.]
Some person from the auditions that I’m supposed to remember is performing, he’s really good but I really don’t have a clue who he is.

It’s all star time!
Lauren and Neil’s turn. Their Jazz number. Only now there aren’t any bloody steps to dance on like last time, yes I’m still bitter about the stage change.

Apparently Russell is going on tour with some of the others, err, not impressed.

Robert is dancing first. Very nice.
now Jose, he’s reusing a song Dominic used for one of his solos. But you know what, he’s not as good as Dominic and neither is his choreography, so there we go.

So… Enrique Iglesias these days goes by one name? He thinks he’s like Madonna? Or Cher? No honey, you’re not. Well now I wonder if I should keep watching for Allison and Lauren but it’s just not worth it. I doubt I missed much.

It’s decision time. Nobody is going home this week; two people are leaving next week. Fuck off Nigel.

Well this is an anticlimax if I ever saw one. And it seems like we had some time left at the end or something because I think I just watched five minutes of the contestants' happy dance.

SYTYCD Season 7, week 6

We’re starting! For some reason I’m irrationally excited to see this episode. I really have no reason for this but I am. So lets savor the moment.

Ha, the video doesn’t agree with me because it just stopped right in the middle of the intros. Or maybe my video is a perv because it also stopped right in the middle of Lauren hoisting her leg up in the air. I guess we’ll never know.
Wait a second…. Where the hell is Billy! WTF is going on here?! Who the heck is sabotaging the damn stage?
Kenny Ortega is joining the judges today.

Man SYTYCD must have some damn voodoo up in its business because this injury business is getting ridiculous.

Lauren and Twitch are dancing hip hop.
Some kind of western theme.
Lauren really is too cute to be gangster, haha, but she did a good job.

Jose will be dancing with Allison.
A Sonya routine, yay!
I loved that! It was very different (though with obvious Sonya moments) but really nice and cute.

Robert and Lauren are dancing some Tasty Oreo Jazz.
Man Lauren is really getting to all of the boys isn’t she.
Oh a sexy sexy piece this is. Aaaaand Robert just licked her leg. That was just, wow, just wow.
I liked it aside from the leg licking which was just weird.
Robert still kind of reminds me of Mark, only better.
Adechike’s solo is up, I hate the song he’s dancing to, it will forever be the ‘Cancer Dance’ song.

Kent and Kathryn are dancing Jazz by Sonya. Two jazz routines right on top of each other? Who picked this lineup?
This is very different from Robert and Lauren’s routine so I guess it’s all right.
It’s funny because usually you can see the little moves Sonya always uses (shaking, type of lifts, etc.) but I think she left them out this time, either that or I just missed them. If anything it has more of a Mandy Moore vibe to it if I had to guess.

Robert’s solo is up, it was nice.

Now Lauren, very nice, I liked it!

Adechike’s turn to dance with an all star. He’s dancing hip hop with Comfort.
This was wonderful. Go Adechike, he’s rocking it!
Oh they’re feeling it, Adechike’s crying and right now Comfort’s hiding her face so I’m guessing tears on that end as well. Amazing that hip hop can give people such a reaction.

Jose’s turn to dance!
Oh I quite liked this actually, the best solo he’s done if you ask me.

Anddddd Kenttttt! His mom kind of reminds me of Sarah Palin? (sorry Kent’s mom)
Kent wins epic points for dancing to Boyz II Men, I loved it.

Lauren and Robert are dancing together now.
A Samba, woo, can’t wait.
It’s nicely done but I can see them having some troubles at some parts.

Adechike and Jose are dancing, but what? A Paso Doble. Erm. Excuse you? *cries*
I mean, I know it’ll probably be all right but I like my Paso Dobles with one of each gender.
Again with the bloody Trojan war music. Does sytycd have patent on them or something? That and Libertango.
Errr, I’m not a fan, though the ‘no shirt’ part is nice…
The Paso Doble high pants kill me.

Kent and Billy(or not) will be Stepping(OR NOT). Ha, Billy and Kent stepping together is like, no, just no. They are the totally wrong types for this dance, haha. Twitch is stepping in, interesting, haha.
Twitch knows his business. Kent wasn’t super strong but he worked it.

Ok my guess for the bottom three? Err, well Billy…. And… I guess maybe Jose, though I LOVED his contemporary. My guess is that Robert is safe this week and Adechike as well. So either Kent or Lauren? That doesn’t sound right though… Can’t we just have a bottom two?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 5, results

The results show!
Cat looks a bit off, I don’t know, maybe she has different people doing her makeup.
The opening number is cute, but it’s like Broadway, so yeah. And I totally knew Tasty Oreo did that.
I see Cat is still informing us that we’re live. As if we haven’t been live for like 5 weeks.

Ok, Cat says that it’s time for Serious Business, so here come Lauren and Kent.
They’re both through, big surprise, haha.

Oh my goodness, little kid ballroom dancers, is there anything cuter in the world?
Let me tell you, yes there is. It’s little kid ballroom dancers dancing a Jive to Elvis.

Now back to the results.

Next up, Adechike and Billy.
Billy is in the bottom three. I honestly don’t get it, I love Billy.

Next, Jose and Robert.
Jose is in the bottom three.

Comfort and Twitch are dancing their hip hop routine, yay!
Wooo! I love it! Again!

Time for the solos!
I don’t care anyone says, Billy Bell is a musical genius. If they pick Ashley and Jose over him they’re idiots (well, I already knew they were but this would make them bigger idiots).
Jose’s breaking just doesn’t impress me like Dominic’s or legacy’s did.

Oh, Ashley needs 5ish weeks to get better, the ghost of sytycd really IS trying to get the other dancers.
Hmm, as much as I wanted Ashley OUT, I did not want her to leave this way anymore than I wanted Alex to leave like this.

SYTYCD Season 7, week 5

Well well, I’m back I’m back. It (obviously) took me a while to get over Alex leaving but I realized that if I really did not want to be spoiled about anything that I should watch the dam show.
So here I am, watching.
And of course the second I start it, Cat Deeley makes me feel like crap again. I’m sure this entire show will be reeking of ‘I can’t believe he’s gone!’
Moving on from that, I love Billy, I really do. I don’t know why America hates him so much.
He’s pretty too. Not in a ‘I really want him’ way, but he just has a pretty face.
We’re missing Ashley in our lineup, is the ghost of sytycd slowly eliminating all of our dancers itself now that Alex is gone?

It seems like they’re trying to make Jose the big winner? He’s dancing with Dominic. Only I’m pretty sure Dominic will dominate (see what I did there?) the dance.

Lauren and Mark are dancing a Tahitian routine? I…. don’t even know what that means.
It looks cute though!
Oh my, check out the outfits.
Whatever it is that Lauren is wearing on her hips is making her butt look huge.
Lauren is pretty much just shaking her ass for the entire routine, ha!
See I have no idea what Tahitian dance is like but I’m not a huge fan.
Now Nigel has a whole new excuse to be a perv. Mia just compared the poor girl to a duck in heat.. I don’t know what that means, thank God.

Adechike and Anya are dancing a Salsa, yay for Anya! The only thing I find sad about Ashley not dancing is because she had Pasha. *weeps*
Uhm, I’m not a big fan. I don’t really like the salsa. And Anya really doesn’t look like a Salsa kind of girl. And they were faster than the music. Not their best.

Jose and Courtney are up next with Broadway.
Ahhh, they’re playing Mr. Cellophane, well this will catch my attention all right.
Ehh, not really that interesting but the song had me grooving! They could have done so much more with this song, too. Oh well.
Nigel just tried to tell us that the musical was called All That Jazz and Adam was very sternly ‘No, Chicago.’
Oh my word, Jose really is breaking my heart; he has the best sad face ever. I want to hug him. But he really was bad.

Robert and Allison are dancing a Travis Wall routine.
It’s pretty fast! Lovely! Gorgeous, beautiful.
Mia’s crying. But this time, I get it. I think that this may be the first ‘Mia-cry’ I ever ‘got’.
Adam needs to stop shouting out Emmy nominations.

Billy and Anya are dancing the Jive. Please, please, please, PLEASE nail this!
If they nail this, this will be awesome.
Anya looks amazingggg.
It was a little bit messy in some places, but I’m not sure if it’s because of Anya’s dress getting stuck in her skirt, the crappy camera work or something else (for some reason, I’m thinking it’s the camera work that threw me off). I liked it though.

Kent and Neil are dancing Broadway together, uhm? Haha!
A dance about baseball, oh dear, haha!
Ermmm, hahahha, all I can do is laugh. I didn’t even like it too much but it amused me in all ways possible. The dance, the music, bahahaha!

Lauren and Billy are dancing a Mandy Moore Jazz routine. Yay 80s.
This is made of epic win, Mandy Moore, you are brilliant.

Ha, haha! Jose ‘randomly’ picked an all star. My ass. Stop trying to tell us that this is random.
Thank goodness, there were other B-boys helping Tabitha and Napoleon creating this routine because they would just ruin it.
It’s crazy to see choreographed B-boying, I think they managed well to keep everything together.
I wasn’t too fond of the hopping around which was obviously Tabitha and Napoleons doing, but the rest was made of win!
Hahahaha, Dominic just ran off stage with the sword (prop) posing as his penis (Haha, prop?). Crazy boy.

Adechike and Kent are dancing Contemporary I think.
These two should have their own tv show, they are hilarious. I don’t even want to see them dance anymore; I just want the intro to go on for 2 extra minutes.
The routine was very sweet and interesting.

Robert and Kathryn are dancing Disco. Doriana Sanchez, I wonder? Yup there she is.
This should be good, her first routine is often awesome and then her second sucks.
Oh man, Kathryn does not do Disco, it’s probably like she’s a contestant all over again for her, haha. But it would have been really mean to make Anya dance three times I guess. It was all right, had its bumps and such.

My wild guess at the bottom three? Err, well Ashley… other than that? Jose? And, err? Robert? Ok that’s my guess.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So ugly it's cute

'Funny... yeah, funny LOOKING!'

Some things are just so friggin ugly that they go full circle back to cute.
Ever had that happen? It's weird but some times it totally happens.
I listed a few up for ya, because I damn well felt like it (I feel feisty, can you tell?)
Mind you this'll be a short post because there just aren't many animals that are able to be both ugly and cute.

First of all, let me show you what is NOT in the category 'so ugly it's cute' and just firmly in the category fug.

If it looks like a penis, it can't be cute. I don't care what you say.

Lets go to the animal that triggered this all first.

A Bull Terrier. I must admit, I've always found them quite scary looking but when I passed one in the street the other day I thought it was quite adorable in a weird way.

Look it's giving you a doggy smile! Aww!

Next up a Pygmy Marmoset.

It kind of looks like some kind of Spider/Monkey/Lion/Bat hybrid... But it's kind of cute, right?

This one is one we all know and love

A Pug! Ok they've got smushed up little faces but when they do that head tilt, how do you not die!

Now this one is really special

An Axolotl! Or what I tend to call him a 'whatchamacallit!"
On the one hand, they're creepy as hell, on the other hand, they kind of look like a pokemon! And not the crappy Pokemon either, the really good one from MY childhood, yo, when there were only 150 of the bastards.

Come on, you know that Persians are not the most atttractive cats in the world

They're always used as the bad guys in animal stories and almost always have ridiculous degrading names like Snowball and Mrs. Whiskerson that stifle their evilness.
But then you see a face like this

And you're like 'AWWWWWW' because the cute is killing you.

And now, be prepared, for this is a cute little guy!

A Long eared Jerboa!
Ok fine at first sight, it kind of looks like some kind of mutant or something, but come on, what's not to love about an animal whose ears are bigger than the rest of its body!

Accept it!

And last but not least, a category that's probably the ugliest yet.
Baby birds!
Baby birds are ugly, unless they're in that fluffy stage, then they're cute. But when they're not and balding and all wet looking, you don't want to pick it up, put it in your pocket and name it George or whatever.

But how does that little thing not look like a cute little toy! I have no idea what's it supposed to be when it grows up but right now it's kind of cute.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

No more pink!

Or as I like to call it, Pynk!
Came on my blog the other day and for some reason it just pissed me off.
So after a short moment of weakness where I started to look a Tumblr instead (and uh, no thanks) I decided that my blog just needed a fresh layer or paint.
So now, I'm all neutral colored with cute little birdies. I have stalkers and an entourage because I'm awesome. ;)
So far so good, I like it, lets see how I feel in a month.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Reading comments turns me into chickenshit

You know when you want to watch a scary movie online, then you find a link for it and they have a picture of the dvd cover or some promotional poster and that alone scares the shit out
of you? That's not a good sign.... Yet, I am watching. Sucker for punishment anyone? *holds up hand*

This is how last night started for me. I had decided to announce to the world that I was very very scared of the movie that I was about to watch. Maybe to make myself feel better, maybe to mock myself (which often results in making myself feel better anyway), either way, this is what I did.

The movie in question was called The Orphanage. Or really, El orfanato, since it is a Spanish movie with English subtitles (you know, for us stupid people that never learned Spanish ;) )
Let me start this out that I have no idea how I came to the idea to watch this movie. I think I must have gotten it from some forum where someone said that it was their favorite movie and I wanted to check it out. All I know for sure is that it’s been saved in my tabs for over a week now and last night I finally found the concentration to actually look it up and watch it.

So, as I wait for the video to load, I decide to ‘stupidly’ check a few of the comments.
There were only about five and all were raving and telling me that this movie was the ‘best horror movie they’ve ever seen’ and ‘it was so scary!!1’ and that ‘they don’t make movies that scary anymore!’
This does not make me happy, at all. I don’t mind scary movies (yes I do) nor do I get scared easily (yes I do). But just the fact that other people thought that it was scary, scared the ever-loving crap out of me.
Of course, the clincher comment was ‘omg I waz so scared when that creepy ghost showed up, so scary!’ (totally paraphrasing that one, I have no recollection if the person sucked ass at spelling).

So what added to the ‘Omg so scared’ feeling was this picture.

Creepy right?
It was only a tiny icon size and I couldn’t get it to be any bigger so my imagination went wild. This is obviously not a good thing as I nearly pissed my pants. Now that I found a bigger version I’m not less afraid by it, honestly.

Well anyway, then I tried to load the movie, the link didn’t work. I actually took this as a hint from God, telling me that I should not watch the movie.
I’m quite notorious for ignoring signs so I went on to find me another link.
For 105 minutes I was pissing my pants. I was waiting for this crazy scary creature to pop up and surprise me so much that I’d scream or something (not that I ever recall screaming over a movie unless squealing out of joy counts).
So while I was freaking out, the 105 minutes slowly crept up and I was still waiting for this super scary thing to pop up. It never happened. In fact, pretty much nothing happened. The scariest part was when they revealed the title.
Can you imagine my frustration?

Ps. If you have watched Paranormal Activity, The Ring or the Grudge and they scared you, ignore everything I just said and go find out for yourself.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 4, results

The results show! I’m readyyy!
We’re in heaven for the opening dance. I don’t know who the hell it is but someone is a very gay angel.
Yup, of course it was Mia Michaels that did that.
Yes, Cat, we’re live. We know.
Lauren and Billy are up first for their results.
Billy is in danger. Surprised but not so surprised since he was in it last week, too.
Lauren is safe.
Err random ad for American Idol, do not care.

Next up, Jose, Robert, Ashley, Adechike and Kent, so yes, everybody else, basically.
Kent is safe. Jose as well. Robert as well, good for him. I don’t hate him, I just hate the quickstep.
Man, seeing that quickstep again I have to say that this is probably the lamest quickstep I’ve ever seen.
Poor Adechike, being slammed by Mia.

Bahhahaha, Ashley is in danger. This will be interesting. Mia loves Ashley, a lot of people love Billy and I sure as hell think that he’s a lot more interesting than Ashley. No way in hell they’re sending Alex off, that’s not even an option.
Oh, Mia apologized, that’s nice.


Billy’s solo is up, this dude, he is gorgeous when he dances, amazingness.
Now Ashley, nice but not different from other contemporary dancers. And if one more person uses “Lost- Anouk” again I may have to kick them.

Not interested in Natasha Bedingfield, at all.

Ok decision time.
They are unanimous. Oh dear. Oh no, a lacerated Achilles tendon for Alex. This means no more Alex?
*cries* NO MORE ALEX :(
Well, there goes my entire reason to watch this show. I have absolutely nobody that I’m passionate for, at all.

Man this is like doomsday. *severe dislike*

Alex is really close to making me cry, and I don't cry.
I didn't cry for Toy story, I didn't cry for My sisters keeper, etc. etc.(lets just say that the only movie I ever recall crying over was the Fox and the Hound and yes, it still gets me, shut up.) but man Alex's got me tearing up.

With this, a very sad ending to a very sad post about a very sad results show.

SYTYCD Season 7, week 4

Ok time to finally watch So you think you can dance, week… 5 (nope 4)?
Right, there we go.
Now the stars have to all walk together because there aren’t enough girls to walk in a sexy way. This is my theory.
I love how Cat never says ‘judges’ anymore, she probably read all of the comments mocking her for her pronunciation.
Oh noes, Alex can’t dance. *dislike*
A possible ruptured Achilles tendon, holy CRAP. Ouch ouch ouch! Aww the poor boy is crying. If only I could give him a hug.

Lauren and Pasha are doing a cha-cha-cha. To a lady Gaga song…
The beginning is… odd. But I see some nice cha cha walks in there. It was a good dance, I guess, but for some reason it didn’t really look or feel like a cha-cha-cha to me, maybe it’s because of the song.
Nigel just said ‘you just got another weapon in your arsenal’ and I understood ‘you just got another weapon in your arsehole’

Jose is teaming up with Lauren for a contemporary. About ten minutes ago we heard from Alex that Jose had a certain love for Laurens ass so this will be like a dream come true for him.
Hey I did not expect this from Jose, he did really really well!

Kent and Comfort are dancing hiphop. Lord help us all.
Ok this is actually pretty cute. Though I think that Kent is dancing too girly and there’s too much gymnastics in there.

Adechike and Courtney are doing a jazz routine.
The middle part is cute but I think that they’re spending way too much time dancing about the bar. It’s kind of distracting.
And his personality is missing again.

Billy and Allison were supposed to do a Broadway routine.
But Allison got hurt and he gets to dance with Katee, lucky bastard (I mean, Allison is awesomeness but who else in this season is going to get to dance with katee? Exactly.)
First of all, CATS scares the crap out of me. Secondly, this looks more like Jazz than Broadway to me.
But I liked it.

Ashley and Dominic are dancing hiphop together.
They’re supposed to be ninjas..
It was danced well but… I didn’t like it.

Robert and Kathryn are up next. They’re dolls.
This is pretty cute, they missed the lift a bit it seems, but still pretty cute!
I liked it.

Adechike is up next, he’s supposed to dance Bollywood with Alex, but who is he paired up now?
Oh, the assistant (Mara?) is helping out.
Well Bollywood is always fun when done right so yeah I liked it.
OH SNAP, Cat is fighting back. They told Adechike that he put too much groove into it all. And said to Jose earlier in the season that the exact same thing made it work for him. And Cat pointed that out. And Mia just responded that Jose is likable and Adechike is not.

Lauren and Kent are up next with contemporary.
They’re cute goofing off together, I miss seeing that.
Gorgeous dance, woohoo!
Ashley and Robert are doing the quickstep, poor people.
Roberts butt is sticking out when they’re in hold.
Well this is…. Pretty much what I expected thus not very exciting. Why does this show do this to us and put Quickstep in here, most of the time it’s the lamest dance ever.
Adam claims that it wasn’t the kiss of death but I’m doubting it.

Billy and Jose are dancing African Jazz. Interesting.
Billy is supposed to be a jaguar but he looks more like a zebra to me.
Ermmmm, right…
Haha, Nigel said Jag you are. Get it? Get it?! Jaguar. Gotta love his accent.

My predictions for the bottom three, uhm. I’m thinking Adechike, Robert and Alex (Alex being default of course).

They’re doing some kind of monkeydance tribute for Alex at the end. I don’t know what it means…

Thursday, July 8, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 3, results.

Week 3, the results show. Mere hours before week 4 starts. Thin ice, thin ice.

Oh not this idiot song again. I hate the group dance already.
Honestly, I love me some O fortuna and co. but this is getting a bit over the top.
Adechike kind of looks like Brandon with what he’s wearing, fitting.

There are going to be changes? Oh, two routines, right. Never happened before on this show.
Ok, we’re finally going to get some noob on noob dance action, I guess they miss the old show, huh? *glares*
The first four are up
Kent, Adechike, Ashley and Alex.
They’re showing Alex’ awesomeness again. Man I loved that dance.
He’s save, duh.
Ashely’s up next, meh. She’s through as well.
They’re now showing us Adechike, that dance was so cute, haha. Damn, this boy is kind of reminding me of Chris Rock, haha.
Showing Kent now.
Adechike is safe, Kent is too (damn he has some muscle on him).

Billy, Robert (who?) and Lauren are up next.
Lauren is first; she had a really cute routine.
She’s safe, woot!
Eek, which one is in the bottom three?
Billy…. BILLY? And Robert. Expected Robert, but BILLY?
Man, Mia just talked for like 5 minutes and I just spaced out. I have no idea what she said.

Next two dancers up, which one will be the last one in the bottom three?
Jose and Melinda, oh this is interesting since I pegged them both for the bottom three.
Jose may just win over Melinda on cute points alone. Though she has the sympathy votes, which I understand, poor girl.
Melinda is the one that ended up in the bottom three. I think Jose just barely missed the cut for the bottom.

Yay, Mark and Courtney are dancing. LMAO I can’t get over Nigel’s S4 hair.
The garden dance of course.
Still as amazing as ever!

There’s some matchy army dancing going on, I’m not gonna lie, it’s kind of sexy.

Billy’s doing his solo now, I love this song. Gorgeous dance.WTF is he wearing though.
Robert, erm, right. Can he go?
Melinda, she’s doing tap without accompanied music. Good job!
Right, there is singing. Alas I have zero interest so I shall be skipping.
Cat says Neyo a lot like Neil. Haha. I was so confused at first ‘since when is Neil BLACK!?’

The judges are unanimous. Or so they say. Melinda’s out I guess. Yup yup, she’s out.
So now we have 2 girls and 6 guys, great.
*snort* Melinder.

Monday, July 5, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 3

Week 3 of season 7 and I am ready to start watching!
Holy dramatic intro thing.
We get to hear who the dancers’ inspiration to dance was, I don’t really care but maybe I’ll get into it.
Ashley now seems even more foreign than Robert, even though she was FEATURED in the auditions. Forgettable? I do think so.

Cat you can stop telling people that they’re live. We know, the word is right there at the top, they know, they probably had it written all over their tickets.

Bahahahhaa, Alex doesn’t get a pretty girl to dance with!

Adechike is dancing with Lauren.
Wow check out Lauren releasing the ladies (she just exposed her bra and gave her @@ some airtime).
I liked it I guess. Adechike finally danced with a bit of a personality so that’s good.
Lauren outdanced him though.
What brought this out of him? A combination of dancing hiphop, seeing Lauren shake her butt and her @@, methinks.

Ashley and Ade are doing a Contemporary piece.
Ashley needs to stop talking, please. Whenever she opens her mouth all I hear is this whiney 'waaaaaah' noise.
This sounds like an interesting dance.
What started out as sounding interesting (can’t stand without you holding me up) is not done as I'd liked to have seen that concept.
I don’t know exactly what I was expecting but it didn’t look like this and my idea was much better in my head.
In the end pose Ashley looks…. possessed or something.

Billy’s solo. Billy is beyond epic. His solo was amazing. That is all.

Robert and Courtney will be dancing a Sonya Tayeh Jazz routine.
I love Courtney’s pants, how bad is that. It’s so bad it goes back to awesome.
This dance was forgettable to me, it had some good points but overall it was boring.
Robert reminded me of Mark a bit in this routine only Mark knows how to dance Sonya routines.
Mia and choking, do I spot a fetish? She said the same thing for Kayla and Jasons hiphop with the choking.

Jose is doing his solo.
Oh this boy’s smile. The dance didn’t interest me much though, I prefer to watch Dominic.

Melinda and Pasha are dancing a Salsa this week.
Oh noes, bad start, her dress got stuck, but she got it out quickly.
Her footwork is good, but then again she’s a tapper.
her hips are stiff and the lifts are awkward.
I mean, wha?
Melinda was not sexy in this dance, which is hard since she was dancing with Pasha.
She was a bit stiff all over.
The judges were complete asses to say that to her though, they made their decision last week and need to get over it. No need to make Melinda feel like crap about them making a ‘mistake’. I can only Imagine how that poor girl felt.

Kent has his solo now.
I wasn’t really impressed. I’ll take Billy Bell over him when it comes to solos.


Alex’s solo.
A bit all over the place with the song but it certainly kept my attention.
Especially that jump split thing he did.

Lauren and Neil dance together. Broadway.
This was very cute! Sexy, catchy, fun, I liked it.
Nigel is such a perv. This is an 18 (or so) year old girl, Nigel, stop perving all over her.

Ashley’s solo.
The beginning was a waste of time if you ask me. But after that it’s all pretty good.

Billy and Kathryn are dancing contemporary. This will probably be pretty good, Billy is a phenomenal dancer and Kathryn is also very good (though lacking in the personality section of it all).
The lighting is annoying in the beginning.
But other than that, I loved it. No other words.

Robert is also dancing a solo. I keep forgetting what it is that he does so this is good.
But alas, that didn’t interest me at all. I’ll just step aside while Mia loves on him.

Jose and Anya are dancing the Samba.
Jose seems to be wearing one of Dmitry’s shirts (ha, the judges said that too, but then again, anybody that knows Dmitry would say that).
Awesomeness. That is all. Jose sucked, he really did. But he is so cute!

Melinda’s solo.
Interesting song to tap on. I quite like it though!
I thought it wouldn’t work but she made it work.

Kent and Allison.
I kind of liked it. But, this wasn’t really great.
There were some technical beauties but other than that, meh.
Allison is looking pretty this season, just something I noticed in their rehearsal video.

Adechike’s solo’s coming up.
Nice solo, Adechike!

Lauren’s solo now.
That alone ruined it.
I was blissfully unaware that this song ever happened like that and was very happy that way.

Alex and Twitch are up now.
Alex is friggin pop locking, HELLO.
Nappytabs, yes yes yes! You WIN at dance.

Nigel, F off, stop being a brat about you stupid idea. There may be awesome routines thrown in, but we have good reasons to dislike this.
And I doubt that this would get an Emmy.
The Allison and Alex routine certainly will be up for one though.
WHY is NappyTabs’ response to Adam’s ‘you are awesome’ gyrating? Did I miss something here? Why is Nigel gyrating back? This is awkwarddddd.

My guess for the bottom three, Melinda (duh), maybe Jose and Robert and if so maybe instead of Melinda they’ll kick Robert off so that they won’t be left with all boys (how well is your idea working now, Nigel?!)

SYTYCD Season 7, week 2, results

Ok lets start this, I'm SO late.

DAMN Cat’s hair is frizzy! That’s crazy.
The intro is very obviously a Sonya Tayeh routine. She has too many signature moves in there to even guess someone else. She’s brilliant but she’s getting a bit repetitive.
Yeah yeah Cat, we know that you’re live, get over it already.
They did not just mention Twilight *sigh*
Kent is through.
Adechike as well.
Christina is in the bottom three; this kind of surprises me because her Paso Doble was probably one of the best ones on the show, ever. I guess her past weeks ruined it all.

Alex is through.
Jose’s turn! He’s through as well, even though he suckeeeeeed.
Ashley, yawn, she’s through.
Melinda isn’t through yet.
Nigel made a horrible joke about Melinda’s dress. He fails at life.

Lauren is through as well.
It is now between Billy and Robert(WHO IS ROBERT?!)
Damn they just showed that Robert/Anya Argentine Tango and DAYUM that was hot.
Alas, Robert is in the bottom three (just because I don’t remember who the hell he is can’t mean I can’t mourn this.)
And now he spoke…. Bah he’s one of those ‘just look pretty please’ men.

It’s BRYAN (and his group)! I love me some Bryan. He rocks.
This is made of epic win.

Time for solos!
Christina is up first. She still had a case of lazy feet. But it was fun to watch.
Ha, Cat just called her a ballroom specialist.

Melinda is up now. What in the world is she wearing.
I’m not a big fan.

Now Robert, oh no. I don’t like his style. At all.

Who is Debbie Nova? Well whoever she may be she’s singing. Err, right, yawn.

Decision timeee!
Christina is out, too bad, last night she was good with Pasha. Though if you compare her to the other (latin) ballroom dancers on the show, Pasha, Anya, Lacey, Chelsie, Dmitry? She kind of sucked, at her own style.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hey you Bloggers!

Hey hey hey I am not liking what I'm seeing here!
I'm going through all of my favorite Bloggers (which, admittedly, I don't do often enough) and to my surprise I could not follow the links of my lovely Bloggers. Because their Blog no longer exists!
I can't condone this, my friends. I want, no I neeeeeed to have this access to your lives so that I can stalk you all as much as my little heart desires.
I don't care how much you write or what you write about, I just need to it be there!
There, my first non dance related Blog post in ages.
Dedicated to my fellow Bloggers.

Monday, June 28, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 2

First if all:
Wtf is up with Billy’s random scarf, it’s flying all over the place for no reason.
I don’t like this sticky panel thing. I adore me some Mia and Shankers but I want some different asses on the darn panel.

Pasha and Christina with the Paso Doble.
I don’t really care about childhood stories.
Christina just hurt Pasha, this is not making me happy, at all.
What’s up with the stupid dramatic music, the Paso Doble wasn’t created in SPARTA!!! Folks.
Nigel: It needs passion (nope just Pasha)
Christina did well though, first good Paso on the show, ever.

Adechike and Allison doing Contemporary.
They got Mandy Moore to create this dance, this means the 80s are in order, awesomeness.
Love this song, though not 80s.
This was very pretty though I’m afraid that Allison did most of it, she could dance with a piece of lint and make it look good.
Adechike was better but I’m still not convinced.

This week the allstars get to stick around for judging I guess.

Alex and Lauren with their broadway.
Little tapper Alex is ADORABLE.
The broadway hater says that she loves thissss.
Proof that Alex makes everything better.

Ashley and Mark, doing a Jazz routine by Travis!
Mark looks pissed off every time he does a hard move, he needs to stop that.
This was a pretty routine. I liked it!
Travis got spanked by the panel there.
Nigel is talking out of his butt, the boys are SO much better than the girls this season.

Billy and Comfort doing the Krump
LMAO 'I was a really fat baby' Good start.
Oh Lil’ C is gonna have a field day.
Billy B Buck, awesomeness.
He’s not bad but this is too fast for him I think.
Poor dude isn’t really gangsta enough for Krump in my humble opinion.
Well... if your name is Billy Bell you can’t really be buck.
Comfort probably got in trouble for trying to defend the poor dude, too.

Robert (WHO IS ROBERT?) and Anya
Jean-Marc is so awesome.
Libertango, Libertango, why do they always have Libertango on this show, Allison and Ivan danced to this song already (for some reason I remember these things). The same dance, too, so they’re not even being original with that. HECK even the choreographer was the same.
Anya = sex. This routine was freaking hot! I’m not gonna lie about that.
What was Robert trying to do at the end there, pretending to vomit?
That just took off a whole bunch of sexypoints.
Melinda and Ade are dancing contemporary
So far so good, I like this.
This was good, I liked it! Melinda did better than that I expected.

Jose and Kathryn are doing Bollywood.
Did Kathryn ever even DO Bollywood in her own season? (I just checked, and the answert is NO)
Genie in a bottle… right, nice concept, haha
Aww Jose seems to be having fun. Kathryns wardrobe is flying off a bit.
But I liked it!
What in the world is Nigel even talking about, chatting about the world cup.

Lauren and Dominic are up next.
Napoleon and Tabitha are gone today? THANK YOU.
Though this will be lyrical hip hop so I don’t know.
This was pretty awesome, Lauren’s back! Yay!

Kent is up next with Courtney to do some Jazz.
The intro, was hilarious.
The dance, was awesome.
That is all.
Wow I can’t believe Nigel gave Travis that afterspanking there. Travis was not amused.
Nigel needs to learn to not be bitchy; he’s either being mean to someone or patting himself on the back for having such a ‘brilliant’ idea for the show.

SYTYCD Season 7, week 1, results

Ok, fine, I cheated. I just went on wikipedia too look who left and then checked youtube for the solos and send off.
I heard something about Justin Bieber and chickened out of actually watching the show.
So Melinda, Christina and Alexie were in the bottom three.
I guess that's not very surprising even though I liked Alexie a lot.
They of course cut Alexie because they already have too many Contemporary dancers (and who's fault is THAT?) and can afford to lose one or two in the first weeks.

After thinking about it for a while I get the judges point about Alexie dancing too 'young' as I still thought of her as this happy little 19 year old instead of a grown woman, it actually surprised me when they said her age and it's not like she has a super baby face so I'm guessing it's the dancing that made me believe that she was younger.
I was glad to see Melinda stay another week, Christina, not so much but I guess she's growing on me.

Here's a little not so fun 'fun' fact for y'all.
Since Tabitha and Napoleon started doing this show, the first two people to leave had danced one of their routines. Except for season 5 where only one of the two eliminated danced a routine by them.
This should tell us something, no?
So next season we'll know that if two couples dance a Tabitha and Napoleon routine that one of them will probably be out.
I'm calling it the Curse of the American Boy (stole that) because that song was the song of the first routine to be out (Rayven and Jamie S4).

Friday, June 18, 2010

SYTYCD Season 7, week 1

Well here we go, the first ‘real’ episode of sytycd.
Lets see how this goes.
What the heck is up with the crappy angles in the introductions? I could not see Adechike, or Ashley properly other with other crappy things. And what the heck is Christina wearing in her intro.
And what happened to the ‘here are your guys’ with the swagger!
I’m already disliking this.
Too add to everything Cat is all echo-ey and loud.

Billy and Lauren - Broadway

The dance was alright, wasn’t too impressed. I liked the song more than the dance, heehee.
But it was cute and they looked like they were having fun!


Christina and Mark- Jazz
Oh nice beginning there. Mark is the perfect partner for this dance.
I liked it, Sonya, I love you. Though I think Mark did outshine Christina a fair bit in my opinion.
She did very well though!

Jose and Comfort- hiphop
Napoleon got a bit puffy.
Dudes, Jose is nommy.
I liked it a fair bit. But I was concentrating more on the ‘omg yay Comforttttt!’ part of it all.
Which I think this entire show will be for me.

Adechike and Kathryn- Jazz

Well Kathryn has the personality of a dead grasshopper, especially when she’s dancing, so we shall see.
Lots of jumps and catches, the song is quite uneventful, the dance kind of is as well. Neither of them seems to any personality. So basically I was quite bored by this.
Damn that Shankers/Mia moment was creepy, Nigel was right to move far far away from that.

Melinda and PASHA!!11!!-Jive

Omg she was one of the creepy twins on atwt? Epic.
Yeah really, Melanie, it’s not difficult to fall in love with PASHA!!11!! at alllll!
Melinda knows a good looking man when she sees him.
A tiny near missed hand in the beginning.
Her flicks aren’t very convincing in the beginning and she doesn’t have that bounce you need for this dance.
She looks like she’s having fun though. And in her defense she got the Jive which is like, the 3rd hardest dance on this show according to me? I can't remember, haha!
<3 PASHA!!11!!’s epic eyebrow. :lol:

Alex and Alison- Contemporary
Ohh, they’re getting Sonya, this HAS to rock.
Omg brilliant. BRILLIANT.
Can’t Alex, Alison and Sonya stay together FOREVER.
What I’m also impressed by is how much better the all-stars have gotten, I know that that is to be expected but compared to when Alison was on the show she has grown SO MUCH.

Alexie (who is now screwed btw.) and Twitch- hiphop
BAHAHA Adam Shankman in the 90s.
Oh this is very well done and cute! I liked it.
I’m still all GAH from Alex and Alisons show but this was great, too.
Nigel is right; Alexie is a cute little dancer.

Lauren and Ade- Pop-Jazz
Mandy Moore, I wonder what 80s song we will hear this time, ;)
NICE. This was awesome.
Oh dear, her conversation with Adam isn’t going too well, I get what he’s saying though.
She’s not liking this at all, though. She be flustered.

Kent and Anya(!)- Cha-cha-cha

I love how he got the country music, ha!
Oh no, poor Kent, Anya is going to slay him. :lol:
He’s got the ballroom faces down so it seems. :lol:
This was good. Though I was paying more attention to Anya (Anyer).
Kents faces were hilarious!
Little boy in the lion cage, bahahaha!

Ashley(who was this again..?) and Neil (blah)- Contemporary

Wow she’s lame.
It was pretty, but to me that’s all that it was.

Robert and Courtney- African Jazz
Again, who the heck is Robert. Unless he does great I’m guessing he’s show fodder.
Erm, Courtney doesn’t do African Jazz…
This was a good routine but I’m not sure it’s good enough for me to like Robert.
Err, Adam, I know for sure that we’ve had better male contemporary dancers on this show.
Like… every other guy in this show (excluding Jose and Alex, of course)

Ok so for unsafe I think Melinda, Robert and either Ashley or Adechike. I’m thinking if it’s those three that they might keep Melinda just for the sake of diversity on the show.
My personal winners this night are Christina and Mark, Alex and Alison (obviously) and I guess Alexie and Twitch because MAN that was cute. Lauren and Ade and Kent and Anya get a special mention.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lord Jesus Christ, hit by car. No joke.

Lord Jesus Christ got hit by a car.
I lie to you not, the dude was strolling 'round Northampton when a car came out of nowhere and hit him.
What the fuck, you say? (because what the hell would be too ironic)
Nope nope, totally true (I swear to God would also be too much).

This random dude apparently changed his name from God knows what to Lord Jesus Christ. How stuck up can one be? "Oh gosh, what shall I change my name to? 'Bob? Marty? Joe? Lord Jesus Christ?' Yes, that's it!"

And this guy is 50 years old. How is this shit still funny at 50?
My guess is he changed his name as a stupid adolescent and then had zero cash flow to change it back.
Why was this even allowed? Is this the same person that lets through parents with their new baybees who have dumb names like 'Nevaeh(how appropriate), Madison, McKaden, Emmaleigh' and other monstrosities (including boys names on girls, not cute, y'all)?
Whoever it was should be fired if only for pure blasphemy.

I advise all to check out the comments in that link. My favorite one so far

Will keeping the victim in my prayers have any effect, or is it basically like spamming him?

only said person did overdo it with the amount of stupid jokes in one post.

Happy reading, y'all!

She smiles in her sleep when I say her name, right.

So I was videoskyping with Cynthia (Chicken Dijon) and the poor woman was so sleepy.
After five minutes or so of silence, I thought I'd pop up the screen and check out what she was up to.
I see this

So I thought to gently wake her up

^ you see that smile? She better not be dreaming sexy things about me or Imma open a can of whoopass.

"Wake upppp"



I also thought it was fair to show people what I looked like at the time. You may all revel in my current 2am hottnezz.

Sexy, right?

Friday, May 7, 2010

SYTYCD Fails at life and guess what, I'm still gonna watch!

So You think You Can Dance is changing its set up.
If I understood everything correctly, we will start out with 12 new dancers. Who will rotate every week (every week with one less, of course) with twelve of our "allstars".
The "allstars" are.

from season 4.
He will be representing: Hip Hop / Popping / Locking / Krump
I don't really have much to say about him, ha.

Comfort Fedoke from season 4.
She will be representing: Hip Hop / Krump / Popping / Locking (why are they even putting this in a different order than Twitch's? Odd). Comfort is a funny girl, if nothing else the intros will probably have me rolling.

Courtney Galiano from season 4. Ok obviously season 4 was the best season EVUR (or as I like to call it, the shizznit), look at this.
She will be representing: Jazz / Broadway / Cultural / Disco / Contemporary
Wait. Cultural, what does this mean? Since when does Courtney know African Jazz or Bollywood? and Disco? What?! She's not a ballroom dancer, what are you even talking about?

Anya Garnis from season 3.
She will be representing: Ballroom Standard / Ballroom Latin. Well we all know I love me some Anya dancing ballroom so this will certainly be a plus.

Lauren Gottlieb. Season 3, she will be representing: Jazz / Hip Hop / Contemporary / Broadway. Hip Hop? (Bahahah cue a Dmitry (was it him?) 'Heep hop')

Neil Haskell, season 3.
Who will be representing: Jazz / Contemporary / Broadway / Disco / Cultural.
Bahhhhh, I hate Neil. He has the personality of a stick insect. BAH! And the girls go willlldd... whatever, my toilet seat has a better personality.

Allison Holker from season 2,
she will be representing: Jazz / Contemporary / Broadway / Disco / Cultural.
It will be interesting to see if she has grown in her dancing. I recall her to be quite all over the place (in her solos at least).
And WHY are they lumping the Contemporary people in with Jazz, Cultural and Broadway(and vice versa)? It is not all the same, people. Bah.

Mark Kanemura, season 4.
He will be representing (guess!) Jazz / Contemporary / Broadway / Cultural
Well I'm sure there will be a shitload of people voting for him. A lot of people like him! I just don't happen to be one of them. Though I do prefer him to his buddy Kupono "Porno".

*ahem* I mean. From season 3.
He will be representing: Ballroom Standard / Ballroom Latin. Mmmm, Pasha dancing the chachacha... or the Rumba, be still, my heart, by still. Well, it's pretty damn clear where I stand on the subject of <3PASHA<3 right? Right.

Kathryn McCormick, season 6.
She will be representing, surprise: Jazz / Contemporary / Broadway / Cultural
Who's surprised? Who? Who?!
I don't dislike her. But I think my eyes recently opened and I realized she's not really that interesting. I guess she and Neil will be perfect partners if you're worried about their personalities outshining their little protégés.

Ade Obayomi, season 5.
He will be representing: Contemporary / Jazz / Cultural / Broadway.
Lets all sit around and gasp, my dear friends. "Oh my God, a contemporary person automatically lumped in with Jazz, Cultural and Broadway and.... Ricky Martin is GAY!!!" Yeah. Exactly. I can't wait to see Ade's nommy chest though. Twas quite the edible feature.

Dominic Sandoval from season 3.
He will be representing: Hip Hop / Breaking
Even though a lot of people think he's annoying, I love him. I just hope he's over molesting Cat by now. And over whatever he did with his hair the few times we saw him after his season.

We're done? we're done. That was our little group. Sadly, I will now be forced to watch for PASHAAA!1!11! <333

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nine Lovely Ladies with BIG Eyes!

Well I just thought it was about time to start blogging again. I’ve been thinking this for a while now. I’m not following Dancing with the Stars at the moment, so that idea is out. So You Think You Can Dance is probably not going to work next season as they screwed it up and are trying to turn it into Dancing with the Stars, only with professional dancers. Idiots. Oh well. I was watching Equilibrium (not so much watching as ‘the people around me were watching it’)
And noticed that Emily Watson has ‘holy crap, big eyes!!!’ So I thought ‘why not? Lets blog about it!’

So here I am. I’ve found nine ladies that I find appropriate for this little blog of mine.

Of course, the already mentioned, Emily Watson.

Gorgeous woman, BIG EYES. Of course in the movie I think she was supposed to be portraying some epic batshitcrazy, so she had the crazy eyes on for a nice amount. For some reason I think women with ‘the crayzee I’s’ are awesome. So this totally worked for me.

Next up, Zooey Deschanel

Honestly, how cute is she? I loooooove this girl. After I realized she and Emily Deschanel weren’t the same person (d’oh!) I totally wondered why Emily had the big eyes in movie X but not in Bones. Confused, I was! How was I supposed to know she had a sister that looked just like her! (Though sadly, not as well named, Zooey? What the hell, think you stuffed enough vowels in there, moms and pops Deschanel? Damn, buy a consonant already.)

Nora-Jane Noone

Wooot! This girl, you can’t even deny it, her eyes are gianormous, have you ever seen that much white in somebody’s eyeballs? Didn’t think so. Funny enough they don’t look odd on her, it gives her a nice charm (or at least I think so). She can do the epic puppydog eyes and the crazy eyes!

Next up, Audrey Tautou!

Our first doe eyed beauty with brown eyes. They be big! They might not look as big as she doesn’t have the sparkly blue’s, but they are open and ready to see the world. You’ll see as she acts, that they really stand out (and how gorgeous is she, seriously now!).

Next up, Christina Ricci,

ok that was mean.

Slim face, big eyes, they surely stand out. Also with the brown eyed crowd, but nobody can deny that her eyes are big. She’s like a big fat DUH on this list. Though what’s up with her eye makeup? I can’t approve that. I don’t know why, I don’t like it.

Mena Suvari

it’s not really that her eyes are really that big, I think. It’s more that her face is quite small. It doesn’t look weird though, so that’s a plus. And we’re back into the bloooo I’s.

Who is next, ah, dear Amanda Seyfried.

Little innocent Sarah in Big Love could certainly give us a big pout, puppy dog eyes and we immediately bought her innocent act. She can also pout just a tad bit differently and the look is now ‘sex kitten’ but her hair has to be down for that to happen because in this picture I think she kind of resembles a penis with ears, anime eyes and Angelina Jolie’s lips. Like a celebrity Mr. Potato Head only different. I can’t say anything else about her though, I just saw her get nakey with Julianne Moore and it has traumatized me for life and beyond. Not hot (I don’t mind the fact that they’re both women, but she’s half her age, dude, not sexy, at all.)

Last but certainly not least of them all is Allison Harvard.

I don’t think anybody really knows who she is but she was the runner up (or second runner up, or something else… whatever, she got pretty far) in America’s Next Top Model in one of the gazillion cycles that they had. (I sometimes wonder if Tyra looked up the average amount of cycles a woman has in her life and then decided that that number is how many seasons of this damn show she was going to have.)
Miss Allison was always complimented on her big eyes. She looked like an anime doll, deer in headlights, whatever you can come up with. I’m pretty sure that she has the biggest eyes of the crew. Though Nora-Jane Noone may give her a run for her money.
Well this was the end of my little blog post for today.
Maybe I shall find something fun to write about soon.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I'd like to thank the Academy...

...for nothin'

As many know there was a lot of uproar lately because the Acedemy left off Farrah Fawcett in their in memoriam segment of the show, but did honor Michael Jackson, who, is not an actor by trade but a singer (duh, we all know that).
They released a 'statement' a week or two so ago. Bruce Davis, the executive director, said:

Fawcett was best known for her 'remarkable television work' and would be more appropriately honored by the television academy at the Emmy Awards. The Academy Awards recognizes achievement in movies.

Talk about backstabbing bastards, Farrah's been one of few Academy members for a decade or FOUR, made a gazillion movies and still got screwed over by what she probably thought were her peers.
And then we all think 'why the hell did Michael Jackson get in?' Well folks, we have an answer for that, too!

When asked why Michael Jackson was included when actors were left out, Davis explained that Jackson had appeared in a popular theatrical film recently ('This is It').

That wasn't even meant to be a movie in the first place, it was just for the dancers and singers to be able to look back and see what they did so they could improve.
And heck, Farrah Fawcett made a documentary just before she died. Just because it wasn't all famewhorily advertised doesn't mean it's not basically the same thing as Michael Jackson's 'movie'. Heck, Farrah’s was even more as it was meant to be a documentary when she filmed it.

"Think of all the blogging we would have gotten if we had left him out!" he said.

Well he asked for it! Well as Michael Jackson was a singer and not an actor (not really) I doubt a lot of bloggers would have been outraged because they would realize that the Oscars is not a place for singers (disclaimer: I have nothing again MJ and would never have minded if both were in the memoriam).
The Academy has since then apologized to the family, friends and fans of Farrah, but Bruce Davis still stands by what he said.


We'll have our own little in memoriam for the lady.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Top ten disturbed/crazy but badass women

Since the crazy ladies are always my favorite on tv, I thought I'd make a little list of my current favorites.

10. Winifred "Fred" Burkle- Angel
"You know what they say about payback? Well, I'm the bitch."

Fred! She's not so much crazy as she is traumatized. Stuck in a hell dimension for five years where the habitants call you a cow, put a collar on you and make you work until you drop dead. Oh and did I mention that the collar would make your head explode if you disobey? And the occasional feeding on a human. Enough to make a girl mad (both meanings). She can surprise you though, sometimes it's just too much and she pops, just ask her old professor, oh wait, you can't because he's dead (ok fine, she didn't really kill him but she would have!)! She is utterly adorable though, with a love for tacos and a Texan accent you just want to take her home.

9. Bernadette - the Magdalene sisters
"You can shove your friendly face up your not so friendly arse."

Also not so much a natural crazy as it is one created by the people around her. Just a normal girl trying to lead a normal life, flirted with the boys a bit too much in the nuns' opinions. So off she was shipped, to a laundry house where she had to work until she broke down and beaten when she didn't. Her story really is quite sad, but I still think she's awesome and badass. She does what she has to do to keep herself safe. Don't cross her.

8. Cameron Phillips- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
"Goodbye, bird. There's a fifty-one percent chance I wouldn't have killed you."

Ok, in her defense, she really didn't mean to be a bird killer. It was a weird hand spasm. Hand spasm, you say? How does that kill birds, you may ask. Well, she's a robot. One from the future no less, sent back to protect this big savior, John. She has no emotions (or at least, not supposed to have them), has been programmed for her mission and her mission only, so basically a super strong robot with a one track mind. If John (or his mom) does not stop her in time and you're in her way, you're in big trouble. She has little social skills and that's always a big hit. But hey, she'll protect you and will follow you wherever you go, except for water, she doesn't swim.

7. Velma Kelly- Chicago
"Oh no, Mama, not you, too."

Now she, is special. She'll do just about anything for her fame and fortune, but be damned if you cross her, she'll kill you. No really, she will. So don't even dare doing the number 17 with her sister. She'll kill you so fast that she won't even remember it.... until she washes your blood off her hands. But to be fair, you had it coming. As I said, she'll do anything for the spotlight, that's why, at the end of the movie, she joins forces with the person she's been competing against for all of the previous 108 minutes. All for a bit of fame, I guess it feels good.

6. River Tam - Firefly
"I swallowed a bug"

First of all, allow me a moment to giggle at the quote/photo combination that was completely unintentional.
Ok, lets move on to miss River Tam. Evil scientists cut up her brain and pulled out a few pieces here and there, making her feel every emotion as it comes. So you have that, which should be enough crazy, but no, Joss wanted more, she had to be a mind reader as well. Me thinks being able to read other people's whacked up minds while yours is missing a few crucial parts, not a good idea.
She also has ninja skills, y'all. Which makes her not only crazy, but dangerous. As Cameron (who is conveniently played by the same actress, if you hadn't noticed) she has next to zero social skills at times.

5. Whiskey/Dr. Claire Saunders- Dollhouse
"I like my scars. They bring out my eyes."
The quote alone should answer your question of 'why is she on this list?'. Well she used to be a doll, programmed for whatever you can imagine, she was the best, until some doll gone bad mucked up her face and she got downgraded to the house's physician. Eventually she caught on to what she was and that did not help her sanity at all. And the scar quote was from before that all happened! So eventually she made up her own little agenda and decided to kill one of the good guys. Why? We shall never know because the evil that is Fox canceled the show. Joss, really now? Learn from this please, us fans are dying over here.

4. Bennet Halverson -Dollhouse
"I'd love to get a look at your amygdala"
Well, miss Summer Glau sure has a face for playing the Sci Fi 'weirdos'. Lets talk Bennett, super smart, shy, sweet, but that's only one of her sides. Sometimes her other side comes out to play and it not nice. See, her left arm is dead, it got trapped under something heavy yada yada. When this happened she was trying to bring down the company she worked with with her over achiever of a best friend. There were explosions, pieces of the building fell down, one piece landed on her arm. Best friend fled never to be seen again. But then she finds this friend, but not really, she's a doll now, so really, just her friend's body. She decides to torture her for a long time and even sends other dolls to kill her. Bitter? Definitely, especially since, you know, this is just the shell of your friend. And hell yes she did understand that and she still wanted to torture her. For fun? (heck I'd like to give that doll one or two shocks) Maybe. That's what makes her even scarier.

Now we are nearing the top three, keep your guesses ready, my friends, lets get ready to rumble with three of the most crazy women I've seen on tv.

3. Lisa Rowe- Girl, interrupted
"We are very rare and we are mostly men."
Hell yes. You really thought I'd leave this lady out? This is one of my all time favorite movies ever. Lisa is crazy! Literally, she's in a mental hospital. Every knows her and pretty much either follows her lead or stays away from her. She is the boss. She will manipulate the others so that they'll be dependent on her and will, without noticing it, stop trying to get better. This way Lisa can have her friends with her forever. Brilliant.

2. Bellatrix Lestrange- Harry Potter
"I killed Sirius Black!"

HELLO. Anyone that has seen the last few movies and/or has read the book knows that this woman has left quite a few strings unattached way up there. She will kill and destroy just because she feels like it and then she'll probably dance around out of utter glee. She's got the crazy eyes down, as well as the "I've been running through the woods in my underwear' hair (I have no idea where I got that from).
She has killed her cousin (that would be this Sirius Black dude) and she is very very proud of it. She likes to whisper it, yell it, chant it, sing it, as long as is contains those words.

Now, finally...

1. Drusilla - Buffy/Angel
"Run and Catch. Run and Catch. The Lamb is caught in the blackberry patch."

Drusilla, affectionately called Dru (doesn't happen often) INVENTED crazy, thus she is the winner. She is deliciously brilliant and it helps that she has an awesome English accent to go with. (I'd say it adds to the crazy but I have British friends, yaknow).
She's a vampire and a very dangerous one at that. She's been around for a long time and therefor has acquired a lot more special powers, this probably also made her even crazier. She likes to talk to... anything. She seems to have a better relationship to stars than any other object that doesn't talk back (usually). She affectionately calls Angel 'Daddy' and Darla would be 'Grandmummy' and also her daughter, as she got to turn Darla into a vampire after a freak event or seven. She's into torture and just general pain (that isn't hers). In a way she's like a child, and not much is scarier than someone with the mentality of a child with a taste for blood.